Director Zell called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on
Saturday, June 21, 2008 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach,
California. Director Scott Tye will participate by telephone from 19317 Winged Foot Circle, Northridge, CA 91326.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
The Agenda was adopted as presented, except that Director Sapanai suggested that Item (E3),
Aerial Spray Program for the Light Brown Moth, be heard next.
- Possible Direction to Staff regarding a Resolution (Draft) that opposes the California Dept. of Food and Agriculture aerial spray program to eradicate the Light Brown Apple Moth. Even though the State has decided to postpone its aerial spray program, the Board directed the General Manager to send a letter to the Department of Food & Agriculture, telling them we appreciate the fact they have discontinued their program. Marion Weber suggested that the District submit the attached Resolution in case the State should reinitiate the spray program. With input from the public the Board directed the Manager to modify the Resolution to oppose ground level spraying along with the letter of appreciation. The Resolution (with modification) was approved unanimously by the Board.
- Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the Waterline Extension requirement for 7105 Panoramic Highway, Michael Korchinsky and Linda Hanson, owners. Because she lives within 500 feet of Mr. Korchinsky, Director Sapanai recused herself from the discussion and exited the Board meeting room. The General Manager reviewed his staff report and he outlined the history of this water line extension going back to 2006. The water line extension is a condition of approval for a septic system permit that was discussed at the March 2006 Board of Directors meeting. The Districts Wastewater Engineer has been directed by the General Manager to not grant a final permit for the septic system until this condition is met. Mr. Korchinsky wants to move into the home before the water line is constructed. The Board and General Manager reviewed a list of Conditions drafted by the Districts Legal Counsel, Patrick Myaki. Mr. Schmidt listed some of the conditions which are Bond/Letter of Credit/Cash, two times the bid amount for the 6" diameter line, four months to install, ownership of waterline to be transferred to District, owner acknowledges that flows and pressure will meet District standards, owner releases District from all liability, if owner does not complete waterline extension District will have a contractor do it. The Board requested that Mr. Korchinsky secure bids for a 2 inch line AND a 6 inch line. If the costs are very close, Mr. Korchinsky has agreed to pick up the cost difference between the two bids. If the bid difference is more than a few thousand dollars, District staff will evaluate the cost benefit ratio of constructing a 6 inch diameter line. In the meantime, if Mr. Korchinsky agrees to conditions set forth by the District, including the appropriate deposit, he can move into the home upon execution of the agreement. This subject may come back on the July Board Agenda. If staff determines that the District does not need a 6 inch line, Mr. Korchinsky is responsible for only a 2 inch line.
- Public Hearing on the Proposed Operations and Maintenance Budget/ Capital Improvement Budget for Fiscal Year 2008/09, Continued from the Saturday May 17, 2008 Board Meeting. The President of the Board reopened the public hearing continued from last months Board meeting. No members of the Public made comments about the proposed budget. The General Manager reviewed the budget for next fiscal year. The Board unanimously approved the budget and the Resolution establishing an employee benefit program for next fiscal year.
- Public Hearing on a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for 6 Rafael Patio, acct# 1520, owner Mr. Jerry Coleman. The Board denied his request for a water use charge reduction and encouraged him to install a digital meter.
- Discussion and possible direction of staff regarding the Bolinas Lagoon Ecosystem Restoration Project "Recommendations for Restoration of Management". The Board directed the General Manager to schedule Board Workshops in the future, for drafting District comments to public proposals.
- Discussion of the Stinson Beach Area Service Review and Sphere of Influence update from the Marin Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC0). The General Manager told the Board that LAFCO recently passed a resolution which reaffirms the existing sphere of influence for the District. This means there will be no recommended consolidation with the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District. LAFCO is required to perform an analysis every five years.
The Board approved disbursements for May 21, 2008 and June 10, 2008.
The Board requested that the "payee" be listed on future credit card reports.
The Board reviewed the miscellaneous financial statements. The General Manager also told the Board that he
will be transferring $200,000 into the LAIF Account.
The General Manager reviewed his report which included a discussion of the Administrative Assistant Position,
the Water Treatment Plant, the leak on the Highlands waterline, communications about aerial spraying for the
Light Brown Moth, raises for employees, emergency operations plan, committee meetings, the Special Board
Meeting on June 16th, "Small wastewater system operation and maintenance manual" from California State
University Sacramento.
The Board reviewed the thank you letter from Steve Kinsey, Supervisor of District 4. The Board directed the
General Manager to research the details on recently conditioned space added at 210 Seadrift.
Motion to adjourn the meeting approved by unanimous vote.