President Tye called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, July 16, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: repair of an existing septic system, #9 Dipsea Road, Account No. 7770, Paula and Robert Reynolds, owners.
    The General Manager summarized the project. Paula and Robert Reynolds had previously appeared before the Wastewater Committee to discuss an alternative design and waiver application to allow the voluntary replacement of a combined holding tank/leach field system. The new alternative design consists of a 1500 gallon septic tank, an Advantex filter, a 1200 gallon sump tank, and dual raised bed leach fields. The system is designed to accommodate an average and maximum daily wastewater flow of 100 and 150 gallons, respectively. Vice President Sapanai noted that the proposed project was reviewed by the Wastewater Committee members, who felt the waiver request was appropriate. There is no increase in the existing habitable space of approximately 1,350 square feet, and the system will discharge a minimal amount of wastewater. Ms. Sapanai moved to adopt Stinson Beach County Water District Resolution No. WW-2011-04, granting a waiver to utilize an alternative wastewater system design. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Annual Discussion and Calculation of Appropriations Limit for FY 2011-2012.
    The General Manager explained that Section 7910 of the Government Code of the State of California requires each local government agency to determine during each fiscal year the tax appropriations limit applicable during the following fiscal year. In 2010, the voters approved raising the District's limit to $961,250. Based on data released by the Department of Finance on per capita income and population changes, the District's appropriations limit for fiscal year 2011 - 2012 has been calculated to be $994,702. Vice President Sapanai moved to adopt Stinson Beach County Water District draft Resolution No. GB-2011-04, adopting the appropriations limit for fiscal year 2011 - 2012. Director Baskin seconded the motion. The motion to adopt the resolution was approved by unanimous vote.


Vice President Sapanai moved to approve the minutes of June 18, 2011. Director Zell seconded the motion. Ms. Sapanai noted that the wording on page 3, line 2, should be clarified to state that if the Village Association supports the study for a multi-use path along the Bolinas Lagoon, then the District will also support the study, as long as the study does not delay the planned highway construction improvements by Caltrans. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote with the exception of President Tye who was not in attendance at the June 18 meeting.


The Directors noted that the District Bookkeeper Janice Payne's charges have increased recently due to preparing for the District's pending audit by Maze & Associates and working on other projects. Director Boucke noted that the prepayment of the District's annual employer retirement contribution of $129,038 to CalPERS should not be shown under the Capital Expenditures column, as it is a prepaid expense. Going forward, every month, $10,753 [$129,038 ÷ 12 ] will be applied to that month's expense. Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of June 15 and July 6, 2011. Vice President Sapanai seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. The bid package for replacing 1/2 of the District's Office roof [south side] and installing the solar panels thereon is ready to be sent to the bidders. Director Boucke asked to be put on record that she is favor of getting a 100% roof replacement. She believes it is cheaper in the long run to re-roof the entire structure. After a brief discussion of the pros and cons for only re-roofing 1/2 of the roof, instead of the entire roof, the majority of the Directors affirmed their decision to re-roof only 1/2 of the roof at the present time and directed the General Manager to proceed with the project by placing ads for Requests for Bids in the Marin I.J. as well as the local newspapers. The roofer's guarantee should also cover the roof ridge cap.

The following bids were received on our Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant Project: Massa Construction - $64,200; M and J Construction - $74,321; E.E. Gilbert Construction $74,845; Valley Ford Construction - $51,819. The low bidder was Valley Ford Construction Corp. of Valley Ford, California. They have a good background and will be asked to provide a certificate of insurance before commencing work.

The District will proceed with three CIP projects in September: The Seadrift waterline relocation project [commencing on September 19], the Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant project and 1/2 of the roof replacement and solar panel installation. We have enough funds to complete these projects. CIP budgets will be prepared quarterly to determine our cash flow. However, for the next fiscal year, we may need to rearrange our CIP priorities, delay a project or borrow money, depending on water sales and property taxes.

Vest Painting of Bolinas has given us an estimate of $2,850 to prepare (sand/water blast) and paint the office railing deck and steps. Director Boucke suggested that the District also contacts Phillip Edney for his bid.

The debris that was deposited on Dr. Wayne Lazarus' property from 12 Marine Way has still not been removed. The General Manager will contact the Department of Fish and Game for further follow-up.

On July 12, the General Manager and four of the Directors attended a Special Board Meeting at the Community Center to hear a presentation of the Public Review Draft of proposed amendments to the Local Coastal Program hosted by the Marin County Community Development Agency. Vice President Sapanai noted that the Stinson Beach County Water District should be included in all discussions concerning water and drainage issues pertaining to the town of Stinson Beach.

The Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District's Flood Control Project is going forward slowly. Requests for Proposals for the Hydrology and Hydraulics Study to Support Easkoot Creek and Flood Protection and Habitat Restoration Assessments were sent to 20 firms. Only three bids were received and these are currently being evaluated.

Mr. Peter Sandmann will draft an easement agreement which will clarify the District's right to continue to perform quarterly inspections of the District's monitoring well located near the setback to Richard Volk's property line.

Ms. Lauren Krasny was notified on July 14, 2011 that she must either remove all of the illegal plumbing fixtures and water lines from her cottage on Panoramic Highway or file an Appeal Application accompanied by the $345 fee by the extended deadline of July 21, 2011. If the appeal is not perfected or if the plumbing is not removed by July 21, 2011, a copy of the Failed System Citation will be mailed to the County. The Krasnys had previously been issued a Revocation of Discharge Permit (Permit to Operate) on June 13, 2011.


President Tye reported that the Finance Committee met last week and discussed the District's May financial statements.


The Board reviewed the correspondence.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 10:23 a.m.

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