Director Zell called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, February 16, 2008 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza
Christine Casper




Motion to approve the agenda as presented made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve minutes for Saturday, January 19, 2008 made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote with the following amendments: on page 3, line 21 remove the dollar sign, and on page 4 lines 1-3 revise to read "If Redwood Empire Disposal comes around and picks up garbage on the street during the Clean-Up day, would that eliminate the vouchers that customers got for taking items to the dump for free?"


Motion to approve disbursements for January 23, 2008 made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.

Motion to approve disbursements for February 6, 2008 made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.


Mr. Schmidt stated that property tax revenue was received in December and is reflected in the December financial statements. In addition, Mr. Schmidt reported that the District received almost $70,000 from the ERAF lawsuit settlement. Director Baskin noted that the combination of the extra property tax/ERAF revenues, the downward revisions in the estimated cost of the Laurel Treatment Plant Replacement Project and the savings that can be achieved by having District staff do construction on the plant will help the District fund the plant out of cash flow. Director Baskin added that the Finance Committee will continue to review monthly Operating Reports and present them to the Board. Director Boucke referred to the Cash Flow Report, indicating that the actual and projected ERAF revenues will help fund the Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project; the District received $67,000 in November and $17,500 in January, and expects to receive $81,000 in February and $60,000 in June. Director Boucke added that the Investment Report shows that the bond for the Water Treatment Plant (Union Bank CSCDA2002C) currently has $1,077,262, and that the balance, combined with the cash in the LAIF account, almost covers the projected cost of the plant.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Variance for Property Located at 3255 Shoreline Highway, AP# 195-222-29, Joe and Elly Drosihn, Owners. Rich Souza stated that the property is a vacant lot located on the east side of the current property owned by the Drosihns. The requested variance is for a new alternative septic system that is drip dispersal with an Advantex pre-treatment device; a standard system will not work on the property [due to the soils testing]. Mr. Souza reported that the Wastewater Committee reviewed the project, and that in his "Memo to the Wastewater Committee" the requirements for the variance are listed as follows: the installation of an Advantex pre-treatment device and subsurface drip field, a backflow prevention device, installation of a VeriComm telemetry control panel, quarterly monitoring by the District for the first year and monitoring frequency thereafter to be determined by the District, screening of all sewer roof vents, and submittal of a maintenance contract agreement with a District approved service provider.

    Mr. Souza stated that the District has not yet received comments from the RWQCB, though it is past thirty days since they were notified of the variance request.

    Director Sapanai, on behalf of the Wastewater Committee, stated that the variance request was reviewed and determined to be a classic reason why a variance should be granted. The property would otherwise not be able to be developed without a variance and use of an alternative system, and the homeowners are agreeable to restricting the size of the house to the maximum of 1,400 square feet.

    The Board directed staff to add the following two conditions to the resolution for the variance:

    1. Maximum daily flow is limited to 150 gallons
    2. Current regulations allow for a single family residence with maximum of 1,400 sq. ft. of conditioned space
    Motion to approve the variance and the resolution as discussed made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of Contracts with Stetson Engineering, Inc. for Creek Flow Monitoring, The Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project Phase I & II, Historical Water Use, and General Engineering. Mr. Schmidt referred to his staff report that summarizes the purpose of each contract and recommends that the Board approve the four contracts. Director Zell reported that the Water Operations Committee recommends that the Board approve the contracts.

    Director Boucke asked staff how much money the District has already paid Stetson for the Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project; Christine Casper responded that to date the District has paid Stetson Engineering $54,000 for the WTP project. Mr. Schmidt added that the latest estimated cost break-down from Stetson Engineering for their portion of the project is approximately $300,000.

    Director Baskin referred to sentences two and three of Article 3 on page 2 of each of the four contracts, which includes a standard policy allowing Stetson to change their rates. Director Baskin recommended that the District get a commitment from Stetson that the rates at commencement of the contracts will be the rates for the duration of each contract; the Board agreed. Director Baskin stated that staff should propose to Stetson that sentences two and three of Article 3 be omitted from each contract.

    Director Tye asked how Stetson arrived at the dollar amount for the Contract for Historical Water Use ($16,769), and stated that some context for that dollar amount would be helpful (i.e. overall estimated cost for the project). Director Tye added that in the past the contracts with Stetson have always capped spending on each project or included tasks that that have a defined scope of work. Mr. Schmidt stated that he will obtain from Stetson more specific information in reference to that contract amount.

    Motion to approve all four contracts made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote with the amendment that sentences 2 and three of Article 3 are deleted in each of the four respective contracts.
  2. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Amending Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) Investment Authorization. Motion to adopt the resolution made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.

    Mr. Schmidt confirmed that he will notify Director Boucke when LAIF transfers are made.
  3. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding Establishment of a Records Retention Policy. Mr. Schmidt stated that he worked with District Counsel, Ray McDevitt, to create an abbreviated, four-page Records Retention Policy. Director Baskin suggested that this item be referred to the Legal Committee.

    Director Boucke stated that before this item goes to committee, she would like the "Employee Records (by name") category to be "T + 10" instead of "T + 5". The Board debated Director Boucke's suggestion and recommended that Director Boucke attend the Legal Committee meeting during which this item is discussed.

