President Tye called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, September 17, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Assistant
Richard Souza - District Engineer
Toby Bisson - Water Supervisor




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a variance request for installation of a new septic system where portions of a leach line will be located under a driveway, vacant lot located at 257 Seadrift Road, APN 195-340-25, David Bernstein and Jamie Howell, owners.
    District Engineer Richard Souza gave a brief background of the project. It had previously been discussed at the August 29, 2011 Wastewater Committee meeting. Proposed development of of this lot includes a new septic system, driveway, landscaping, and a single family residence with 1,392 square feet of habitable space. Wastewater will be treated and dispersed by a new sand filter system, with a maximum daily wastewater flow of 150 gallons per day. Since a portion of the leach field will be located under the driveway, a variance to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks is required. A permeable driveway surface, composed of pavers, will be utilized as well as a breather pipe to passively circulate air. Circulating air through the leach field is intended to promote naturally occurring aerobic microorganisms for improved wastewater treatment. The variance is subject to certain conditions which include submitting a signed District "Agreement for Relocation of Waterline" accompanied by a $10,000 deposit fee prior to the District's issuance of a Construction Permit. Vice President Sapanai made a motion to approve the variance. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The variance was approved by unanimous vote.

    Director Baskin suggested that in future Board packets, where the project being heard involves new construction, the Board packet should contain language stating that the depth to groundwater requirements have been met.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: waiver requests for replacing an existing substandard septic system with an alternative type system, 3472 Shoreline Highway, Acct. #4270, Al Engel Trust, owner.
    Mr. Souza stated this application is a voluntary repair with no proposed building improvements. The existing septic system consists of a single field gravity system with a redwood septic tank rated for an average daily wastewater flow of 200 gallons, serving a flower shop and second story residence. The purpose of the alternative design and waiver application is to replace the existing substandard septic system. It had been discussed at the August 29, 2011 Wastewater Committee meeting. A waiver to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks is necessary due to the small area suitable for use in the treatment and dispersal of wastewater. A waiver to Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Design is also required for use of the raised bed leach field. Director Baskin moved to approve the waiver requests. Vice President Sapanai seconded the motion. The waivers were approved by unanimous vote.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: waiver requests for replacing an existing substandard septic system with an alternative type system, 26 Calle del Embarcadero, Acct. #0840, Ilana and Shlomo Rosenfeld, owners.
    Mr. Souza noted the replacement of the existing system is the result of a failed routine inspection by District staff. This alternative design and waiver application to replace the existing substandard septic system for a single family residence was discussed at the August 29, 2011 Wastewater Committee meeting. The proposed alternative system includes utilizing the existing 1200 gallon septic tank with an aerobic treatment unit, a 30 inch diameter pump chamber, and dual subsurface drip dispersal fields. The maximum daily wastewater flow rate is 150 gallons. A waiver to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks is necessary due to the small area suitable for use in the treatment and dispersal of wastewater. A waiver to Section 4.15.310 Septic and Sump Tanks Design Standards is required for use of the existing 1200 gallon septic tank, as there does not appear to be sufficient area for a 1500 gallon minimum septic tank size. A waiver is also required to Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Design for use of the subsurface drip dispersal system.

    Director Boucke made a motion to approve the waiver requests. Vice President Sapanai seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously with the exception of Director Baskin who abstained from voting, as he owns property within 500 feet of #26 Calle del Embarcadero.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: the Stinson Beach County Water District Seadrift Water Main Relocation Plan.
    The General Manager stated that, to date, six water main sections have been relocated. He is seeking direction from the Board to proceed to relocate the pipeline for those 7 lots that have paid the $10,000 which the District is contractually obligated to relocate. The other 2 lots that have not paid the $10,000 and the other 5 lots designated on the District map could have their water lines relocated at a later date, whenever they pay the $10,000.

    Peter Sandmann, representing the Seadrift Property Owners Association, requested the District hold a meeting in order for his committee members to air their questions and concerns. Although the District has been in contact with Kiren Niederberger, the General Manager of the Seadrift Association, Mr. Sandmann stated he has only recently become aware of the water main relocation plan. He questioned why only the residents of Seadrift would pay for the project's entire cost. His other questions concerned why the replacement of the entire line was not done at one time, turbidity and bends in the pipes, and water pressure as well as the depth of the new pipes. Mr. Sandmann noted he has been involved with the Seadrift Water Line issues since 1990.

    Director Baskin stated that the Board and the Water Operations Committee had previously discussed turbidity, water pressure and other issues. One important and good side effect of putting in the new pipes is that any leaks that are encountered in the customers' side lines will be fixed. Toby Bisson stated the pipes will be installed to the standard depth of 32" below the road surface.

    Vice President Sapanai clarified that only those lots that require variances and waivers are required to have their water lines moved. The District cannot allow a septic system within 10 feet of the water line.

