Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, April 21, 2007 at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Staff present:
Toby Bisson, Interim Secretary


Director Tye stated that there will be a beach clean-up on Earth Day at noon.

The board discussed having a reception for Ed Schmidt, the new general manager, to give the community the opportunity to meet him; the reception will be held following a Saturday board meeting in May or June.

Director Boucke stated that a press release should be prepared to announce the hiring of Ed Schmidt; Director Boucke to prepare a press release for local news media.


The Agenda was adopted as presented.


Approval of March 14 and March 24 minutes continued to the next board meeting on May 2.


Director Boucke stated that the bookkeeper's compensation is seventy dollars over the $2,000 per month contracted rate because she was authorized to spend some additional hours working with Harris to resolve some software issues.

The board discussed district employees' cell phone use; Director Sapanai stated that employees should not be using district cell phones as their primary cell phone.

Board discussed employee clothing allowance benefit.

Motion to approve disbursements for the month of March (March 7, 21 and 27) made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.

Motion to approve board member compensation requests for committee meetings made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote: Lawrence Baskin 4/5 Finance; Barbara Boucke 3/21 Finance, 3/28 Personnel, 4/5 Finance; Elizabeth Sapanai 3/26 Wastewater; Scott Tye, 3/8 Quarterly Emergency Operations Council, 3/12 Water Operations, 3/26 Wastewater; Jim Zell 3/28 Personnel.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of Amendment to Title V: Director Baskin made a motion to adopt the changes as presented in the board packet, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Consideration/Adoption of a Resolution Authorizing a Contract with Wetlands Research, Inc. for the New Water Treatment Plant Site Assessment: Toby Bisson stated that during a Water Operations Committee meeting with Allan Richards of Stetson Engineering, Inc. they determined that a culvert runs through the property where the water treatment plant is located; they decided that the district would investigate it to ensure compliance with all the environmental issues that could be associated with developing the property. Director Tye added that Wetlands Research, Inc. also evaluated some trees to establish that they are not a breeding place for particular birds. Director Baskin made a motion to approve the resolution, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.
  3. Marin Local Agency Formation Commission Special District Representative Election: Director Sapanai suggested that the board elect Dennis Rodoni; Director Zell made a motion to select Dennis Rodoni for representative; motion seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote. Toby Bisson to submit the ballot selecting Dennis Rodoni as the District's representative.


  1. Review of Compensation Proposals: The Board met in closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54957 to discuss staff requests for salaries and benefits for fiscal year 2007-2008. Further information will be collected regarding those requests, and decisions regarding compensation will likely be made at the next board meeting on May 2.


The board decided that Director Sapanai will communicate with Mr. Schmidt to determine his start date. The board discussed resuming the "Manager's Report" portion of regular board meeting following the commencement of Mr. Schmidt as general manager; the staff will forward their monthly reports to Ed to include in his Manager's Report at Saturday board meetings.

Board discussed having staff members email electronic files of board packets to all board members as soon as they become available. The board decided that board agendas will be set (by the board president) the week prior to each board meeting, and board packets will be available for pick-up seventy-two hours in advance of each meeting.

Toby Bisson gave an update on field activities; the field staff has been working hard at cleaning up the district's properties; they are to start inventory next month to have it done ahead of time this year (before June 30th).

Director Boucke asked Toby Bisson for annual costs for the culvert and tree removal at the water treatment plant site; Toby stated that he is waiting for Allan Richards to send him some information regarding options for lining the culvert before an accurate estimate can be achieved; however, Toby stated that the culvert should be under $10,000 and the tree removal will most likely be done in-house.

Director Tye stated that the Water Operations committee met on Monday, April 16; Allan Richards and Christine also attended. The committee reviewed and updated Allan Richards' task list for phase one of the treatment plant replacement project; about two-thirds of the original task list is completed. Some items were added to the task list, such as getting the bid documents in a digital format from Krieger & Stewart. Stetson is getting close to providing cost estimates for the plant. According to the schedule, by the fall the district shall order the filter unit, and by the spring of 2008, construction should begin.


The May meetings were set for Wednesday, May 2 at 5:00 and Saturday, May 19 at 9:30. Motion to adjourn made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.

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