Vice President Jim Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, June 23, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Directors absent:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Waiver Request for Installing a New/Repair Alternative Septic System at 3510 Shoreline Highway, Account #04310, Jane and Tim Heintzelman, Owners.
    The General Manager summarized the proposed design and waiver application which was in response to a failed single field gravity system installed in March 1984. During a routine inspection by District staff on March 28, 2012, surfacing effluent was observed below the septic system in the ditch off Shoreline Highway. The discharge permit was revoked and the existing septic tank is being utilized as a holding tank. Given the high groundwater elevation and fast percolation rate, an alternative type septic system was designed by Questa Engineering to meet the 3 foot vertical separation requirement from the bottom of the dispersal field to seasonal high groundwater elevations.

    The proposed alternative septic system includes a septic tank which incorporates the existing 1250 gallon fiberglass septic tank in series with a new 500 gallon fiberglass tank. The total capacity of this new septic tank is 1750 gallons. Additionally, the proposed system includes a new sump tank and dual raised bed leach fields designed for a maximum and average daily discharge limit of 234 and 167 gallons, respectively. There is no increase in habitable space. The replacement septic system design had been previously reviewed by the District's Wastewater Committee on June 4, 2012.

    Director Baskin moved to approve the waiver to utilize an alternative system with the proviso of adding to the Septic Design Permit Resolution the requirement of installing water conservation plumbing fixtures, i.e., 1.6-gallon flush toilets and low-flow showerheads. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The waiver was approved unanimously.


  1. Mr. Sam Matthews, representing the Stinson Beach Village Association (SBVA), will make a brief presentation to the Board on concerns that the SBVA has regarding the new, proposed local Coastal Program (LCP) amendments.
    Mr. Matthews stated that the Village Association is in the process of forming an ad hoc committee that is comprised of representatives from local organizations and private individuals for the purpose of reviewing and making recommendations concerning the Draft Local Coastal Program Amendment. The Village Association's Board believes that the LCP amendment should be reviewed thoroughly as its policies will affect our community for years into the future.

    The formation of the ad hoc committee will be announced by the Village Association's Board at its July 7 meeting. He requested that the Stinson Beach County Water District (SBCWD) selects a representative who could assist the Village Association in assessing those policies of the LCP amendment that deal with water resource management. The written recommendations are to be delivered to the Board of Supervisors before July 26 in order to be included in the workshop and hearing on August 7, 2012.

    The General Manager noted that he has attended all prior meetings of the LCP and that the SBCWD has no additional contributions to make at this time. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the SBCWD Board in attendance that Director Tye will attend the July 7 meeting of the Village Association, but not in the official capacity of representing the SBCWD Board of Directors.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Marin County Civil Grand Jury report titled "Pre-Schoolers Learn to Share - can local governments?"
    The Marin County Civil Grand Jury invites a response from the District by August 30, 2012. The General Manager will respond that the District has implemented the sharing of fuel storage tanks with Bolinas and the sharing of laboratory services with the National Park Service. He has contacted the County Health Lab for the purpose of testing our collected water source samples. However, the County Lab has not expressed an interest in analyzing our water samples and also does not test for all of our required elements. Therefore, the District will continue to use Brelje & Race Laboratories for its testing.

    Director Tye suggested adding the sharing of the green waste between the District and Bolinas. Other recommendations made by the Grand Jury will not be implemented because they are the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors.

    There was no further discussion, and the Board directed the General Manager to proceed in responding to the Grand Jury report.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff to execute a contract with Ms. Janice Payne for Bookkeeping Services.
    The District's bookkeeping function does not clearly fit within the commonly applied requirements of an independent contractor. This proposed contract provides the clarification that is necessary to ensure contractor and not employee status. It identifies the Scope of Services, Compensation, Requirement for Invoicing monthly, Hold Harmless agreement, Clear Relationship between the parties and General Liability Insurance of $1,000,000. The compensation will be $50,000 per year maximum, as well as $750 reimbursement for Ms. Payne's liability insurance premium. No motion was needed by the Directors, and the General Manager was directed to prepare the contract in final form.
  4. Discussion and possible direction to staff to submit a Resolution to California Senators, urging support for allowing water utilities to post their annual reports on line.
    The U.S. Senate on Tuesday, June 19, began floor debate on comprehensive legislation setting agricultural policy for the next five years, the Farm Bill. Senator Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania is offering a bipartisan amendment that would allow drinking water utilities to post their annual Consumer Confidence Reports on-line. However, the on-line posting would be allowed only if the utility had no violations of maximum contaminant levels in the previous year. The AWWA is urging support for the amendment.

