Saturday, October 19, 2013
President Jim Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, October 19, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.
Will Scott, a local farmer residing in Bolinas, who previously operated a temporary farm stand
at the Stinson Beach Market, was looking for a permanent site. Kendrick and Anne Rand
offered to let him use their empty lot located across from the clinic. There would be no
permanent structures - only tents for 6 months of the year, from June - November. The
vegetables would already be cleaned and washed before coming to the stand. He is hoping to
utilize a porta potty during these 6 months and have it removed in winter. The Board
suggested that Mr. Scott present his detailed proposal for discussion at the next Wastewater
Committee meeting. He will be given a copy of the District's Title IV Onsite Wastewater
Management Code.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Waiver Request for replacing an
existing septic system with a new alternative system for property located at 288 Seadrift
Road, APN 195-320-15, Acct. #6830, Bosber LLC, Owner.
The design and waiver application for a new alternative wastewater treatment system sized to treat and disperse 200 gallons per day had been reviewed by the Wastewater Committee on October 14, 2013. In April 2013, the system had been slow to accept the hydraulic load during a routine hydraulic load test and the leach field could not be repaired. There is no proposed increase in habitable space. The design includes a recirculating textile filter and the use of raised pressure distribution beds, incorporating 18 inches of fill to provide at least three feet of vertical separation from the bottom of the beds to seasonal high groundwater.
A waiver is required to Title IV, Section 4.19.010, Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs, for the Advantex recirculating textile filter. A waiver is also required to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria - Setbacks to remove a 5 foot setback requirement from a septic tank to the raised beds and to allow parking over portions of the leach field.
With the correction to monitor the new system on an annual basis, Director Nelsen moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW-2013-04, granting a waiver to Title IV Regulations Ordinance No. 2012-01 to utilize an alternative wastewater system design and to remove setback requirements from a leach field to a driveway and septic tank. Director Baskin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously with the exception of Vice President Boucke, who recused herself as she resides within 500 feet of the project.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to proceed with the public hearings for a
possible increase in garbage rates.
The General Manager reminded the Board that about a year ago Steve McCaffrey, Director of Governmental Affairs, North Bay Corporation/Redwood Empire Disposal, requested from the Board if he could negotiate an amended contract for solid waste collection. The current contract is almost 25 years old. Mr. McCaffrey introduced John Warren, the CFO for the company. The accounting firm of Armanino McKenna prepared another rate study to compare their rates to their actual costs and calculate a reasonable rate of return. The rates in Stinson Beach are the lowest in the entire Bay Area.
The proposed amendment to the contract had been previously reviewed by the Legal Committee. The proposed rate increase of 41% over 7 years would be effective January 1, 2014. The average monthly rate would increase by 80 cents in the first year from $16.05 to $16.85. In year seven, the average monthly rate would be $22.58, still less than other beach communities.
Director Baskin moved to adopt the amendment to the contract, extending it to 2020, whereby the rates shall increase 5% on January 1, 2014 and on the first day of January of each year thereafter by 5% through January 1, 2020. In addition, beginning in 2017, the rate would also increase by the amount of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) above 2.5%. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion passed 4 - 1.
Customers will be notified of the proposed rate increase and public hearings will be held at the Saturday, November 16, Board meeting as well as the Saturday, December 21, Board meeting. -
Discussion and presentation of trend charts of water usage by Village Green I and II.
As reported at the Water Operations Committee meeting on October 16, 2013, Director Nelsen reads the water meters weekly and tabulates the parks' water usage. He has also determined the square footage of the turf and planting areas. Richard Reasoner's charts indicate that during some months there is over watering and during other months there is under watering.
Michael Mitchell stated he has excellent rapport with the County. There appears to be a problem with the lock boxes with Village Green I. Either someone is manipulating the water controllers or there is something wrong with the mechanism. He has been diligent in responding to leaks. He may take up the District's offer to assist him to locate future leaks. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: policy and procedures for backflow
device testing.
The General Manager spoke to Chris, Buck and Toby regarding the length of time it takes to test, take apart, lubricate and re-test, if necessary, a backflow device. It takes one-half hour or less to perform 98% of the tests. Repairs are infrequent, but if replacement parts are needed, then there will be a charge for a check valve replacement ($50-$75) and 1/2 hour labor ($30).
By consensus, the Board approved the revised letter to homeowners, with a few minor changes, which lists the District as a fallback only and also clarifies the District's charge.
Director Baskin moved to approve the Minutes of September 21, 2013. Director Nelsen
seconded the motion. Director Cross requested the removal of item B. Public Expression,
lines 32 - 34, page 1, concerning depth to groundwater. With this correction, the minutes
were approved unanimously.
Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of September 12 and September 25,
2013. President Zell seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He and Helma participated in a
conference call with the auditor from CalPERS in preparation for the October 30 and October
31 meeting at the District. The CalPERS auditor will review our CalPERS contribution records
and payroll to determine if the correct contributions are being made. Janice, the District's
bookkeeper, will also be present.
The General Manager met with the applicants for the proposed food truck. They are modifying
their previous application and eliminating seating areas, so it would be take-out food only.
They will present a written appeal at a future Board meeting.
On September 24, 2013, the District made its first principal and interest payment of $150,000
for its refinanced bonds to the Bank of Nevada.
The County has notified the Kinbergers to remove their non-approved habitable space below
their residence.
The General Manager has completed his review of the Employee Procedure Manuals. The
originals will be kept by the employees for updating as needed. Copies will be maintained in
the District Office.
The Seadrift Pipeline Replacement Project will be completed next week.
Director Nelsen is unable to attend the November 18 Mosquito Council meeting at the Dance
Palace. President Zell will attend instead. The County's recent excavations at the bridges
spanning Easkoot Creek have left several large stagnant pools of water, creating prime
mosquito habitat.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:22 a.m.