    The Board decided the matter will be discussed with members of Mr. Sandmann's Seadrift Committee and the District's Water Operations Committee at a meeting to be held on October 1. The Board directed the General Manager to proceed to relocate the pipeline on September 19 for those 7 lots that have paid. The Board also directed that he send letters to the owners of 189 Seadrift Road and 321 Seadrift Road, asking them if they each wanted to contribute the $10,000 to their water line relocation at the present time. As the men, equipment and materials would already be on site, the cost would probably be less if the work was done now. This $10,000 payment is optional at this point, but the payment is required prior to the District's issuance of a Construction Permit.

    Morey Nelson, who identified himself as being a member of Peter's Seadrift Lands Committee, inquired if the residents of Seadrift have been notified and if there would be trench restoration. Toby responded that flyers will be distributed shortly. For the first couple of weeks, the construction would only entail the cutting of the asphalt and laying pipe. It is estimated there will be five days during which water service will be interrupted for 1/2 of the day. We will wait for the trenches to settle before repaving.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a proposed Easement for District access to a water quality monitoring well, located at 189 Seadrift Road, Acct. #7560, Richard Volk, Owner.
    District Resolution No. WW 2010-05 granted a variance to the District's Title IV code, reducing a setback requirement for 189 Seadrift Road. A condition of the variance states that prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit, the owner must submit a 5 foot wide nonexclusive access and utility easement along the easterly property line for the District's sampling of the existing monitoring well and lagoon. Mr. Peter Sandmann, who represents Mr. Volk, has drafted an easement agreement. The agreement has been reviewed by the District's Legal Committee, consisting of Vice President Sapanai and Director Baskin. Mr. Baskin stated that additional changes will be forthcoming, but will not be heard today.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff to accept the Bid from American Solar Corporation for Solar Panels and one-half replacement of the District Office roof.
    Although the project was advertised in three newspapers, posted around town and on our website, and bid documents were sent to seven solar system installers, only one bid from American Solar was received for $33,616 for the solar panel installation, plus $4,760 for replacing only the roof's South side and ridge cap. President Tye made a motion to have the General Manager execute a contract with American Solar Corporation. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Vice President Sapanai requested that American Solar provide evidence of meeting prevailing wage requirements.


Vice President Sapanai noted that on Page 5, line 19, "Joe Vest" should be changed to read "Jim Vest" and then motioned to approve the minutes of August 20, 2011. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote with Director Baskin abstaining, as he was absent on August 20, 2011.


The disbursements of August 17 and August 31, 2011 were approved unanimously.


Due to the arrival of District counsel Patrick Miyaki, the meeting was adjourned to Closed Door Session, Item L. on the agenda, at 10:45 a.m. The Board convened in closed session with legal counsel regarding anticipated litigation, significant exposure to litigation per California Government Code Section 54956.9(b), one case. The Board reconvened in open session at 12:50 p.m. It was reported that no action was taken in the closed session. The Board then continued with its Regular Meeting Agenda.


The District's financial reports covering the activity through June of 2011 had previously been reviewed by the Finance Committee on September 14, 2011. Revenues are up by 4% over budget and overall expenses went up by 2%, reflecting a healthy budget. The staff is to be commended.

The District's new auditors [Maze and Associates] have given us a detailed checklist of information they require prior to their November 7 visit.


The General Manager stated he would gladly answer any question regarding his report. The press release from the California Landscape Contractors Association titled "Recommendations to Help Prepare Your Property For Storms" will be inserted within our customers' next water bills.

Vice President Sapanai suggested that Mr. Schmidt follow up on his letter of September 1, 2011 to the California Department of Fish and Game regarding construction debris deposited on an empty lot at 20 Marine Way, Stinson Beach.

The General Manager attended the Our Coast-Our Future Coastal Manager Scoping Workshop in Petaluma on August 23. The purpose of this workshop was to ask Facility Managers what support tools they would need to plan for sea level rise and storm hazards along the Northern California coast. One point of interest is that in the last 20 years there has been no sea level rise along the coast of California, Oregon, Washington or Mexico. However, on the other side of the Pacific Ocean over on the western side, the prevailing winds are pushing towards Japan, causing a 4 or 5" level of rise. He suggested an online decision support tool that managers could use to plot the effect of sea level rise on water lines, septic systems, roads, bridges, highways, wells, foundations and power lines. Upon receipt, he will send the power point presentation to all Directors.

Director Baskin suggested a future Board agenda item regarding the District's ability to recoup the cost of a waterline replacement in front of undeveloped lots or lots with houses that do not meet the separation requirement between the septic system and the water line, assessing the owners when theytake out an application for development or remodeling. Vice President Sapanai noted the first step would be a discussion held at a Water Operations Committee meeting before coming before the Board as an agenda item.


Vice President Sapanai reported that the Employee Recognition Dinner will be held at the Community Center again this year, but the date has not yet been selected.


The Board reviewed the correspondence.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 1:10 p.m.

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