OCTOBER 18, 2010


President Lawrence A. Baskin called the Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Monday, October 18, 2010, at 8:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Toby Bisson, Chris Kelley, Donny Melendy, Buck Meyer, Helma Schwendig, Jackie Smale




  1. Review responsibilities of District Board members and staff re: the District's Emergency Response Plan (revised June 19, 2010.)
    The General Manager distributed Section IV of the Stinson Beach County Water District Emergency Response Plan and briefly discussed the responsibilities of the Disaster Response Teams. The first priority in the event of an emergency is to check on the safety of one's family. Then, unless notified otherwise by the General Manager or Toby, the District Disaster Response Teams shall report directly to their respective Team locations. The teams currently assigned and their locations are as follows:

    Emergency Operations Center Team - Fire House #1, located at 30 Belvedere Avenue. a. Ed Schmidt, SBCWD General Manager b. Lawrence A. Baskin, SBCWD, President and Director

    Team #1 - District Office: Auxiliary Emergency Operations Center at 3785 Shoreline Highway a. Helma Schwendig, SBCWD Admin. Assistant b. Barbara Boucke, SBCWD Director c. Scott Tye, SBCWD, Vice President and Director d. Jackie Smale, SBCWD Office Specialist

    Team #2 - Laurel Treatment Plant and Laurel Tank at 200 Laurel Avenue a. Toby Bisson, SBCWD District Field Supervisor b. Buck Meyer, SBCWD District Utility Operator

    Team #3 - Highlands Tanks, at top of Avenida Farralone a. Chris Kelley, SBCWD Wastewater Technician b. Jim Zell, SBCWD Director

    Team #4 - Steep Ravine Tank and Black Rock Tanks, at end of Black Rock Road a. Elizabeth Sapanai, SBCWD Director b. Fire Department Volunteer

    Team #5 - Ranch Tank, Ranch Booster Pump and Alder Grove Well, at Stinson Gulch a. Donny Melendy, SBCWD Utility Operator b. Scott Tye may also assist.

    The team located at the District office shall immediately check in and relay any pertinent information to the District Incident Commander (the General Manager) at Fire House #1.

    The teams located at the water tanks shall relay any information regarding the water system condition to the Roving Incident Commander (the District Field Supervisor) as soon as possible. Should a condition exist where it is known that a zone has failed due to ruptured waterline mains, the teams will inform the Roving Incident Commander. The Roving Incident Commander will coordinate and relay all information to the District Incident Commander, and a plan will then be implemented and the teams will proceed as instructed. The teams' first obligation is to make a cursory inspection of the area, identifying fires, possible fire hazards, electrical hazards, etc. They shall observe the tank water level indicator or pressure gauge and relay all information to the Roving Incident Commander.

    Water tanks shall be isolated only if directed by the District Incident Commander or Roving Incident Commander in order to prevent major damage to the distribution system.

    Team members should refer all media requests to the Emergency Operations Center Team at the Fire House. It is important to document damage for possible FEMA reimbursement as well as to keep track of time worked.
  2. Adjourn meeting to reconvene at the District's Water Treatment Treatment Plant located at the northerly end of Laurel Avenue for a review of the status of the construction for the new plant.
    At 8:50 a.m. the Board members and staff carpooled to the new water treatment plant to review all of the new construction. Toby explained that PG&E has completed the transformer upgrade. Next, the generator will be tied in to the new transfer switch. At this point, the new main service panel upgrade will be complete. The treatment plant units will then be wired. The eight piers for the backwash tank slab have been drilled and the rebar cages set and filled with concrete. Next, staff will form the slab and tie the rebar.

    After the tour of the plant was completed, the Board members and staff formed into their individual teams and proceeded to their areas of responsibility in order to learn what will be required in case of an emergency. The various teams practiced checking in to the District office via radio to report that all was well at their respective site.


The special meeting was adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

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