President Boucke called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 9:34 a.m., at the District
Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Vice President
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Denise Badstubner, Administrative Assistant
Director Sapanai thanked Denise for setting up the agenda in such a way that the Agenda did
not have to be changed. The Agenda was approved as presented.
Granting a variance to the requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District
Wastewater Treatment Regulations, Ordinance 2007-01 to use an Alternative
Wastewater System Design and to increase the dwelling unit total floor area to 3300 sq.
ft., for 380 Belvedere, APN# 195-121-11, Acct# 4940, Bruce Guile, property owner.
The General Manager reviewed information with the Board regarding the Guile property. Mr. Guile met with the Wastewater Committee on October 26, 2009. In a District Resolution in December, 2008, Mr. Guile was approved for a 2874 sq. ft. dwelling. At that time the District did not have the floor plans of the house. Mr. Guile is asking for 3300 sq.ft. of conditioned space with certain conditions required such as the garage, pool, storage, utility and mud room be non-conditioned areas. The storage and work room are to be non-conditioned space, with no windows and they are not to be used as habitable space. The 2nd floor study and work room appear to meet the conditioned space requirement. The porch and sun room may be considered as non-conditioned space so long as; 1) there is no ability for them to be heated or cooled and they will have operable windows with screens, 2) there will be an insulated wall between the porch and the main living area, 3) the insulated wall will be mostly glazed glass. Since the conditioned space exceeds the District approved Resolution of 2874 sq. ft., an approval for a variance is necessary.
Director Tye had some concerns regarding drainage due to the amount of hardscape on the plan.
Director Sapanai made the motion to approve the Resolution as presented. The motion was seconded by Director Tye.
Director Zell stated he could not vote for the Resolution because one of the conditions for approving variances is to find a substantial property right. Director Zell stated that this variance request is not necessary for a substantial property right. Director Zell stated that he felt the property owners came to the District a year ago, asking for 2874 sq.ft, and now the property owner has increased the size of the home. For him to enjoy his property right it is unnecessary for this variance to be granted.
President Boucke called for the question. The motion passed with President Boucke, Director's Sapanai and Tye voting - yes. Director Zell voted - no. Director Baskin - absent. -
Introduction and possible direction to staff to begin the process to amend Ordinance
2007-01, revising and updating Regulations related to the protection of ground and
surface water and the discharge of waste and wastewater within the District, and
revisions to the standards of design, construction, replacement, and repair of individual
sewage disposal systems and the administration of said regulations and standards.
(Title IV).
The General Manager explained that Sections 1.01.020 and 2.01.175 of the District's Regulations require the District to adopt the Title IV changes by Ordinance. He explained that this requires that the Ordinance be Introduced at a regular meeting of the Board (Saturday, November 28), and adopted at a subsequent regular meeting (Saturday, December 19) or by Special Meeting. Ordinances take effect 30 days after adoption. A draft of the modifications to Title IV was sent to Mr. Blair Allen. RWQCB Executive Director, Mr. Bruce Wolfe, needs to approve the modifications before the adoption of the Ordinance.
Director Sapanai stated that most of the changes were technical and some were simply language changes to be consistent from one section to another.
Director Tye recommended that a copy be provided to the public at the District office and the Library in town.
Director Sapanai stated that a lot of work was done on this project by Director Tye and President Boucke.
Director Sapanai recommended that this topic be agendized with the Special meeting which has already been scheduled. The General Manager stated that if the District receives the approval letter from the RWQCB Executive Director, Mr. Bruce Wolfe, the District will be able to agendize Title IV for the December 8th meeting.
Director Zell moved to approve the minutes of Saturday, October 17, 2009. Director Tye
seconded the motion. Director Sapanai asked for corrections on pg 2, line 46, to change the
word purposed to proposed. President Boucke asked for corrections on pg 3, line 20, to
remove the comma after Committee. On pg. 4, line 4, add apostrophe to District. On line 7,
amend the language to state; "for the fiscal year ended", and remove the quotations around
the words Management Letter and bound. On pg. 4, line 31, correct the word relocated,
remove the word that and add the word which. President Boucke called for the question. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Director Tye moved to approve the minutes of Wednesday, November 4, 2009. Director
Sapanai seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The Board approved the Disbursements' for November 18, November 4, and October 21,
President Boucke requested a copy of the Financial Report for 2009 be sent to Georgia Heid.
President Boucke stated that the management letter from our auditor, Terry Krieg stated that a
good job was done by the District this year.
Director Tye reviewed the September Financial Reports with the Board. Director Tye stated
that the transition between the bi-monthly and monthly billing process is now in order. There
were two water connections this month each connection is $17,500. The General Manager
stated that the District is 49% above projected revenues for water, and the District is 2% under
budget for projected expenses.
Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding modifications to the District's
Lifeline Water Rate.
The General Manager reviewed the new criteria and application for the Lifeline Program. Director Sapanai requested that the language, Application must be renewed annually, be added to the program criteria page. Director Sapanai asked for a format change to the application. Director Zell suggested that the District offer the Lifeline Program to the public, and then the District could modify it accordingly. The General Manager stated that the concept, criteria, and application of the Lifeline Program still needs review by District legal counsel before the District can develop a notification letter for the public.
The General Manager stated that all tasks from the Board meeting for October have been
The General Manager reported that on November 16, he received a letter from the County
Civil Grand Jury, asking for the information in a letter they said they sent to the District in
October. The General Manager stated that the District never received the letter. He told the
Board that he has called the Grand Jury offices, with no response. Director Tye suggested
the General Manager contact Judy Chapman directly at her home in Stinson Beach.
The General Manager stated that the Engagement Letter between Peterson and Noadiah
Eckman for abating the nuisance at 12 Marine Way has been provided to the District.
The General Manager stated that Steve McCaffery provided a copy of the final Draft of the
Zero Waste Feasibility Study, which is attached to the Board packet.
The General Manager informed the Board that he and Chris Kelley have been contacted by
Eric Dubinsky of Lawrence Livermore Labs. Mr. Dubinsky wants to take 10 wastewater
samples from between the outlet of the septic tank and the leach field. Mr. Dubinsky is
conducting DNA samples of wastewater and hopes to develop a DNA profile for septic tanks.
Mr. Dubinsky will accompany Chris on his quarterly inspections on December 16. The General
Manager stated he asked Mr. Dubinsky to provide the District with a copy of his goals and
The General Manager stated that on October 27, he and Director Tye attended the first
meeting of the Eskoot Creek Technical Working Group. The next meeting is scheduled for
January 2010.
The General Manager reported that the concrete retaining wall and floor slab have been
completed at the new treatment plant. He explained that this project represents about 3,000
hours of labor and several hundred cubic yards of concrete. The cost was about $230,000.
The next step is to order the walkway grating for the "pipe chase" and then start framing the
building. District staff will start framing next Monday. Shane Boyce has constructed an
addition to our #3 Alder Grove well control room, which we refer to as our Corrosion Control
Chemical Room.
The General Manager reported that Toby Bisson has spent a significant amount of hours going
through District records searching for Water Use History information to help Allan Richards,
Ray McDevitt, and Alan Lilly. The General Manager asked the Board to approve an extra 2
days off with pay for Toby when the task is completed. The Board agreed to the request
The General Manager reported to the Board that Pamela Lichtenwalner has not signed the
Payment Plan Agreement sent to her on October 22. A follow up letter was sent on November
17th and the District has had no response to date. The General Manager asked the Board for
approval to send a 15 day Notice for Termination of Water Service if she does not respond in
the near future. The Board agreed unanimously.
Director Sapanai and Belinda Zell reported on the plans for the Employee Recognition Dinner.
President Boucke announced that a Leadership Summit will be held at the Board of
Supervisors Chambers, on December 10th at 6:30 p.m.
President Boucke called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Sapanai made the
motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion was approved
by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:43 a.m.