SATURDAY, MAY 21, 2011
President Scott Tye called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, May 21, 2011, at 9:33 a.m., at the Stinson Beach
County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Assistant
Will Scott, a local farmer residing in Stinson Beach, gave a brief presentation regarding a
business he would like to set up at 215 Calle del Mar, next to the post office complex.
His proposed "Edible Garden Center" would be comprised of two greenhouses, a tipi, a canvas
yurt on pier blocks, shade houses, garden beds and a farm stand. All of the structures would
be non-permanent and no one would live on the premises. Mr. Scott envisions holding plant
sales, renting garden beds to individuals for growing crops, conducting classes covering
planting, harvesting and weeding, as well as operating a farm stand selling fresh organic
produce. He came to the Board meeting to get the Board's suggestions and support.
President Tye suggested that Mr. Scott present his proposal at the June 4 meeting of the
Stinson Beach Village Association. The Village Association is the community's forum for
proposals and has a Local Coastal Plan. After he has received feedback from the Village
Association, his next step would be to request his project be placed on the agenda of the
District's Wastewater Committee for discussion, including set-back criteria to Easkoot Creek
and the utilization of chemical toilets.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: the 2010 Water Quality/Consumer
Confidence Report.
The Board noted the report was a job well done. Several minor grammatical changes were suggested. Vice President Sapanai suggested moving the information on the last page titled "IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR DISTRICT WATER CUSTOMERS" to the beginning of the report as a separate page for our consumers to retain for future reference. She inquired if Brita Water Filters for the home would be able to remove arsenic from the tap water. The General Manager will research and reply to her query. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: SBCWD Operations and Maintenance
Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
The draft Operations and Maintenance Budget was previously reviewed and revised by the Finance Committee on May 11 and April 6. The Water Operations Committee has also reviewed and discussed the maintenance budget as well as the Planned Capital Improvement Projects. Water revenues are lower and miscellaneous revenue will increase due to a $15,000 refund from JPIA. President Tye noted there will be another opportunity to discuss the budget at the next Finance Committee Meeting which will be held before the next Board of Directors Meeting on June 18. The Board will continue this item to the June 18, 2011 Board meeting for adoption. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to continue with the Bidding and
Construction Process to complete construction of the new office and lab for the new
water treatment plant.
At the April 19, 2008 Board of Directors Meeting, the Board approved the Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project, authorizing solicitation of bids from contractors to undertake Phase 1 and 2 projects. Phase 1 has been completed and the Phase 2 work, including a low concrete wall, perimeter foundation, floor drains and concrete floor slab to be done by the contractor, will start shortly. The pilings will go to a depth of 12 to 15 feet. The estimated cost of Phase 2 is $110,000. The Board directed staff to continue with the bidding and construction process as reflected on the schedule prepared by Stetson Engineers dated April 28, 2011.
The minutes of April 16, 2011 were approved by unanimous vote with a few minor corrections.
Vice President Sapanai requested deletion of the sentence on line 16, page 3, "Vice President
Sapanai noted that Kaiser will pay for chiropractic care."
The Board noted the purchase of a picnic table for the District office employees, giving them a
place to eat lunch. The idea of the table was part of the original plan when the building was
built. Director Boucke moved to approve the disbursements for April 20 and May 4, 2011.
Vice President Sapanai seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved by
unanimous vote.
The Board reviewed the reports of the District's financial activity through March 2011, the end
of the fiscal year third quarter, consisting of the Operating Report, the Investment Report and
the Cashflow Report. The reports had previously been reviewed by the District's Finance
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. Bruce Helmberger notified him that Mr.
Helmberger's concern has been satisfied regarding the alleged release of his check
information to the public by an unknown individual. The Robinsons are very satisfied with the
relocation of the District's water meter outside of their fence. Wayne Lazarus, the property
owner of 20 Arenal Avenue, has been reminded to remove construction debris which is
impacting Easkoot Creek. The District's Vehicle Replacement Schedule has been added to
the District's Planned Capital Improvement Projects schedule. The District needs to retain its
dump truck, but perhaps may decide to lease a future replacement. The General Manager has
notified Terry Krieg that the District has changed its financial auditor. Due to a recent rash of
stolen brass fire hydrant caps, the District will remove the remaining brass caps and replace
them with plastic caps.
The General Manager has received an estimate from Darsie Evans to assist us with the
Seadrift Pipeline Replacement Project scheduled for September. It is essential for the District
to have an experienced person on board. The new water treatment plant is working well, and
the District will get the 24/7 Technical Phone Support from the Pall Corporation.
The General Manager and President Tye attended a public meeting on May 19, 2011 of the
Marin County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Flood Control Zone 5. A
Request for Proposals for Easkoot Creek Flood Protection and Habitat Restoration
Assessment has been advertised and mailed by Chris Choo, Marin County Department of
Public Works. Mr. Peter Sandman will meet with the General Manager on May 23, 2011 to
discuss the Seadrift Water Line Project. On May 17, 2011, the Board and the General
Manager toured the Ft. Baker cellular antenna site. Mr. Kenneth Fox requested an invoice for
the cost of the District's water main repair clamp.
The District has received a proposal from Darren Malvin, American Solar, for solar panels
costing $33,616, and the entire roof replacement for the District Office at a cost of $5,900 or
replacing 1/2 of the roof and ridge cap at a cost of $3,400. The Board directed the General
Manager to prepare a request for proposals for 1/2 of the office roof repair/replacement, as well
as the solar panels.
Vice President Sapanai suggested that District personnel implement a phone log for proof of
calling customers re: nonpayment of water bills. The General Manager received Meeting
Summary Notes of the March 23, 2011 meeting with the GGNRA regarding the new septic
system for the Park.
The District has entered into a new lease agreement with Digital Office Solutions for an
updated copier. The District will save in yearly toner costs, as the toner is provided free of
charge. The General Manager answered a concern by Barbara Fedun that the District was
required to provide a minimum amount of water to her property on Buena Vista Avenue. The
California Department of Health Services confirmed there is no such requirement.
Vice President Sapanai will furnish graphics for utilizing ACWA's template titled "California Tap
Water: The Best Deal Around" for District specifics.
The General Manager will e-mail to the entire Board the list of typical septic systems prepared
by Chris Kelley.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:52 a.m. to Closed Door Session. The Board reconvened at 10:57 a.m. and
reported on the General Manager's evaluation. The Board voted to extend the General
Manager's Contract for another year. The meeting was adjourned at 11:02 a.m.