Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Wednesday, October 10, 2007 at 5:00p.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Directors absent:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Christine Casper




Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding Repair Quotes that were Solicited from Several Contractors for the Replacement of Two (2) Water Lines near Fitzhenry Creek: Ed Schmidt stated that the Water Operations Committee discussed the need for the District to replace two waterlines that cross Fitzhenry Creek. These two water lines are currently about three to four feet under the ground; however, the culverts that carry water away from the lines are plugged, so the two pipelines are in danger of being washed out. Thus, the Water Operations Committee and Allan Richards, of Stetson Engineers, created a design for a permanent fix to the two waterlines (see plans attached in the board packet). The plans show two concrete piers and two pipelines that will go on top of the two piers, to be constructed about a foot and a half above the current level of the ground.

    Director Baskin asked who owns the land at the site. Director Tye replied that it is owned in combination with the State of California and the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

    Mr. Schmidt stated that if the Board approves the concept and the price for this project, then the next step is to formally present it to the adjacent property owners and obtain written statements from them attesting to their support of the project.

    Director Zell and Director Tye stated that a nuisance barrier should be constructed across the pipes to prevent people from trespassing on the pipes. Director Tye added that the $34,590 bid from Piazza for this project does not include the cost of the work performed by Stetson Engineers, estimated to be $5,000-$10,000. Mr. Schmidt stated that this project was accounted for on the District's CIP list at a cost of $10,000. However, at the time the CIP list was created, the project was expected to include cleaning out the culverts or installing new culverts only. After visiting the site and meeting with Mr. Richards and the Water Operations Committee, it was apparent that a permanent solution is necessary. Mr. Schmidt pointed out that on page three of the CIP list, $26,000 is slated for the culvert for the Laurel Water Treatment Plant. The District might realize a savings on that project since some ideas for that project include performing a portion of the work in-house. In addition, the fire hydrant upgrades slated for $10,000 on the CIP list don't have to be done. Therefore, the cost increase to the Fitzhenry Creek project should not seriously affect the bottom line on the CIP project list.

    Director Boucke asked why only one bid was submitted (from Piazza Construction) when several were solicited repeatedly. Mr. Schmidt replied that for a lot of contractors, it is too small of a job to mobilize over the hill to Stinson Beach. One other contractor promised a bid, but never submitted one.

    Discussion ensued regarding a safety device and signage to prevent people from traveling across the pipes.

    Mr. Schmidt added that he needs to find out from District Counsel whether or not a permit is required for this project. Director Baskin suggested composing a letter to GGNRA, explaining the project plans. Director Tye stated that this project was identified during the FEMA flood application process. Mr. Bisson added that the District applied to repair the culvert, but FEMA responded that the District did not have the right to repair the culvert. Mr. Bisson stated that the District has a waterline through that area that was constructed legally in 1978, so the District needs to confirm that it has the right to repair and maintain the waterline through the easement. Director Tye stated that the letter to the GGNRA should mention that the District approached FEMA in 2006 and addressed replacing the culvert, but after a more extensive study, the District realized that [replacing the culvert] would be a temporary fix, and the District is seeking a more permanent fix. Director Baskin volunteered to write the letter. Mr. Richards recommended discussing options with Ray McDevitt, District Counsel, before writing a letter to the GGNRA. Mr. Schmidt will work with Mr. McDevitt's office in preparing letters to GGNRA and other property owners.

    Motion to direct staff to move forward with the project as described in the Memo to the Board, and to accept the proposal from Piazza Construction for two waterline replacements made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.

    Director Boucke asked who would be affected if the two existing waterlines were washed-out; Director Tye responded that all of Panoramic Highway would lose power and water, or one-quarter of the District's total system.
  2. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff Regarding the Review of the Application Package for a Coastal Development Permit (CDP) from the County for Enhancements to the District's Laurel Water Treatment Plant: Mr. Schmidt stated that the current plant is thirty years old; it was built in 1978 to water quality regulations of thirty years ago. The plant has outlived its useful life and is in need of replacement. Staff has recently visited Ben Berto, the Principal Planner for Marin County, and discussed what kind of permit will be required, how long [the permitting process] is going to take, potential opposition to the project, etc. Mr. Berto stated that if the County receives the completed application materials by mid October, he should be able to get the District a public hearing by the end of January, 2008. If there is no public opposition at that meeting, the District could be under construction by this summer.

    Mr. Schmidt stated that there are six pages of plans in the board packet for the proposed plant. When the District goes out to bid, the District will need design drawings, estimated by Mr. Richards to be about 25-30 drawings.

    Director Boucke commented that on tab number 24, "The Green Building Certification Form," it states that the District intends to install [solar] panels. Director Boucke stated that the word intends should be changed to considering, with regards to installation of solar panels at the new plant.

