Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order
on Saturday, October 27, 2007 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson
Beach, California.
Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Christine Casper
Sandy Cross, Stinson Beach Resident, voiced opposition to the possibility that the District may lease some land
for the installation of cell towers in Stinson Beach, and distributed some information regarding the possible
detrimental effects of exposure to cell towers. Director Sapanai assured Ms. Cross that the District would not
enter into a contract to lease land for cell towers before a public meeting is held during which all the specifications
of the contract are discussed. Director Boucke [after reviewing the distributed materials] asked what a stealth
antenna looks like and where one is located in Stinson Beach. Ms. Cross replied it is a blue box with a picture of
a phone on it; one is outside the grocery store and one is outside the Parkside. The blue boxes are located on
top of pay phones.
Director Tye suggested approving the minutes and the disbursements and moving the General Manager's Report
to the end of Public Hearing, item number four. The Board approved Director Tye's suggestion by unanimous
The Board discussed three documents in the board packet regarding the water usage/septic capacity at 18 Arenal
Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Variance for Property Located at 3715 Shoreline
Highway, Account # 0370, Lynette Sutton, Owner: Rich Sousa gave an overview of the variance request: Mr.
Sousa stated that the application is for a replacement septic system for the old Elwoods property. The plans
involve demolishing the existing house and abandoning the old septic system, per District code. The new system
includes an alternative system (requiring a variance), an Advantex Pretreatment Unit, a raised bed dispersal
system, UV disinfection, a 200 percent designed leach field, and a 100 percent reserve. The septic system is
approximately 90 feet to the setback from the top of the bank of the creek, which is maximized by placing it
strategically on the property. There is also a variance due to the soils and the groundwater (importation of soil).
Currently, the property is two lots; if the District approves the septic system, the lots must be merged into one.
There is a variance for the increase of flow; the designer has oversized the septic system, but the District will still
limit the maximum flow to 150 gallons per day. Percolation tests met District standards. The application has
been sent to RWQCB, and they have provided advisory comments. According to District regulations, this plan
application constitutes new construction. As part of the resolution, the District requires that the drain field be set
back as far away from Eskoot Creek as possible, the installation of low flow water devices to meet the 150 gallon
per day requirement, the installation of an alternative system as shown on the Questa design plans, that imported
soil will meet specifications for our sand filters, the installation of a phone line for to utilize the Vericomm
Telemetry system, the quarterly monitoring by the District for the first year and subsequent years to be
determined by staff, and merging of the lots.
Norm Hantzche distributed a written response to the RWQCB comments, to be kept on file.
Motion to approve the resolution made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote. -
Consideration/Adoption of Resolution to Amend Title IV, the District's Wastewater Management Code: Director
Sapanai stated that the proposed changes have been approved by the RWQCB. Director Sapanai suggested that
the wording for the Neighbor Notification for Variances be sent back to the Wastewater Committee for refinement.
The Board directed the Wastewater Committee to rewrite section 4.13.125 to read that the District will be
responsible for neighbor notification, with a fee [to be determined] to be charged to the applicant.
Director Baskin made a motion to adopt the resolution, except that 4.13.125 shall be changed to reflect that the District shall send out the neighbor notification, and that variance fees shall be appropriately changed in conjunction therewith. Motion seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote. -
Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Water Use Charge Reduction for Property Located at
23 Avenida Olema, Account #4530, John & Maureen Hutchinson, Owners: Mr. Schmidt stated that a 75%
reduction is requested for a $2,000 water bill. Mr. Hutchinson stated that the leak occurred while the residence
was unoccupied and while a new septic system was under construction on the property.
Mr. Hutchinson stated that there are no repair bills because he believes the water loss was due a contract worker leaving the water on.
Director Sapanai noted that the maximum the District can mitigate is 6,700 cubic feet, and that the circumstances of this leak are not outside of the control of the property owner. Director Sapanai recommended turning the water off when vacating the residence and installing a digital water meter to monitor water usage on a regular basis.
Motion to grant a 25% billing credit under the ordinance (up to 6,700 cubic feet) made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote.
Director Sapanai stated that the owner needs to pursue getting some relief from the contractor for the high bill, since the loss was due to their negligence.
The owner was offered a payment schedule for the balance of the bill. -
Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Water Use Charge Reduction for Property Located at
12 Calle Del Sierra, Account #0240, Tony & Karen Cassin, Owners. Mr. Schmidt stated that the owners (present)
are requesting a 100% reduction.
Director Sapanai stated that water use for the billing period of the requested reduction is not much more than the water use in other billing periods. The owner replied that high usage in other billing periods is due to summer rentals, but the leak occurred on May 4 during an unoccupied period.
Director Sapanai stated that this situation is one of those circumstances (a pipe break) that falls within the reduction guidelines. In addition, the leak was found early because the owner has someone check on the property regularly.
Director Baskin made a motion to grant a 50% reduction under the District's ordinance. Motion seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.
