Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order
on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson
Beach, California.
Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Director Tye complimented District Staff for their immediate response to and help with the recent oil spill. The
entire Board of Directors seconded Director Tye's commendation of staff.
Director Zell asked the Board to help define the time of Toby Bisson, Water Supervisor. Specifically, Mr. Zell
asked for help in determining what constitutes District time, volunteer time, and emergency time. Director
Sapanai commented that it would be inappropriate to ask for reimbursement for time that was spent without
District authorization. Mr. Schmidt stated that he spoke with Mr. Bisson regarding the reimbursement(s) in
question, and that he is currently working with Mr. Bisson to determine a legitimate accounting of all time and
equipment expenditures related to the oil spill.
Motion to approve the agenda as presented (except for moving the Manager's Report to before the Financial
Statements) made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Boucke, and approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve minutes for October 10 made by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote with the
following changes: On page 2, both Directors Zell and Tye shall be referenced as suggesting a nuisance barrier
on the Fitzhenry project. On page 3, line 40, waists shall be changed to waits. On page 3, line 58, Gatsby shall
be changed to GASBY.
Motion to approve minutes for October 27 made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by
unanimous vote with the following changes: On page 1, line 53, Zell shall be changed to Tye. On page 3, line 16,
the language regarding the square footage of the proposed residence will be omitted, given that it is a County
Planning issue.
Motion to approve disbursements for October 23 and October 26 made by Director Tye, seconded by Director
Boucke and approved by unanimous vote.
Director Boucke reported that a Finance Committee Meeting was held on November 8. During that meeting, the
Finance Committee decided that the following financial reports will be included in the board packets: the
Comparative Income Statement (which compares this year to last year), the Quarterly Operating Report (which
provides a thumbnail of revenues and expenditures vs. the budget), and the Dot Report (which tracks cash
accounts). Director Boucke pointed out that the District has $927,185 cash in the bank as of September 30,
Mr. Schmidt directed the Board to page one of the Quarterly Operating Report, which indicates that current
revenue is 17% below budget; however, the District has not received its property tax revenue yet and is currently
$97,000 below budget for property tax. Mr. Schmidt also noted that the District is $9,000 below budget on its
wastewater-related fees, but that it is not yet the building season, during which these fees typically increase. Mr.
Schmidt continued that the District is currently 7% under budget on expenses. It was also noted that there is a
+97% variance (more than $3,600 over) on gasoline costs, yet the report shows the District is 85% under budget
on miscellaneous supplies. Thus, it appears that gas may have been charged to the wrong account. The Board
directed staff to investigate the accounting of gas.
Director Boucke reported that some minor changes were made within the categories of the budget, once it was
realized that the District over-budgeted for Workers' Compensation. Some money was shifted from Workers'
Compensation to Benefits and some money was moved out of Miscellaneous Contract Services and put it into
Director Boucke reported that the District received the bound copies of the audit, and pointed out that the auditor's
criticism of the District's bank deposits practices has been corrected. In addition, the property tax criticism is in
the process of correction, and the unbalanced General Ledger is being worked on by staff. The Board decided to
review copies of the audit, and then put it on next month's agenda for final approval.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he has noticed around town that there is a lot of encroachment taking place over District
facilities. Mr. Schmidt stated that one of the field workers, Buck Meyer, showed him a site where a resident built a
fence between the road and the water meter. Director Sapanai stated that in cases where construction has
blocked access to a public utility, the work was likely completed without a building permit; otherwise, the District
would have been notified of the proposed construction and objected to it. Director Sapanai suggested charging
customers for the extra time it takes staff to gain access to their meter. Director Zell added that impediments to
access are a liability with regards to work-related injuries. Mr. Schmidt stated that he left a voicemail for the
property owner in question, indicating that the fence must be moved. Mr. Schmidt added that if the District does
not get response [from the owner], then the District can turn their water off. Director Sapanai added that we can
also request a copy of their building permit. The Board directed staff to vigorously pursue correcting obstructions
to District equipment/facilities.
Mr. Schmidt reported that on Thursday, October 25, he was notified that the District will be receiving $67,644.00
from a lawsuit that was started five years ago between the County and the State of California regarding ERAF
Mr. Schmidt reported that there was a Personnel Committee meeting on October 25, and another is planned for
the first of the year (2008).
Mr. Schmidt reported that on October 29, he met with Toby Bisson and Peter Hilliard, the new representative for
the proposed cell tower site. Mr. Hilliard brought plans that show that the cell tower requires approximately 700
square feet of space.
Mr. Schmidt reported that on October 29 he hand-delivered the District's response to the Marin Civil Grand Jury
Mr. Schmidt reported that he followed-up on the Board's request for information regarding why the Fire
Department does not specify a dollar limit for their appropriations limit. Mr. Schmidt spoke with Chris Harrington,
Fire Board President, and Kenny Stevens, Fire Chief, who stated that they have never seen a dollar amount
indicated [on the voting materials] for appropriations limits, and that those documents are prepared for them by
County Counsel.
As a follow-up to the Board's request from last month, Mr. Schmidt reported that he requested clarification
regarding regulations, policies, and/or best management practices of the Coastal Commission regarding the
location of septic systems for oceanfront properties. Mr. Schmidt stated that he has not yet received a response.
Mr. Schmidt reported that he spoke with Phil Smith at Environmental Health Services, who indicated that it is
unlikely that the Stinson Beach Wetlands will be included in their proposed beach study.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he spoke with Jeremy Tejirian, the County Planner that has been assigned to the Laurel
Water Treatment Plant project. Mr. Tejirian said that within the next thirty days he will schedule a public hearing
for the project, and direct the District to erect the story poles at the site. Once the story poles are up, personnel
from the County Planning Department will tour the site. Mr. Schmidt reported that field staff has been working
diligently to prepare the site; the old fence has been torn down, and the new fence is up.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he spoke with Lisa Post of the West Marin Citizen regarding the election for the
appropriations limit. An article on the topic is slated to appear in next week's edition.
Mr. Schmidt said that he submitted the appropriations increase resolution to the Board of Supervisors and the
Registrar of Voters; it was reviewed and accepted. The "Argument in Favor for the Measure" will be accepted
once all of the Board members sign it.
Mr. Schmidt reported that Chris Kelley, Wastewater Technician, has completed the second half of his training with
the California Onsite Wastewater Association on November 8 and 9.
The Board discussed three documents in the board packet regarding the water usage/septic capacity at 18 Arenal
Director Tye reported that a Water Operations Committee meeting is set for Wednesday at 9:00a.m., and a
Wastewater Committee meeting is set for Monday at 10:00a.m.
Director Tye reported that he received a complaint regarding a drilling rig that was seen at Al Cole's residence on
Panoramic Highway. The Board directed staff to investigate if a well is under construction on the premises and if
there is a requisite permit.
Director Sapanai distributed a document from the caterer with menu choices for the Staff Appreciation Dinner, to
be forwarded to staff for input. The Board discussed Board member contributions for the dinner. Director
Sapanai offered to donate a case of red wine. It was decided that the Board members will bring desserts.
Director Zell reported that invitations have been sent and that he will bring cheesecake and an appetizer. Director
Boucke suggested that the Board request that the decorations from the Historical Society's party on December 7
be saved for the District's dinner.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous