Director Zell called the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Denise Badstubner, Administrative Assistant




Director Sapanai requested that tabs ABC be removed from the Board Packets. Director Boucke recommended keeping tabs for future use.

Director Tye made the motion to move the agenda item #2 to item #1 under general business allowing Mr. Nick de Sieyes to make his presentation regarding submarine groundwater research conducted at Stinson Beach; Director Sapanai seconded, the motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Director Baskin made the motion to approve the minutes for Saturday, May 17, 2008. Director Boucke seconded the motion. Director Sapanai moved to revise the minutes with the following corrections; Page 2, line 36, "The system appears to consist of an existing redwood septic tank and a single gravity fed drain field".

President Zell called for the question; to approve the Minutes of May 17, 2008, with corrections, the motion was approved unanimously.

Director Baskin made the motion to approve the minutes of Saturday, June 21, 2008, seconded by Director Sapanai. Director Sapanai moved to revise the minutes with the following corrections; Item E-2, line 51&52, replace discussed with; "a part of the resolution was discussed at the March 2006 Board of Directors meeting", Line 55, "District's, Add apostrophe, spelling correction Myaki to Miyaki. Page 2, Item G., line 23, "The Board denied the request and encouraged "Mr. Coleman". Item M, two separate ideas are presented please separate by a paragraph change. End of district 4, make paragraph change. President Zell called for the question; to approve the Minutes of June 21, 2008, with corrections, the motion was approved unanimously.


Director Boucke moved to approve the disbursements of June 18, 2008, seconded by Director Sapanai. Director Sapanai asked about the telephone and internet service expense item; the General Manager will look into the matter. President Zell called for the question; the Board approved the motion unanimously.

Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of June 30, 2008, seconded by Director Sapanai. Director Sapanai asked about the cost of subscription to the Point Reyes Light. Director Tye asked about monthly vs. annual cost of Health Ins. The General Manager will report back to the Board on both matters at the August 23, Board Meeting.


Director Boucke said that the Finance Committee will meet on July 23, and will report back to the Board with the end of fiscal year numbers and reports.


  1. Presentation by Mr. Nick de Sieyes on research he has conducted on estimating submarine groundwater discharge at Stinson Beach.

    President Zell introduced Mr. Nicholas de Sieyes; Environmental Water Studies, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University. The purpose of his presentation was to update the Board regarding the analysis of data and conclusions of submarine groundwater discharge and to communicate directly with the Board regarding the results. The project is based on submarine groundwater discharge; defined as fresh and saline groundwater discharging along the coastline at the land-sea interface which can contribute nutrients, metals, pollutants, and freshwater to the coastal environment. It is important to understand these human impacts on the environment, including any and all fluid flow from the seabed to the ocean, regardless of fluid composition, fresh water infiltrating from rain, re- circulated sea water driven by tides, waves and seasonality. This is an important study for global water budgeting.

    The objective of this study is to review a series of studies in the Calle district and to use tracers and ground water physics to quantify the discharge of groundwater. To separate important driving forces and time scales for variability. "We will use what we learn at Stinson Beach to explain how SGD's work and to try and calculate fluxes for water budget and total nutrient content to see what's going on in this area". Study sites included samples taken at the monitoring wells in addition to sites on the beach face which Mr.DeSieyes installed himself. The principal reason is to use Stinson Beach as an example of a community that uses septic systems, because septic systems enrich groundwater with nutrient discharges, which can be beneficial or cause trouble out in the ocean. Mr. de Sieyes went on to explain the science of the study.

    Mr. Nick de Sieyes and Professor Alexandria Boehm will be publishing a paper in "Limnology and Oceanography" focusing on the work conducted in July 2006 to estimate submarine groundwater discharge at Stinson Beach. The paper concentrates on neap-spring fortnightly pulsed discharge of fresh groundwater and associated nutrient fluxes. It was determined that fresh groundwater at the beach discharges at neap tide, when the tidal range is small and a reduced freshwater discharge occurs at spring tide, when tidal range is large. Although the study indicated; "high concentrations of nutrients and fecal indicator bacteria including human-specific enterococci in monitoring wells along Calle de Resaca, likely a result of septic systems in the area, we found no bacterial fluxes associated with groundwater discharging to the ocean". The nutrients in the ground water at the site are attenuated to a lesser degree and do discharge with groundwater to the coastal ocean, creating a nutrient pulsing every neap tide. When this study is published, a copy of this paper will be available in the District office.

    In conclusion Mr.DeSieyes stated that Stinson Beach is a good example to expand the learning and apply this and future knowledge to other communities and settings in California.
  2. Discussion and consideration of a request from Mr. Jerry Coleman, 6 Rafael Patio, for a waiver to the district requirement of five years between water use charge reduction requests.

    The General Manager will contact Mr. Coleman and let him know that he still has an opportunity in the future to request a waiver.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the Notice of Public Hearing for a Draft Negative Declaration of Environmental impact for Sutton, Coastal Permit, 3715 Shoreline Highway

    President Zell recused himself and left the meeting.

    Vice President Boucke opened the item for discussion.

    Director Sapanai would like to know from the County what the scope of the Districts' response is to this item, what do we get to respond to, what do we need to respond to, what is left for individuals to go to a planning hearing? Director Tye stated that there was a hearing date August 17th or 19th. Director Tye stated that the drainage plan does have an effect on what the District scope is, and that we have never seen a comprehensive drainage plan only conceptual line drawings that QUESTA put together. It was never submitted. Old drainage plans were submitted. Much discussion followed.

