President Elizabeth Sapanai called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, April 21, 2012, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Directors absent:
Jim Zell, Vice President

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. A second Public Hearing of an Ordinance (2012-01) that would amend Ordinance 2010-01, revising and updating Regulations related to the protection of ground and surface water and the discharge of waste and wastewater within the District, and revisions to the standards of design, construction, replacement, and repair of individual sewage disposal systems and the administration of said regulations and standards, (Title IV).
    The District's Wastewater Committee started reviewing and drafting changes to Title IV at the November 15, 2010 Committee meeting. A draft of the proposed changes were forwarded to the Regional Water Quality Control Board on May 3, 2011. The introduction and direction to staff to begin the process to update and amend Ordinance No. 2010-01 was heard as item D.1., Public Hearing, at the March 17, 2012 Board meeting. The District subsequently convened a Wastewater Committee Meeting on March 26, 2012, where several additional changes were incorporated into the draft revised Title IV Code. The District Regulations require that the Ordinance be adopted at a subsequent regular Board meeting (April 21, 2012).

    Director Boucke requested that the Special Flood Hazard Area map at the end of the Title IV be labeled "Figure 1" and also inserted in the index. Director Tye motioned to adopt Ordinance No. 2012-01 and Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 2012-01 will take effect 30 days after adoption (May 21, 2012.)


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Mr. Kenneth Paganini, 91 Dipsea Road, Stinson Beach, Account #07920.
    The General Manager explained that Mr. Paganini had two leaks, a faulty solenoid valve and a crack in one of the two main irrigation pipes. His water usage for the month of January 2012 was $3,063.82. The General Manager had offered Mr. Paganini a 50% water use reduction, but Mr. Paganini appealed his decision. Mr. Paganini requested a 100% reduction.

    Kenneth Paganini, the homeowner, stated he and his wife are full-time residents of Stinson Beach. They understand that water is a precious resource and have replaced all plumbing devices with low flow units. One of the leaks occurred when a pipe was cracked during the installation of new fencing. His landscape contractor has replaced the cracked pipe, replaced the solenoid valve and checked the entire pipe system.

    The General Manager stated that Mr. Paganini's leak has not had any impact on the District's water supply or storage requirements. President Sapanai recommended that Mr. Paganini install a digital display meter (MDU). Mr. Paganini requested the District to install the MDU. Director Baskin moved to grant Mr. Paganini a 50% water use reduction contingent on Mr. Paganini's submittal of a plumbing repair receipt. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.

    [Note: Mr. Paganini's water use charge was subsequently recalculated and lowered to $2,415.04. A 50% reduction is $1,207.52.]
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: the 2011 Water Quality/Consumer Confidence Report.
    The Consumer Confidence Report is the District's annual water quality report to its customers. The District has not had any water quality violations to report. Director Tye suggested moving the paragraph "Ownership Responsibilities" from the bottom of page 1 to the top of page 1 and moving the paragraph "District Mosquito Abatement Policy" in its place. Director Baskin noted the District's water is of good quality. He suggested bolding the last sentence of the paragraph entitled "Detected Contaminants with a Primary Drinking Water Standard," on page 3: "The SBCWD has no levels that exceed the MCL."

    With these changes, the Board directed staff to distribute the report to all District customers on or around June 15, 2012.
  3. Stinson Beach County Water District Resolution No. GB-2012-02, Proposing an Election be held in its jurisdiction and requesting the Board of Supervisors to consolidate with any other election conducted on said date, and requesting election services by the Registrar of Voters.
    During election years, the District requests that the County of Marin Board of Supervisors consolidate the District's election on the same date as the County election, which substantially reduces the actual election cost to the District. Director Baskin noted that three Directors are up for re-election [President Sapanai and Directors Boucke and Tye] and he moved to adopt Resolution No. GB-2012-02, to consolidate with any other election as well as requesting election services by the Registrar of Voters. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  4. Stinson Beach County Water District Resolution No. GB-2012-03, whereby the Board of Directors sets forth and establishes a policy relating to the Candidates Statement of Qualifications.
    During election years, the Board must review the District's Candidate Statement Policy relating to payment responsibilities and length of statement. The District's current policy states that the cost of printing and filing is the responsibility of the candidate. The Board had no changes and directed the General Manager to ratify the current policy. Director Boucke made a motion to approve Resolution No. GB-2012-03. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: SBCWD Operations and Maintenance Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-2013.
    The District's Draft Proposed Operating Budget for fiscal year 2012-2013 shows total revenues of $1,826,365 and total expenses of $1,521,391, leaving a surplus of $304,974 to go into the District's capital reserves. Director Boucke cautioned to wait a while before installing solar at the new Water Treatment Plant due to the expense and length of time to recoup the costs, as the District does not qualify for rebates. The Board requested that the General Manager investigate all potential solar sites on District properties. President Sapanai noted that the Finance Committee and the General Manager have done a good job on the budget. The Draft O & M Budget will also be continued to the Board's May 19 meeting.
  6. Discussion and possible direction to staff re SBCWD Capital Improvement Budget through Fiscal Year 2016/17.
    The General Manager stated the District has $140,000 available to spend on the new Water Treatment Plant for this fiscal year. The District has about $700,000 available for this and next year's Capital Projects. It appears unlikely that the District will need to borrow any money during the next 18 months. It is anticipated that the Seadrift Water Main Relocation Project will proceed in mid to late May. The General Manager will prepare an updated status report listing those property owners who are ready to go [have paid] and those to be contacted.


President Sapanai clarified the meaning of her prior corrections to the Minutes of January 21, 2012, appearing in the February 18 and March 17, 2012 Minutes. She did not object to the vote [re: Sutton]. She voted "No" and three Board members voted "Yes," with Vice President Zell recusing himself. Subject to this refinement, Director Baskin motioned to approve the Minutes of March 17, 2012 and Director Boucke seconded the motion. The Minutes were approved unanimously.


Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of March 19, April 4 and April 11, 2012. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He and several Board members attended a Climate Change Conference sponsored by the North Bay Watershed Association on April 13, 2012 in Petaluma.

The Community meeting on the County Flood Control Program held at the Community Center on April 19 was attended by approximately 50 individuals. Matt O'Connor of O'Connor Environmental made a good presentation about a plan for increased flood protection, sediment reduction and long-term maintenance solution for Easkoot Creek in Stinson Beach. The finished report will come out this fall.

Steve McCaffrey of Redwood Empire Disposal will be sending a draft proposal in early June for an increase in garbage rates.

The General Manager is still working on getting the water line relocated at 141 Seadrift Road. The prior owners (Donahoe) indicated they would be forwarding proof of the water line relocation.




The Board reviewed the correspondence.


The Board decided a closed door session was not necessary in order to discuss the General Manager's Draft Contract for 2012. Draft Resolution No. GB-2012-00, Establishing an Employee Benefit Program for the Fiscal Year 2012-2013, was previously discussed at the March 27, 2012 Personnel Committee meeting. Director Baskin proposed changing the paragraph titled "Eyewear Benefit and Other" to the following: "Eyewear Benefit and Other Benefits - The District will reimburse the employee up to a total of $250.00 per employee, per fiscal year for prescription corrective eyewear, co-pay benefits and/or chiropractic care." The possible modifications to salary and benefits for the employees will be discussed again at the May 19, 2012 Board meeting for final approval. Director Baskin made a motion to approve the General Manager's contract. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved his contract including granting him an extra 5 days of vacation. President Sapanai directed the General Manager to contact references given by applicant Tomas Krakauer for a temporary utility worker position.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.

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