Director Zell called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, April 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt




Motion to approve the agenda made and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of a Waiver Application for a new septic system at 338 Seadrift, act. #7060, Adam Clammer, owner. Since the applicant had not submitted plans in time for distribution of the board packets and because the district's wastewater engineer was not able to attend the board meeting, this item was continued until the May 17, 2008 Board meeting. Mr. Dick Powell of 336 Seadrift was in attendance.


Motion to approve minutes for Saturday, March 15, 2008 made and approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve disbursements for March 19 and April 2, 2008 made and approved by unanimous vote.


Mr. Schmidt reported that the District is 18% above budget on revenue (almost $188,000) due to excess property tax revenue and an increase in the interest rates. The District is still under on expenses, but is expecting legal costs to greatly exceed budgeted amount. The District had numerous leaks in December and January for which supplies had to be purchased. Mr. Schmidt stated that the District is replacing its infrastructure with cash, rather than borrowed money, and that all the supplies for the valve-raising project (on Calle Del Arroyo) were purchased with cash.


  1. Approval of the district's water treatment plant replacement project and direction to file a notice of exemption. Authorization of solicitation of bids from contractors to undertake phase 1 and phase 2 construction work on the water treatment plant replacement project. By motion, the board approved the water treatment plant replacement project and directed the General Manager to ensure that a notice of exemption was filed and that a public hearing be scheduled at the May 17, 2008 board meeting. The purpose of the public hearing would be to give an opportunity for any members of the public to comment upon the specifications or decisions about the new treatment plant. The board also pre-authorized the General Manager to solicit bids from contractors when the time is necessary and appropriate. The board also directed the General Manager to consult with Ray McDevitt on the GM's purchasing authority.


Mr. Schmidt reported that the main water line was almost complete on Occidente and that most of the laterals have been hooked up. By district employees doing the work, the district saved about 40k. Construction work will start on Marine Way shortly after Occidente is completed. It will take much more time because the construction spoils will need to be hauled away and there is concrete mixed in with the asphalt. The GM reported that because we are doing considerable construction work, that we are not able to complete all of the backflow tests requested by customers. The board directed the GM notify the customers to secure other BF testers if necessary. The GM also discussed 12 Marine Way. It was decided that the GM would work with Rich Souza in writing a letter to the Planning Director asking him to intervene in examining the illegal addition of conditioned space within the garage. The GM also discussed the water treatment plant permit granted the district by the Marin County Planning Dept. A bird survey will need to take place near the end of May, so our crews can start construction work shortly thereafter. Mr. Schmidt discussed the SBCWD Operations Report that was submitted to the Ca. Dept. of Health Services. He also reported that the Ethics training took place on Tues. April 25. An ad hoc committee meeting on records retention was held on Monday, April 7. A meeting of the water ops. committee was also held on April 7. A meeting of the Finance Committee was held on April 8. After discussing the proposals for auditing services, the finance committee decided to stick with Mr. Terry Krieg. The board asked the GM to seek an Engagement letter with Mr. Krieg to secure his auditing services for this next Fiscal Year. The draft CIP budget was reviewed and approved by the water ops. committee. The finance committee has reviewed and two slightly different versions of the O&M budget. A public hearing will be held at the May board meeting to discuss these draft budgets. The GM discussed the opening for an Admin. Assistant. The board directed the GM to do a local recruitment first, by advertising in the 2 local newspapers. The board reviewed the Wastewater Technician's report.


The board discussed the attached letter from Marin County referencing the county's second unit amnesty program. The board also discussed Senate Bill 343, which goes into effect on July 1, 2008 re; the publishing and distribution of board materials concurrently with public availability/access if less than 72 hours before a board meeting.


Several committee meetings were discussed.


The board met in closed session to initiate a conference with legal counsel -anticipated litigation; significant exposure to litigation pursuant to California Government Code Section 54956 [b] one case.


Motion to adjourn the meeting approved by unanimous vote.

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