    Director Baskin made the motion to respond to the negative declaration by letter; especially responding to Item 12 (d&e), stating the District feels this is a Potentially Significant impact and needs mitigation, Director Sapanai, seconded the motion, discussion followed. The Board directed staff to develop a draft letter with Director Baskin reviewing said letter before it is mailed. Director Boucke called for the question, Director Baskin abstained, motion approved by vote of 3 Directors.
  4. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the establishment of the Fiscal year 2008/09 Gann Appropriations Limit.

    Director Sapanai made the motion to pass the Resolution, establishing the 2008-09 Appropriations Limit. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
  5. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the water line extension required for property located at 7105 Panoramic Highway and a draft agreement between the District and the owners of the property Mr. Michael Korchinsky and Ms. Linda Hanson.

    Director Sapanai recused herself and left the meeting.

    President Zell opened the item, and the General Manager reviewed his staff report.

    Discussion followed regarding the 6 inch line construction, it was determined that a 2 inch line will suffice.

    President Zell discussed with Mr. Korchinsky the legal fees required. Mr. Korchinsky stated that he felt $2500 was a lot to pay for a legal agreement considering his costs for the water line extension.

    Director Baskin commented that the timely order of construction of a water line and the finalization processes are ultimately the responsibility of the owner.

    Director Baskin moved that Mr. Korchinsky pay half of the legal expense and the District pay the other half, therefore Mr. Korchinsky will be responsible for $1250.00. President Zell seconded the motion. Director Tye gave a brief history of the project and agreed with the shared legal costs. Director Boucke concurred. President Zell asked about cost over runs. The General Manager explained this is now a moot point due to the fact that Mr. Korchinsky is solely responsible for the line extension of a 2 inch diameter pipe. President Zell called for the question, the motion passed unanimously. Director Sapanai rejoined the meeting.
  6. Discussion of the Fair Political Practices Commission Revised Regulation 18944.2 dealing with the reporting of Gifts to Public Officials and Agencies.

    President Zell noted this was an FYI item.
  7. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the comment period for the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, "General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement".

    The General Manager referenced several items that could potentially affect the District, and a review of correspondence stating the District would be supportive to the changes and upgrading to the septic system. He also discussed information regarding a possible charge for parking which may occur. Discussion followed regarding parking.

    Director Sapanai commented that the District should be very clear and stronger in our comments regarding the restrooms. Director Baskin stated the language to be used in the District response is as follows; "The District has an ongoing concern, about the beach restroom facilities and especially the septic disposal system and urges that you upgrade and correct deficiencies in the system". Director Tye stated he had two issues; first the scope of our comment; second the scope of what they (GGNRA) are asking. He discussed further concerns regarding the removal of the parking lot and restroom at the south end of the Park and closure of Highway One in the event of slides. Director Tye felt these items impact the District and staff with regard to operating efficiency and felt the District had a responsibility to comment on these items.

    Director Boucke recommended that other agencies should also address these issues. Director Baskin stated that the district be included as a Partner with the GGNRA as an agency. The General Manager was directed to draft a letter detailing the Boards' concerns with review by all of the Board members via e-mail.
  8. Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the Districts revised Emergency Response Plan dated July 19, 2008.

    President Zell and the General Manager suggested a Work Shop Meeting to review the assignments the Board may have in an emergency. President Zell suggested a Work Shop Meeting in September/October


The General Manager introduced the new Administrative Assistant, Denise Badstubner, who started on July 10, 2008. The Board welcomed Denise to the District.

The General Manager stated he received a letter of response from the Director of Public Works, Marin County, saying that they welcome the Districts participation in the County Watershed Program. The District will be notified by Chris Choo, Project Manager, when meetings are planned.

The General Manager reviewed and revised the resolution regarding the "Light Brown Moth", Director Sapanai, stated that the correct terminology should be "The Light Brown Apple Moth".

With regard to 12 Marine Way, the General Manager stated he had not received a response to his letter, asking to be included in final inspection. He was told that it was unlikely this would happen. Director Tye commented that the 12 Marine Way site had applied for a permit on July 4th for conversion of a garage; he would like to get copy of the permit. Director Sapanai interjected that this is where there is a breakdown in communication between the County and the District. When there is an application for property improvements it should come to the District for review regarding changes necessary to septic system and water. Discussion followed, and the Board directed the General Manager to contact the County by letter and ask for a meeting to discuss the District's need to review Building Plans.

The General Manager reported on several items including the ACWA/JPIA annual Facilities Inspection. The inspection was very positive and complimentary. The report will be arriving soon. Toby, Buck and Donnie have been working diligently on the facilities at the treatment plant. Donnie passed his Treatment Operation Certificate, Level 2. There was a leak in the highlands water line. The District brought in a leak detection specialist to pinpoint the source of the leak and the leak was repaired saving about 15 gallons per minute.


No Correspondence


Director Sapanai reported on the Title II Committee, the next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 28, 2008.

Director Tye reported on recycling and suggested a tour to the new Recycling Center. He would set up the tour for late August or September. Discussion followed.

Director Sapanai commented on solid waste errors she noted in the neighborhood and suggested the District include a reminder in the next Billing cycle of the rules regarding disposal of solid waste and recycle items.

Director Sapanai moved that the Board reschedule their next Board Meeting to Saturday, August 23, 2008, seconded by Director Baskin, the motion was approved unanimously.


The meeting was adjourned by unanimous vote at 12:00 p.m.


The closed session was adjourned by unanimous vote at 12:40 p.m.

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