    The U.S. Senate passed its version of the 2012 U.S. Farm Bill on Thursday, June 21. [Note: The next move is up to the House of Representatives to approve its own version. The House Agriculture Committee will begin work on its bill in mid-July. ]


Director Boucke moved to approve the Minutes of May 19, 2012. Director Baskin seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously with the exception of Director Scott who was not present at the May 19 meeting.


Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of May 10, May 23 and June 6, 2012. Director Tye seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. The Supplemental Water Diversion Reports have been forwarded for review by the Water Reliability and Sustainably Committee members, President Sapanai and Vice President Zell. The Statements need to be submitted to the State by June 30, 2012.

On June 19, the General Manager sent a letter to Messrs. Peterson, Mullin and James concerning their recent Discharge Permit Revocation caused by their tenants exceeding the Discharge Limit and capabilities of their septic system. Exceeding their septic discharge permit and the resultant septic discharge can result in losing their Discharge Permit and/or water connection if the creek is threatened. The General Manager will report to the Board on his monthly Manager's Report regarding the functioning of the septic system.

The District lost a week of work on the Seadrift Main Line Relocation Project due to broken hydraulic fluid control lines on the backhoe. A second week was lost due to a manufacturing defect discovered at one of the Pall tanks at our new Water Treatment Plant. The tank's poly seam failed completely and caused a leak of 5 g.p.m. It appears unlikely that the tank can be repaired as there are baffles inside the tank. Director Baskin will work with the General Manager in seeking reimbursement from Pall for all or part of the $5,000 cost of purchasing a new tank.

A District customer experienced a very large water leak at her vacation home in Seadrift. It was a main line leak that ran underneath the house, losing over 62,000 cubic feet (460,000 gallons) of water in the sand in just one month. The water never surfaced, and no one knew about the leak until our meter readers read the water meter, resulting in a water bill of more than $16,000. Because the leak was so large, the majority of water was charged at the Tier 3 rate, reducing the bill considerably. Because the homeowner acted promptly to repair the leak, and because there was no detrimental effect on the community's water supply, the General Manager was able to offer the homeowner an additional 50% reduction. Thus, the $16,000 bill was reduced to $3,400. A flyer will be inserted in our customers' next water bills, giving tips on avoiding a catastrophic water bill.

The Gann Initiative Appropriations Limit for fiscal year 2012-2013 will be on the agenda for the July 21 Board meeting.

The District's audit is scheduled by Maze & Associates for September 4th and 5th. Director Boucke reminded the General Manager to request an engagement letter from them.

The Royce and Grant Septic System Variances CEQA Initial Studies are moving forward and may be on the September Board agenda.

The District has not yet received Richard Volk's Easement Agreement for the monitoring well at 189 Seadrift Road, although another letter was sent to him and Peter Sandmann on June 12.

GTE Mobilnet/Verizon's corrected Quitclaim Deed to the abandoned cell tower site at the District's Steep Ravine Tank Site is expected in the near future. Upon receipt, the District will issue a Certificate of Acceptance.

Rich Souza participated in a conference call with John Ryan and several designers with the National Park Service and their engineer for the Park Restroom.

Mr. and Mrs. Chiang, 135 Seadrift, one of the Seadrift Water Line Relocation properties, is refusing to pay a $2,300 charge from the District for costs above the $10,000 deposit made by the property's prior owner [Durst]. Director Baskin recommended communicating with the Dursts regarding this payment.

Director Boucke requested researching the cost of a plaque for the dedication of our new Water Treatment Plant, which will probably occur in November.




The Board reviewed the correspondence.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 10:54a.m.

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