President Boucke called the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Monday, January 19, 2008 at 6:00p.m., at the Stinson Beach Community Center, located at 30 Belvedere, Stinson Beach, California

Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, President
Lawrence Baskin, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt




  1. The Board of Directors will consider a proposal from Peter Hilliard of On Air, LLC/Verizon Wireless, for the construction of a wireless communications antenna at the Districts Steep Ravine Tank site on Panoramic Highway.
    President Boucke opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and asked Vice President Baskin to lead the meeting.

    Director Baskin opened the Public Hearing. He thanked everyone for attending the meeting. He stated that the Board wants to hear from the members of the Community. Director Baskin stated that the primary function of the Board is to oversee the operations of collecting and distributing safe and good quality drinking water to the community. The Board also has to deal with the financial aspects of running the operation. Director Baskin reminded the audience that the Board is here to listen to comments and to hear input. It is not the Board's intent to decide the issue right away. The plan is to have another meeting on March 4th. Director Baskin asked speakers to limit their comments to 2-3 minutes. Director Baskin introduced Peter Hilliard and Aaron Salar's from Verizon, who made a brief presentation regarding Cell Towers.

    Mr. Hilliard stated that he brought more information and enhanced coverage maps showing the decibel level from both sites combined and individually. He stated that Mr. Bill Hammett will explain the science of the project. The project itself is still the same regarding the site, the dimension, the height of the tree, and there has been no design change. Mr. Hilliard discussed the World Health Organization publication regarding telecommunications, base stations and wireless technology. Mr. Hilliard distributed and explained colored maps indicating signal strength and coverage in Stinson Beach. Director Baskin began introducing members of the audience to speak to the issue.

    Marion Weber spoke regarding her concerns about water safety. She stated that she was worried about the water if the tower goes up. Her research involves a Scientist in England, Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, who has thirty years of research on the effect of electro magnetic fields on water. He has advised her to focus on the 8" cement asbestos pipes. Ms. Weber discussed the theory of Dr. Goldsworthy. Ms. Weber passed around some handouts from Dr. Goldsworthy.

    Mary Belle O'Brian addressed the Board regarding a memo from the District defining Section 31041 of the California Water Code. Ms. O'Brian stated that she thinks the District is misinterpreting the code with regard to its meaning to lease property. Ms. O'Brian stated there is nothing in the code that seems to indicate that the Water District has the authority to legally lease to a telecommunication industry. She said that the main purpose of the Water District is to provide water and the District should not lease property to a telecommunication industry until the Federal Government enacts more stringent industrial standards on low level radio frequency emissions.

    Guy Grover introduced himself to the Board as a homeowner, resident, a member and representative of the Fire Fighters Association. He reviewed three points of concern; the argument on esthetics, fact vs. fiction, and the benefits of the project moving forward. In conclusion, Mr. Grover stated he believed that the Cell Tower will provide one very important benefit, a dependable second layer of mobile telecommunication for emergency services. The members of the Fire Commission and the Fire Fighters Association agree that the installation would be a valuable additional safety tool for our Community.

    Tara Evans explained to the Board that her attention to the issue started with a flier posted on the Community bulletin board by the Post office. Ms. Evans stated in her opinion, first response emergency services are the most important aspect to building the tower.

    Chris Harrington stated he had objections to the Cell Tower. Mr. Harrington stated there is adequate cell phone coverage in the town. He stated there is an unregulated health risk involved in electromagnetic fields. Mr. Harrington stated this project should be stopped until a more complete analysis of the benefits and the risks have been disclosed.

    Sam Temer stated he was 100% in favor of the Cell Tower, it will increase public safety and wireless is important to business. Mr. Temer stated that considering the facts we have nothing to loose but everything to gain by having a Cell Tower.

    Sandy Cross spoke regarding the Bio-Initiative Study and the conclusions of the EPA.

    Phil O'Brian spoke as President of the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District in favor of the Cell Tower and at their Nov. 24, meeting asked for a vote. The vote was in favor of supporting the installation of the Cell Tower.

    Judith Elliott lives in Bolinas. She was concerned about EMF exposure, and she believes there are other ways of communication which do not undermine the health of people. She attended the meeting in support of Marion Weber and Chris Harrington.

    Other members of the audience speaking for and against the installation of the Cell Tower were Sherry Penzias (in favor), Ralph Robinson (in favor), Pamela Lichtenwaller (against), Ed Marshall (in favor), Bruce Wachtell (in favor), Jeffrey Trotter (against), and Bill Hammit (On Air/Verizon).


Vice President Baskin called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Director Zell made the motion to adjourn the meeting. President Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.

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