    Mr. Schmidt stated that the County will do an official neighbor notification for the public hearing. Mr. Schmidt added that he, Director Boucke and Director Tye also discussed the District doing a notification of its own, inviting the public to the District Office to review the plans and apprising them of the public hearing. Director Baskin suggested presenting the plans [in the board packet] at a Village Association meeting so that the project will be documented in their meeting minutes.

    Director Baskin made a motion to approve the project as recommended by staff and presented in the board packet, to authorize staff to submit it to the County for whatever permitting may be required, and for the Board to proceed with notifying the community as discussed. Motion seconded by Director Boucke.

    Mr. Schmidt directed the Board to the revised schedule for the project, including the latest cost estimate. Mr. Schmidt stated that the County identified two areas of concern with regards to the project: 1) any increase in the capacity of the plant and 2) any environmental issues. The District had Wetlands Research, Inc. evaluate the site, after which they issued a memo indicating that they did not uncover any initial environmental concerns; however, they recommended hiring them to do a full biological assessment for another $3,500. Mr. Schmidt stated that the full biological assessment will be done if the County wants the District to do it.

    Mr. Schmidt stated that the staff has already begun site work for this project, and the projected savings to the District by performing that work in-house is estimated to be $20,000. The cost estimate for the WTP project is based upon outside contractors completing the work; any work performed in-house would decrease the estimated cost of the project.

    Director Boucke reiterated that she would like to have a cost-benefit analysis from Mr. Schmidt regarding the solar panels before any decision regarding the panels is made. Director Tye reminded everyone that the District got a free audit from the County of Marin in 2005 that indicates the full potential for solar for the treatment plant, for the canyon, and for the District Office building.

    Allan Richards circulated a set of photos that he explained were created after the binders were distributed; the photos depict the existing plant and are to be inserted into the binders behind tab number eight. Director Tye noted that photo number three shows an invasive pampas grass that needs to be eradicated because it is a noxious, non-native grass. Director Tye stated that [for the submittal] the District should identify the fact that there is a plan to remove this non-native grass.

    Mr. Schmidt stated that he would like to take the draft binder to Ben Berto at the County tomorrow. Mr. Richards responded that he won't be in the office tomorrow to make the necessary changes to the binder before it can be submitted to the County. Mr. Richards stated that he can make the changes on Friday, and then email the files to Mr. Schmidt.

    The motion was approved by unanimous vote.

    Director Zell voiced concern over the rainy season approaching and potentially impacting the project schedule; if the District waits too long to start the culvert project at the WTP site, then the entire project could be stalled until the ground dries. Mr. Schmidt confirmed that staff will make the project a priority.


Director Tye, of the Wastewater Committee, reported that there is a meeting scheduled for this Monday morning at 10:00a.m. The only item specified on the agenda is the revisiting of the Sutton reapplication. Mr. Schmidt added that Blair Allen, of CRWQCB, does not know if he will have his comments regarding that project in time for the committee meeting, but he will have them in time for the Board meeting on October 27.

Director Boucke, of the Finance Committee, reported that Director Baskin was unable to attend the recent Finance Committee meeting, during which some changes were made to the draft audit before it is presented to the Board on October 27.

Director Boucke referenced an email from Mr. Schmidt about the Marin County Civil Grand Jury. She asked why the District did not know about it sooner. Mr. Schmidt explained that he only received the letter in yesterday's mail from the Marin County Civil Grand Jury stating that the District is late in responding to a report that they (Grand Jury) sent on March 19, 2007. That letter gave the District 90 days to provide a written response to their recommendations regarding "GASBY 45". At that time (March, 2007), there was no manager on staff, hence no response was sent back to the Grand Jury. Mr. Schmidt will prepare a response to the Grand Jury that will be agendized at the October 27, 2007 Board meeting. Mr. Schmidt reported that the District pays $14.00 per month per retired employee towards CalPERS, as part of the District's contract with CalPERS, which needs to be explained to the Grand Jury.

Director Boucke opened a discussion regarding the holiday party, and suggested taking the staff out to a restaurant this year. Director Tye recommended deferring the conversation until the Board President is present. Director Baskin suggested putting the item on the agenda for Saturday, October 27. Director Boucke asked the Board to commit to December 13 as the date for the party. The Board consented that while the party at the Community Center was very successful last year, it required a lot of work on behalf of staff members. The Board discussed having the party at the Community Center again, but hiring outside help to serve/set up/clean up. Director Boucke stated that the Pelican Inn has a nice, large, private room. Director Zell stated that, historically, they did not patronize restaurants in town to avoid questions of favoritism. The Board suggested booking the Community Center and the Pelican Inn for December 13th, as long as a monetary deposit is not required, until the Board discusses this issue at the October 27 meeting. This item to be further discussed on October 27.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote.

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