    Director Baskin recommended that the legend be changed such that Calendar Year is coded at "CY" instead of "CU".

    The Board referred this item to the Legal Committee.


Mr. Schmidt reported that he and Chris Kelley inspected an outdoor shower that is not hooked up to a septic system. The owner agreed to connect it to septic system within thirty days. The shower is shared by six cottages owned by several different people who are pursuing the option of installing plumbing with individual meters for each cottage. Director Baskin added that those cottages are very unique in the sense that they comprise a single property owned by tenants in common with one septic system shared between them. Individual water meters would hold each owner responsible for paying his/her share of increased water cost based on usage, rather than simply dividing the overall cost by six; it would also indicate who is discharging more into the septic system.

Mr. Schmidt reported that he has been trying to track down Paul Tanner, who has done quite a bit of [engineering] work in the Stinson Beach area. Since Mr. Tanner's phone number is no longer in service, Mr. Schmidt and the Board decided that Mr. Tanner shall be removed from District's List of Wastewater System Design Consultants.

Mr. Schmidt stated that he is in the process of transferring money from the District's bond account into the Operating Account.

Director Sapanai referred to page one of the Manager's Report and stated that the District should require the two outdoor showers planned for the Sutton property to be hooked up to the septic system, given that the property is not located in an area of good percolation; Director Tye agreed. Director Sapanai stated that the District needs to closely review all new construction planned for Stinson Beach with regards to discharge of gray water.

Mr. Schmidt reported that he met with Steve McCaffery of North Bay Corporation, who would like to attend next month's board meeting to discuss the Clean-Up Day specifics. Mr. Schmidt added that he and Mr. McCaffery discussed the Franchise Fee and the last time the franchise fee and rates were raised, which was January 4, 2004. A ten-year renewal of the garbage contract presents itself on December 31, 2009; the existing contract calls for two ten-year renewals; one was eight years ago, and the next one will extend through 2019. Director Boucke stated that the current budget indicates $5,000 as the Franchise Fee.

Mr. Schmidt stated that he and Chris Kelley inspected 12 Marine Way again to check on a sealed lid prohibiting access to the septic tank (which they fixed) and the concrete that was poured over the probable location of a portion of the leachfield (which has not been removed). Mr. Schmidt stated that a subsequent letter was sent to the property owner giving him 30 days to remove the concrete. Director Sapanai stated that the owner can avoid removing the concrete if he can show that the leachfields are located elsewhere.

Mr. Schmidt reported that the District had several leaks last month, as reflected in the Monthly Leak Report that is attached to the Manager's Report. Mr. Schmidt stated that SBCWD has a fairly high percentage of unaccounted for water loss. Closely tracking the leaks every month will help determine where that water is going. In addition, Toby is working on some trend charts that will show how the percentage of unaccounted for water changes every month. Mr. Schmidt referred to the picture of the leak repair at 201 Dipsea Road, and stated that the repaired pipe is asbestos concrete pipe that is about 20-25 years old and prone to cracks. The pipe had a 360 degree crack, requiring a full-circle repair clamp at about $300 plus twelve hours of labor. Mapping the leaks will help the District prioritize which lines need to be replaced.

Mr. Schmidt stated that the Manager's Report includes a Wastewater Program report from Chris Kelley.

Mr. Schmidt informed the Board that the District is closer to obtaining a permit for the plant. WRA has completed the biological assessment of the site, and it was subsequently delivered to Jeremy Tejirian at the County Planning Department. Jeremy now has everything he needs from the District in order to schedule a Public Hearing within 30-45 days.

Director Boucke referred back to the Wastewater Report from Chris Kelley, and commented that she really likes the board reports that Chris has been providing.

Mr. Schmidt stated that page three of the Manager's Report is a summary of the Draft Policy for Maintaining Instream Flows in Northern California Coastal Streams.

Concluding his Manager's Report, Mr. Schmidt referred the Board to Director Tye's request to attend AWWA's spring conference. Director Tye stated that the request is to attend two days of the four-day conference. The Board discussed the costs versus the benefits of attending the AWWA conference. Director Tye stated that he was interested in the conference because it includes a segment for small agencies. Director Boucke suggested that, since the registration deadline is not until April fourth, the Board be provided with specifics on the conference's course offerings before approving the conference. The Board decided that at the next regular board meeting they will review the conference's course offerings.


Mr. Schmidt reported that within the next couple of months, he and the Board will need to schedule a time with District Counsel for the bi-annual ethics training. The Board directed Mr. Schmidt to ask Ray McDevitt if he could conduct the training at 5:00 on a Wednesday in March or April.

A Personnel Meeting was set for March 5.

Director Sapanai stated that the Legal Committee needs to meet on two separate items: the Records Retention Policy and review of Title II. The Board decided that Director Sapanai, Director Boucke, Director Baskin and District Counsel will meet to discuss the Records Retention Policy. Director Zell, Director Baskin and Director Sapanai will meet to discuss Title II.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote. The next regular board meeting was set for Saturday, March 15 at 9:30a.m.

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