President Scott Tye called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, April 16, 2011, at 9:37 a.m., at the Stinson Beach
County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Directors absent:
Jim Zell, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction
Request for Mr. Michael Hanley, 255 Calle del Mar, Stinson Beach, Acct. #04720.
Mr. Hanley's water usage for the month of February 2011 was $222.72. He discovered his water hose bib to be open and left running, which he believed was caused by an act of vandalism. Since Mr. Hanley's water loss claim did not qualify for relief under Stinson Beach County Water District Resolution No. GB-2010-02, which established a policy for water use charge reductions, the General Manager denied Mr. Hanley's water use charge reduction request. Mr. Hanley had not accepted the General Manager's written offer of a four month payment plan. Vice President Sapanai noted that vandalism is usually covered by homeowner's insurance. She made a motion to deny the request. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The Board voted 3 - 1 to deny Mr. Hanley's appeal for a water usage charge reduction. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to submit District/Citizen comments on a
proposal from the CA Department of Transportation to reduce the speed limit on two
sections of Highway 1 from 55 mph to 35 mph.
The General Manager gave a brief history of the proposal which first came up about two years ago when the California Highway Patrol issued a report that prompted a speed zone survey be conducted on Highway 1 in Stinson Beach. CalTrans has four recommendations: (1) Reduce the existing speed limit from 55 to 35 between post mile marker 11.43 and 12.17; (2) retain the existing 25 mph speed limit between post mile marker 12.17 and 12.74; (3) retain the existing 35 mph speed limit between post mile marker 12.74 and 12.98, and (4) reduce the existing speed limit from 55 to 35 between post mile marker 12.98 and 13.69. They extended the deadline to allow for our Board Meeting to get any public comments. The District, however, has not heard from any members of the public. President Tye noted that the Traffic Committee of the Village Association has been pushing this issue. The State will perform LIDAR [Light Detection And Ranging] testing to verify the use of radar after re-evaluating various speed limits.
Director Baskin suggested that the General Manager write a letter to CalTrans, that the Report of the Engineering and Traffic Survey prepared by Michael Ko and Philippe Van was reviewed and discussed by the Board. The Board voted to unanimously support the recommendations described in the summary which is consistent with the position taken by the Village Association.
The minutes of March 19, 2011 were approved by unanimous vote. President Tye stated that
once again Helma is doing a great job in providing us with excellent minutes.
Director Baskin noted that the District's contract bookkeeper, Janice Payne, has been
instrumental in the budget review process being more simplified and more efficient. All agreed
that, overall, Janice does a good job in the performance of her duties. President Tye stated
that the fees that Janice has budgeted for her future bookkeeping services will be discussed at
the next Finance Committee meeting. Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of
March 23 and April 6, 2011. Vice President Sapanai seconded the motion. The
disbursements were approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. The start of the Seadrift water line
relocation project is going to be postponed until mid-September, although the date is not set in
stone. He believes this project can be completed in six weeks. The District would like to
complete the project before the rains start. He spoke with Darcy Evans to determine if Mr.
Evans would be interested in working for the District on this project and possibly other projects
as well. Mr. Evans is definitely interested and will forward his rate schedule.
The California Department of Public Health has responded favorably to our request for a
waiver to the 25' water/septic separation distance.
The National Park Service has advised us that the next step regarding their new septic system
is to begin pot-holing to determine depth to groundwater. Our Engineer, Rich Souza, will be
present to observe.
Several Personnel Committee meetings were held at the end of March. The committee arrived
at a couple of different suggestions regarding how to combine benefits, salaries and
contributions. It would take approximately $25,000 to maintain the existing level of benefits.
The Personnel Committee had two basic recommendations which have been discussed with
the Finance Committee: (1) Give the employees a 2% raise to increase their pension
contribution to 4% or (2) Give the employees a 2% raise and raise their contribution level to
6%. The General Manager spoke to the employees regarding pension contributions made by
the employees of other agencies and the SBCWD employees do understand the magnitude
and importance of planning for their retirement. Director Baskin suggested a further discussion
at our next Finance Committee meeting's review of next year's tentative budget. He also
suggested raising the employee contribution incrementally, another 2% to 6%, the year after.
Director Boucke stated she is favor of the current boot and clothing allowance [$425]. The
General Manager noted that the amount of good will generated is much more than the value of
$425 and would lower the field staff's morale if the allowance is taken away. The definition of
eligible clothing may include hats, socks and pants. The Personnel Committee recommended
that the maximum amount of vacation time that may be accrued be increased from 280 hours
to 320 hours. However, the final payout of accrued vacation time upon employee separation
will remain at 280 hours. The Personnel Committee also discussed that any new employees
hired after July 1, 2011 should pay either 12.50% or 25% of their medical insurance premiums.
Director Boucke suggested that the General Manager convey to the employees that the Board
feels the employees are doing a good job.
Customers at 275 Seadrift Road accidentally damaged our water main while working in their
front yard. The total repair cost was $500, $140 for labor and $360 for the full circle stainless
steel repair clamp. Chapter 3.01 from the District's Water Code states that the consumer shall
pay the District its costs for repairing or replacing any of its facilities damaged as a result of
work done on a consumer's property. The Board unanimously agreed that the customer
should be invoiced for the total repair cost. Vice President Sapanai suggested the District
place a reminder in the next water bill for customers to check with the District before digging in
the water line easement.
Director Boucke reported that the condition of the District office roof is being investigated
before any solar panels are installed to ensure that the platform for the panels is in good
The Well Completion Report of our new well at the Steep Ravine Tank Site shows an
estimated yield of 7 gallons per minute. A couple of change orders increased the original cost
of $123,000 by about $4,700. Other wells will be explored, including a possible production
increase from the Ranch Tank well.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:40 a.m. to Closed Session. Out of Closed Session at 11:00 a.m. and the
meeting was adjourned.