Director Tye recommended the installation of a digital water meter to be checked by the property management company before and after each rental.
Motion to approve minutes for September 15 made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Boucke, and approved
by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve disbursements for September 5, September 18, and October 2 made by Director Boucke and
seconded by Director Tye.
Director Boucke requested that for checks #1620, #1621 and #1649, which are payments for annual principal and
semi annual interest, that the principal portion of the payments is accounted for in the "expenses" column instead
of the "capital" column.
Director Boucke asked why check #16077 to Laser Link-LCP shows so much money spent on service for the
color printer instead of purchasing a new printer. Director Sapanai responded that the color printer in question is
very expensive, as it is a color laser printer. Mr. Schmidt added that staff had to do some printing that day, but
that he has decided that no additional money will be put into that printer. Christine Casper pointed out that the
printer had not been serviced since 2005.
Director Sapanai asked what the District's policy is on per diems. Mr. Schmidt replied that he will compile
information on the District's per diem policy versus that of the State of California, and then report that information
back to the Board.
Disbursements approved by unanimous vote.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the package for the Coastal Development Permit for the Water Treatment Plant has been
submitted to Ben Berto at the County of Marin. Mr. Berto related that he will probably assign the project to a
planner this week and that a public hearing would probably be scheduled by the end of January, 2008. Thus,
construction could begin by this summer.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he and Toby Bisson met with John Haaf, Senior Risk Management Consultant for JPIA.
Mr. Haaf toured the District's facility, and forwarded his report [attached to the back of the Manager's Report] that
includes some recommendations for the District. Mr. Schmidt has 30 days to respond in writing to Mr. Haaf
regarding what the District plans to do with regards to his recommendations.
Director Boucke asked when the first quarter financials will be available, and requested that the quarterly financial
reports be presented at the regular board meetings the month following the end of the quarter. Mr. Schmidt
stated that he would consult with Janice Payne, District Bookkeeper, regarding the reports and pass the
information on to the Finance Committee.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the General Manager of Seadrift said that the reason the Seadrift Association does not
allow septic systems on the ocean side of homes is because the Coastal Commission does not want them there.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he will compose a letter to the Coastal Commission to solicit clarification on this topic.
Mr. Schmidt stated that on October 17 he had a discussion with Peter Hilliard who is now the District's new
authorized negotiator with Verizon Wireless on a possible cell tower site. Mr. Schmidt will be meeting with Mr.
Hilliard on October 29 to tour the proposed site and review the last draft of the proposal that was presented to the
previous negotiator.
Mr. Schmidt reported that the field staff has saved the District about $20,000 in preparing the Water Treatment
Plant site in lieu of hiring outside contractors.
The Board discussed the photos attached to the Manager's Report.
Mr. Schmidt reported that Aldergrove well is pumping water that is low in PH; this slightly acidic water may require
the District to do a corrosion control study.
Mr. Schmidt stated that field staff has raised two of the waterline valves so far; there are twenty-five more that
need to be raised. The District is saving almost $500.00 for each valve that is raised by staff instead of hiring an
outside contractor.
Mr. Schmidt reported that Chris Kelly, Wastewater Technician, attended the California On-Site Wastewater
Association training and passed the subsequent exam. Mr. Kelley will attend another training program on
November 8 and 9.
Mr. Schmidt reported that Chris Kelley and Rich Sousa successfully collaborated with Orenco Systems, Inc. to
create a telemetry panel for systems other than Orenco Advantex Systems.
- Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding Response Letter to the Marin County Civil Grand Jury Report Titled, "Retiree Health Care Costs: I Think I'm Gonna Be Sick," Dated March 19, 2007: The Board accepted the recommendation in the Manager's Report.
- Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding a District-wide Election on February 5, 2008 to Seek Approval from the Voters to Increase the District's Property Tax Appropriations Limit: Director Boucke recommended adding a minimum of $105,000 to the base of $475,000 for a total of $680,000 to be specified as the requested appropriations limit amount on the ballot. Director Boucke asked why the Fire District did not have to specify an appropriations limit amount; Mr. Schmidt replied that he will call the Fire Department to find out.
- Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding Acceptance of the District's Annual Independent Auditor's Basic Financial Statements: Director Boucke stated that the Board should have received bound copies of the audit. Director Baskin made a motion to approve the Auditor's Basic Financial Statements with the changes in the memo of October 2, 2007 properly incorporated. Motion seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote.
The Board discussed the holiday party. The Board decided to hire Willow Camp Catering to provide all the food,
except for the appetizers and wine, (at the Community Center) for $28.00 per person. Servers, who will also
perform all the clean-up, will be hired for $35.00 per hour per worker. Director Tye volunteered to barbecue
oysters as appetizers; the oysters will be purchased through Willow Camp Catering. Board members will be
assigned to such details as decorations, flatware, dishes, etc. at a later date. Director Sapanai volunteered to
work with Wendy DiPaolo at Willow Camp Catering to put a party checklist together.
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous