President Boucke called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 9:30 a.m., at the District
Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Vice President
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Rich Souza introduced Bill AB885. He handed out a summary and explained to the Board the
significant items. Rich Souza also informed the Board of a Conference in Sacramento, March
Richard Reasoner explained AB188, which deals with landscape well water and irrigation
Scott Tye reviewed the Flood Advisory Board meeting. The Flood Advisory Board will meet
quarterly. They presented a watershed study and will proceed with a 1-5 year investigation
plan; all information is available on the County website.
Barbara Lee asked if a notice for the next Cell Tower meeting could be included with the
customer billing. She had concerns regarding a community vote, for or against the Cell Tower
installation. Director Sapanai and President Boucke stated that there would be no community
vote. The SBCWD Board will vote on whether to pursue a contract, then the County will have
to approve. A Public Notice will be posted for the next meeting.
Lilah Toland questioned if the Board had the authority to make the decision regarding the Cell
Tower. She asked the Board to reconsider the installation of the Cell Tower until more
information was gathered.
Director Tye made a motion to change the agenda by moving ahead with Item H-General
Business. Director Sapanai amended the motion to move General Business Item H-1 & H-3
ahead in the agenda. Director Tye seconded the amendment. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
Director Sapanai moved to approve the minutes of January 17, 2009. Director Tye
seconded the motion, with the following changes, "Seadrift" is one word and remove the
comma after "other reports" (pg. 3, line 23), and state as follows, "other reports for clarity". The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Director Zell moved to approve the disbursements of January 22, 2009. Director Sapanai
seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. Director Tye moved to
approve the disbursements of February 5, 2009. Director Zell seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager reported that the District is 13% over budget on revenue and 5% under
budget on expenses. The General Manager reported on the rate increase analysis and the
most recent proposal received from Jake Boomhower of CDM.
- Review Waiver Request: Robert & Joyce Tufts, 146 Seadrift Road: Applicant requests waiver to: Section 4.14.130 Findings of Fact-Waiver for Repair or Replacement of Septic System. Rich Souza reported that this Septic System received a Failed Citation due to Septic Tank Effluent at low level and a leaking tank. The owner has submitted a plan to replace the old Septic System with a new system. This system will be installed with a Vericomm telemetry control panel, a maximum and average daily wastewater use of 150 and 100 gallons, quarterly monitoring for the first year and future monitoring frequency TBD. Director Tye made the motion to approve the replacement of the Septic System at 146 Seadrift Road. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
- Request from Ms. Harriet Moss, #5 Laurel Avenue, for a refund of $2550 out of a total of $3150 paid to the District for an alternative design review fee and a Septic System pre-application review fee. The General Manager explained that the report regarding Ms. Moss' request needs correction, the correct amount she paid was $3900 for a pre design consultation, pre application review fee and a standard system design review fee. Ms. Moss is asking for a refund of $3300, with the District retaining $600. The General Manager recommended deducting hours off the pre design consultation application form which has a fee of $750. Director Sapanai asked how much time the District Engineer, Rich Souza spent on the application before it was withdrawn. Rich Souza responded that he spent five hours working on the application. Discussion followed regarding staff time involved in the process. Director Zell made the motion to deduct the cost of Rich Souza, office, and staff time in the amount of $810 and refund Harriet Moss in the amount of $3090. Director Sapanai seconded the motion. President Boucke called for the question. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Discussion and Consideration of changes to the District's Title IV "Onsite Wastewater
Management Code".
The General Manager reviewed the changes to the District's Title IV "Onsite Wastewater
Management Code". Rich Souza reviewed some concerns and possible changes. The
suggested changes have been forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control
Board and the District should have some comments by the end of the month.
Director Sapanai suggested that item 4.03.237 A-3 Garages, Storage rooms that do not meet the minimum standards as habitable space according to the CBC, be removed from this section. This item refers back to the CBC which doesn't define storage and is ambiguous. Director Sapanai made the motion to delete A-3 under Section 4.03.237. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion was approved by Tye, Zell, and Sapanai. President Boucke opposed the motion. The motion passed 3-1. - Review of Districts' water supplies, water demands, wastewater treatment capabilities and drought planning efforts. (Continued from the Board meeting on Wednesday, February 11, 2009). The General Manager reviewed his recommendation to the Board. He asked that the Board review the attached changes to the Water Rationing Ordinance and to direct staff to send individual notices to all customers advising them of a Public Hearing at the April 18, 2009 Regular Board Meeting. The purpose of the Hearing would be to gather public input on proposed changes to the District's water use charge tier system (in the event a trigger point is reached). The changes to the tiers would take place only if the following "Trigger Point" is reached, "When the District's Water Supply, over a seven (7) day period, is reduced such that it cannot supply the demand". President Boucke explained that this Ordinance would not go into effect unless the "Trigger Point" is reached. If the Trigger Point is reached, the proposed Tier system would be implemented at the next billing cycle following the Trigger Point. Discussion followed regarding the Tier structure, cessation of the Drought Policy, long range forecasting, timing for initiating the Ordinance and the rate structure. Director Tye explained how County Water Districts are dealing with rationing water. Director Sapanai made a correction to the Water Rationing Ordinance; Section 4, a) affect changed to effect. President Boucke asked the General Manager to direct staff to send a notice regarding a Public Hearing on April 18, 2009.
- Discussion and possible direction to staff to convert from Bi-monthly to monthly billing. The General Manager recommended that the District convert to monthly billing. Director Sapanai moved that the District proceed with monthly meter reads and customer billing. Director Zell seconded the motion. Feedback from the community is that this would be a positive step, and would result in a better sense of water use and a better way to regulate leaks. In addition, this action will help detect overages and decrease water usage. The extra costs are not significant in comparison to the benefits of the program. Director Sapanai called for the question. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager reported that review of Title II is still in progress. The committee has
one more review, then a review with Kurt Franklin, the employees and the Board. Director
Sapanai asked for an update regarding the Cell Tower Contract. The General Manager
explained that the existing draft agreement is being rewritten by Patrick Miyaki and will be
forwarded to Verizon for their review. Director Sapanai was concerned regarding the timing
for the Village Association Committee to review the agreement before the Board met again.
The Board agreed to consider a new meeting date regarding the Cell Tower agreement at the
Regular Board meeting on March 21, 2009. The General Manager will send a press release to
the West Marin Citizen and the Point Reyes Light when the new date is set. The General
Manager reported on the Stimulus Bill and explained that two billion dollars has been set aside
for drinking water projects. The California Department of Public Health states they are in the
process of mailing instructions to Public Water Systems on how to apply for economic recovery
funds. The District has three projects to pursue; Phase 2 of the new Water Treatment Plant,
new Black Rock Storage Tanks and the new well at the Steep Ravine Tank site.
President Boucke called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Tye made the motion.
Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. The
meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.