Saturday, August 22, 2015
President Baskin called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, August 22, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Sandra Cross, Vice President
Morey Nelsen, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Barbara Boucke, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
Local residents Jim Kinberger and Pamela Lichtenwalner inquired about the District's
proposed automatic meter reading and the technology involved. President Baskin replied that
this technology will help to avoid the huge water losses resulting from undetected leaks like
the two water use charge reduction requests that are being heard by the Board today and
which are described under General Business items No. 1 and 2. However, no decision
regarding automatic meter reading has been made at this point. Vice President Cross is
studying the matter, and the community will be kept informed.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for a new
wastewater system for property located at 186 Seadrift Road, Karen and Robert Kustel,
Owners, Account #6440.
The variance application for a new alternative wastewater system is in response to proposed building improvements, including demolishing an existing 1,218 square foot beach house and constructing a new single family residence of 1,900 square feet of habitable space. The property is approximately 27,600 square feet. A new wastewater system that meets the District's current Title IV regulations is required. The existing single field gravity system will be either removed or abandoned. A variance is required for use of the proposed alternative wastewater system which will have a recirculating textile filter pretreatment device. There is over 36 inches of separation from seasonal high groundwater. The Wastewater Committee had reviewed the application at its August meeting.
The design proposes a new 1,500 gallon septic tank, 1,200 gallon process tank, recirculating textile filter (Advantex AX-20), 810 sump tank, and dual raised bed dispersal field. The maximum and average daily flow rate is 300 and 200 gallons, respectively.
Vice President Cross moved to adopt draft Resolution No. WW 2015-08, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Install an Alternative Wastewater System. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by the Directors present: President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Nelsen and Zell.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction
Request for Phillip and Nitza Berardi, 2 Arenal, Account #3820.
Mr. and Mrs. Berardi requested a reduction of the water use portion of their bill from March 2, 2015 to March 30, 2015 of $4,798.84 for 146,608 gallons. Their normal usage is approximately $124.38. The Berardis stated in their water use charge reduction request that the water loss was due to the absence of one of their tenants being away in Florida for five months to care for his elderly father, leaving the toilet running.
Resolution No. GB-2013-04 states that "Usage of more than 120,000 gallons will be considered as detrimental to the safety of the community and shall be referred to the Board of Directors for consideration of any reduction in the water use cost."
Mr. and Mrs. Berardi, who attended the hearing, stated that they try to be good landlords. They are very mindful of the drought, and their tenants are not allowed to wash their cars or do any outside watering. After the District notified them of the large water usage, they immediately had a plumber replace a fill valve and a flapper which had disintegrated. The Berardis felt this situation was out of their control.
The Board noted that 146,608 gallons is 1/2 of one of the District's water storage tanks and a threat to the community had this water been needed to fight a fire.
The Board recommended that Mr. and Mrs. Berardi set up a maintenance agreement with their tenants whereby the toilet components are routinely inspected, as well as installing a device that measures the water usage of each individual rental unit.
Director Nelsen moved to grant Mr. and Mrs. Berardi a water use charge reduction of $1,300. The balance of $3,489,84 could be payable on a monthly instalment plan if they desired. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross and Directors Nelsen and Zell. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction
Request for Serena Ventura, 211 Dipsea Road, Account #8165.
Ms. Ventura, whose house is a consistent rental managed by Oceanic Realty, requested a substantial water use charge reduction of $8,949.39 for the period of May 27, 2015 to June 29, 2015. The water loss of 259,339 gallons was caused by the failure of the exceedingly old automatic irrigation valves buried in the sand under her deck.
Resolution No. GB-2013-04 states that "Usage of more than 120,000 gallons will be considered as detrimental to the safety of the community and shall be referred to the Board of Directors for consideration of any reduction in the water use cost."
Ms. Ventura and her husband, who attended the hearing, apologized for the large water loss. They have only owned the property for two years and have done numerous capital repairs. They have promptly had the irrigation valves replaced.
The Board noted that approximately 80% of all requests for water use charge reductions pertain to irrigation leaks. A 259,339 gallon water loss puts the health and safety of the community at substantial risk. A Board member suggested that Ms. Ventura have a water budgeting device, which is a Meter Display Unit, installed outside her house for monitoring water usage. It is very effective if it is read on a regular basis and costs approximately $250.
Vice President Cross moved to grant Ms. Ventura a water use charge reduction of $2,846. The balance of $6,103.39 could be payable on a monthly instalment plan if she desired. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross and Directors Nelsen and Zell.
Vice President Cross requested that the words on Page 3, line 44: "The Board authorized the
General Manager......" be changed to read: "President Baskin and Directors Boucke and
Nelsen voted to authorize the General Manager......" Ms. Cross had abstained from voting
on the matter of placing a Request for Proposal for automatic meter reading in the Marin
Independent Journal and Point Reyes Light. With this correction, Director Nelsen moved to
approve the minutes of July 18, 2015. Vice President Cross seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by President Baskin, Vice President Cross and Director Nelsen.
Director Zell had been absent at the July 18 meeting.
Director Nelsen moved to approve the disbursements of July 13 and July 29, 2015. Vice
President Cross seconded the motion. The motion was approved by President Baskin, Vice
President Cross and Directors Nelsen and Zell.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. The State Water Resources Control
Board is promoting water conservation pricing mechanisms. A State Budget trailer bill signed
by Governor Brown authorizes the State Water Resources Control Board to mandate
consolidation of public water systems under certain circumstances. Also, draft emergency
regulations have been proposed by the DWR concerning groundwater basin boundaries that
local agencies must follow.
The State has launched a new website that allows the public to report water waste from a
phone, tablet or computer. Water suppliers will be able to access complaints in their service
area by logging into an administrative portal. So far, the District has received only one
complaint of water running onto adjacent properties, sidewalks or streets.
The Board reviewed the Top Water Usage Report for the month of July and directed the
General Manager to write letters to the excessive noncommercial water users.
Advertising for bids to construct a new water well to be located near the Treatment Plant will
be discussed at the September 19 Board meeting.
The Board reviewed the correspondence, including the "Notice of
Land Use Regulations that Could Affect Your Property" dated July 28, 2015 from Tom Lai of
the Marin Community Development Agency that was sent to all property owners in the Calles
and Patios. The Notice states that development and other significant improvements shall not
be permitted within the limits of the 100-year Easkoot Creek floodplain.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Saturday,
September 19, 2015, at 9:30 a.m.