Saturday, November 16, 2013
President Jim Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, November 16, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Assistant
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to proceed with customer notification of a
Public Hearing at a Special Board meeting in early January, to discuss an increase in
garbage rates.
At the October 19, 2013 Board meeting, the Board decided to proceed with the customer notification process for a garbage rate increase requested by North Bay Corporation/Redwood Empire Disposal of 41% to be spread over a 7 year period. The reason for the increase is to meet increased costs of operation that Redwood has experienced. It was the consensus of the Board that Steve McCaffrey, Director of Governmental Affairs, complete the proposed rate schedule and that the District mail to its customers the "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposal to Implement Increased Rates and Fees" at least 45 days prior to the Saturday, January 18, 2014, public hearing at the District Office. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a request for an extension of a Design
Approval Permit which expired September 13, 2013, for property located at 321 Seadrift
Road, Acct. #7220, John Nicolai, owner.
The Wastewater Committee recommended at its November 4, 2013 meeting that the Board allow Mr. Nicolai to receive a one year extension.
Director Nelsen moved to grant Mr. Nicolai a one year extension retroactive to September 13, 2013 and revise Resolution No. WW-2009-3 subject to the following conditions: Prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit, the water main shall be relocated 10' to the nearest edge of the septic system; the water main shall be relocated at the cost of the homeowner; the homeowner shall cause the relocation to be done consistent with the specifications and requirements of the District; the homeowner shall use a contractor to perform the work who is licensed, bonded and insured, naming the District as an additional insured; and that connection of the new line to the main and connection to the lateral will be done or supervised by the District. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. -
Consideration of a request by Mr. Bill Sullivan for the District to extend a Water Main
from 30 Laurel Avenue to 10 Buena Vista Avenue.
The 1/2" water service line for 10 Buena Vista (Ms. Bonnie Sullivan, owner), runs through the side yard of 30 Laurel. Mr. Bill Sullivan recently informed the District that a lawsuit brought by Ms. Sullivan resulted in a court order granting her a 5 foot wide easement for a water line to her property at 10 Buena Vista through the 30 Laurel property. Mr. Sullivan, Trustee of the Nancy Sullivan Trust, stated this easement significantly reduces the value and marketability of the 30 Laurel Avenue property, which is in the process of being sold. Mr. Sullivan hopes that Ms. Sullivan's easement will no longer be necessary if an agreement is reached and the water main line is extended.
Mr. Sullivan is not requesting the extension of the water main line at the present time. The Board does not issue advisory opinions and cannot give a conclusive response at today's Board meeting. -
Discussion of a Mobile Food Facility request for a chemical toilet permit in Stinson
Beach, appealing previous decision by the General Manager.
Ms. Carmen Anderson and Ms. Vita Strauss of Sassafras Seagrass Food Truck were not prepared to make their presentation and requested to be placed on the December 21 Board meeting agenda. -
Presentation by Chris Choo, Senior Watershed Planner, County of Marin re: Stinson
Beach Watershed Program Flood Study and Alternatives Assessment.
The General Manager introduced Ms. Choo, who handed out a Summary of 10 Alternatives that were included in the Stinson Beach Watershed Program Flood Study and Alternatives Assessment. The Final Draft Study, dated August 2013, was prepared by O'Connor Environmental, Inc. for the Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District. It evaluated the existing creek and floodplain conditions of Easkoot Creek in Stinson Beach for flood conditions. The Study can be viewed online at or in hard copy at the library. The preferred alternative by the Technical Working Group and the County is a combination of the Dredge and South Bypass Alternative.
The Marin County Department of Public Works recently completed maintenance work along Easkoot Creek behind the Parkside and around the bridges. A survey will be coming out to gather input from public comments as to which direction to proceed. Ms. Choo stated that the balance left of the $50,000 grant is insufficient to continue with required additional yearly maintenance. The cost to construct the Dredge and South Bypass Alternative is estimated to be in the millions of dollars. The source of funding is yet to be determined.
Director Baskin moved to approve the Minutes of October 19, 2013. Director Cross seconded
the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of October 16 and November 5, 2013.
Vice President Boucke seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved
The Board reviewed the Operating report for the month of September 2013, the Balance Sheet
Summary for the month of September 2013, and the Cash Flow Report for the fiscal year
2013-2014. Also included was the September 2013 ending balance of the Local Agency
Investment Fund (LAIF).
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. John Ryan of the National Park Service
will make a future presentation regarding the proposed Stinson Beach Centralized Leachfield.
The 1/2 acre site is adjacent to the maintenance building property, across from the Pony
Pasture. The proposed project will be placed on the next Wastewater Committee meeting
The CalPERS audit began about 2 months ago. The auditor reviewed several hundred pages
of District timesheets, payroll reports, budgets, resolutions, benefits and personnel files. It will
be several months before we receive her final report.
The creek flow measurements are very low, but the District is able to keep up with demand at
the present time. A possible Water Conservation Stage III Alert, in which case all landscape
irrigation would be prohibited, will be discussed at the Water Operations Committee meeting
on November 27. The trigger point for implementation of the Water Rationing Ordinance is
when the District's water supply, over a 7 consecutive day period, is reduced such that it
cannot supply demand.
A Director inquired regarding the status of the proposed Title IV graywater regulations and
requested that a copy be e-mailed to the Board. Village Green I and II had another high water
usage in mid-October, using about 1,000 gallons per day. If this continues, the County
Supervisor will be requested to facilitate repairs or replacement of irrigation fixtures.
The Employee Recognition Dinner will be held on Tuesday, December 10.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:37 a.m.