OCTOBER 16, 2010


President Lawrence A. Baskin called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, October 16, 2010, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff to initiate an amendment to the District's CalPERS Retirement Contract - setting up a second tier retirement formula for future employees.
    This item was briefly discussed at last month's Board meeting. Some special districts have added a second tier retirement formula for future employees because of increasing retirement benefit costs. The new second tier plan would be 2% at 60. The process involves getting a valuation from CalPERS, a resolution, and a contract. The report the District received from CalPERS states that the annual dollar savings would be about 4.43% times the second tier fiscal year payroll, or about $2,200 per year per employee, based on a $50,000/yr. salary. It is anticipated that future savings would be greater.

    After a brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Board to direct staff to continue to proceed to the next level by submitting the Contract Amendment Request to CalPERS.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Call for Nominations - Marin Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) Alternate Special District Member.
    The District received a memorandum from LAFCO, calling for nominations to fill the vacancy for the alternate special district member due to the death of Commissioner Fred Hannahs. LAFCO was created by the Legislature in 1963 to discourage urban sprawl and encourage the orderly formation and development of local government agencies.

    The Board did not make a nomination to fill the vacancy for the remainder of Mr. Hannahs' term which ends May 2011. In November 2010, LAFCO will again be soliciting nominations for the next full terms for the alternate member and one regular special district LAFCO member which run from May 2011 to May 2015.
  3. Review and possible direction to staff/Wastewater Committee to prepare review comments to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) Title 1 Report PMIS 164335 "Replace Failing Central Restroom Leachfield: Stinson Beach."
    The GGNRA hired Holladay Engineering Co. of Payette, Idaho, to develop alternatives for construction of a new septic disposal system at the Stinson Beach Park. This preliminary scoping report contains a completion schedule for the various tasks involved, but there are no dates within their schedule. A design has not yet been prepared.

    Vice President Tye suggested requesting the GGNRA to complete the applicable paperwork and pay the various fees as would be required of any other applicant for a septic system permit. Director Sapanai stated that moving the leach field offsite is a better solution, after pre- treatment. The District cannot support a variance for depth to groundwater. Mr. Tye expressed his concern regarding the potential for leakage for such a large volume system as well as staffing for power failures and employee absences.

    The proposed system will also be discussed at the Wastewater Committee meeting on Monday, October 18, 2010. The Board directed staff to prepare comments regarding the project for Mr. John Ryan, Project Manager.


Director Boucke moved to approve the minutes of September 25, 2010. Director Zell seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.


Vice President Tye moved to approve the disbursements for September 22 and October 7, 2010. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved by unanimous vote. President Baskin noted that the Cash Flow Report through August 2010, showing the District's payment projections related to its Capital Improvements Projects, are on track, and that the District should be able to pay for the new water treatment plant and still maintain its reserves.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. On October 6, he met with Larry Miranda, Environmental Protection Specialist, GGNRA, Katharine Arrow, Business Management Analyst, GGNRA, Lorene Jackson, Planner, Community Development Agency, Marin County, Aaron Salars On-Air LLC/Verizon, Peter Hilliard, On-Air LLC/Verizon, and Paul Batlan, Realty Specialist, GGNRA. After a discussion of the cell tower options at the District office, the group visited the Highlands Tanks site.

The goal/mission of the GGNRA regarding the proposed cell tower is to work with the community to find the best and least environmental impacted site. Both the GGNRA and the County feel the Highlands Tank site would be the best environmental alternative. They prefer an array of 9 antennas about 8 feet tall at the Highlands Tanks rather than a fake, 90 foot tall cell tower pine tree at the Steep Ravine Tank site. Verizon would agree to a 10% EMF limitation at the Highlands site, the same limitation as proposed for the Steep Ravine site. Verizon has not yet submitted a new proposal. Mr. Batlan, GGNRA real estate specialist, is evaluating the District road and water tank easement.

Mr. Miranda has invited the Board and the General Manager to visit a successful antenna site at Fort Baker. The General Manager will contact Mr. Miranda to set up a tour. A public hearing would be required for District approval of a revised lease agreement.

The General Manager spoke several times with Don Smith of the Bolinas Public Utility District, who is the most knowledgeable on their solar panel project. Bolinas utilized a former Federal funding program which is no longer feasible. This topic will be discussed further at the Water Operations Committee meeting next week.

He met with Don Rieger, Special Projects Coordinator, from AFLAC, regarding Cafeteria Plans. Mr. Rieger will write the implementation plan at no cost to the District. The District's Cafeteria Plan may be implemented in January 2011.

The appeal period for construction of the District's new water well and well house at the Steep Ravine Water Tank Site ended on October 13, 2010. Advertisements can now be placed in the Marin IJ, the Press Democrat and the Contra Costa Times for construction bids. There will be a pre-bid meeting on November 1, so that all of the potential bidders can view the well drilling site. The sealed bids will be opened on November 15. The key is to start construction before the bird nesting season.

President Baskin suggested that notices be posted to remind voters to vote "YES" on Measure "U" to keep the property tax revenue here in town. Also, have recommendations placed by the Point Reyes Light, West Marin Citizen, and Pacific Sun.

On October 4, the General Manager and Rich Souza met with Mr. Peter Sandmann, who is representing Mr. Richard Volk of 189 Seadrift Road. Mr. Sandmann questioned the $10,000 donation toward relocating the District water mainline at Seadrift. The General Manager will review the District's file and forward to him all staff reports and resolutions concerning this project. President Baskin recommended investigating the number of lots and homes that would be affected by the relocation of the water line.

On October 18, a special Board meeting will be held to discuss the responsibilities of the District's Disaster Response Teams: Team #1 "District Office: Auxiliary Emergency Operations Center," [Fire House #1 is the Emergency Operations Center] Team #2 "Laurel Treatment Plant and Laurel Tank," Team #3 "Highlands Tanks," Team #4 "Steep Ravine Tank and Black Rock Tanks," Team #5 "Ranch Tank, Ranch Booster Pump and Alder Grove Well." The Board members and staff will then adjourn and carpool in district vehicles to the new Water Treatment Plant on Laurel Avenue to review the new construction. After touring the plant, the individual teams will proceed to their areas of responsibility. Director Sapanai suggested that I.D. cards be obtained for the Board members for emergency response purposes.




The Board did not comment on the correspondence in the Board packet.


The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 a.m.

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