Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order
on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 at 5:00p.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson
Beach, California.
Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Staff present:
Toby Bisson
Christine Casper
The Agenda was adopted with the following changes: Director Tye made a motion to move item number two to item number one; motion approved by unanimous vote.
- Oath of Office: Larry Baskin recited the oath of office.
Discussion of Options for New Water Treatment Plant: Allan Richards of Stetson Engineers, Inc. distributed a
memo that was discussed in the Water Operations Committee Meeting on February 12, 2007 entitled: "Topics for
Discussion with Engineering Committee Regarding Status of Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project,
Stinson Beach County Water District". In that memo, Allan addresses 1) scope of work for the project, 2)
selection of a membrane plant, and 3) his recommendation. Allan stated that the intention of the memo is to
ascertain where Krieger and Stewart left off with the project and where Stetson would begin. Allan stated that
Toby forwarded him several documents in a "recent correspondence file" relevant to the status of the treatment
plant, including a project schedule that Krieger and Stewart had prepared and a preliminary cost estimate for each
of the two proposed systems. Toby also provided him with some of the maps that Krieger and Stewart had
prepared showing an overview of the Pall system and the Koch system layout, a preliminary design memo that
describes the two systems, and a copy of the geology report. Allan concluded that (after viewing those
documents) he now has a better understanding of where the project was left-off and where Stetson would pick it
Allan related his recommendation that the Water Operations Committee establish a checklist of tasks, both long- term and short-term, as the project moves into the next phases of design to allow the board better oversight of the project; Allan stated that he proposed to the Water Operations Committee that he would prepare an initial checklist of activities and identify who will perform those activities. Allan also reported that the Water Operations Committee decided to have a meeting once a month to review progress on the tasks and to give a meaningful report back to the board. Scott Tye added that the Water Operations Committee also discussed creating a decision-making matrix for the project.
Allan Richards distributed the initial checklist of tasks he prepared entitled, "Task Checklist, Stinson Beach County Water District Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project". The list breaks-down tasks into short-term activities (to be performed within a one month time frame), mid-term activities (to be performed within a two- month time frame) and long-term activities (to be performed in a time frame of three months or more). Allan stated that since Director Tye indicated that there is no scope of work defined for the next phase of the project, he offered to prepare a draft outline of the scope of work; the scope of work would be divided into two phases, 1) information gathering/review and designing the project, and 2) the construction activities. Allan indicated that his checklist includes three or four activities for him to perform over the next two weeks, including reviewing the documents that he received recently (from Toby) and drafting the scope of work. His plan is to have a final scope of work for phase one activities by next Friday for the board to review at the Saturday board meeting. Also during the next two weeks, Toby has been assigned several tasks, including collecting the electronic files (design plans and bid documents) created by Krieger & Stewart and forwarding them to Allan. Mr. Richards specified that the short term activities on the task list are intended to provide the information to complete the mid-term activities, and so forth. The primary long-term activities are awarding the equipment contract to the membrane manufacturer and preparing fifty-percent plans and specifications for the entire system.
Toby Bisson reported that the fees paid to Krieger and Stewart for this project were approximately $90,000. The board confirmed with Allan that Stetson shall review the plans drawn by Krieger & Stewart and not just take them at face value.
Allan stated that this is going to be an expensive project; Krieger and Stewart estimated the costs at $2.9-3.4 million. Mr. Bisson noted that that cost estimate does not account for the discounted in-house construction costs. Allan pointed out that preparing the design plans will be a substantial cost; the current plans are a conceptual design, not spec to work; the final plan set for this plant is estimated to be 30-40 sheets.
Toby Bisson related that the District has funds set aside for the plant, but it is going to cost more than the current funds available, so the Finance Committee should commence working on accumulation of the additional funds. Director Tye specified that the money set aside is a state funded loan. The loan amount started at approximately $1.2 million; the District has already expended money on Krieger and Stewart, so the current balance is closer to $1.1 million.
Allan noted that Krieger and Stewart left-off on their schedule in the middle of July, 2006, amidst reviewing bids from membrane manufacturers (reviewing the bids was never completed), and there was still a year and a half left on their schedule. Mr. Baskin noted that the Krieger and Stewart schedule allocates only 6 weeks for advertising bid construction and awarding the contract, which is not realistic. Mr. Richards reiterated that the contract timeline does appear to be optimistic.
Mr. Bisson stated that he would like to get the retaining wall in this summer. Board discussed the possibility that portions of the plant construction will have to be sub-contracted out, depending on the final plan designs. Mr. Bisson added that the District needs to get WRA involved in the project due to the culvert running through the property.
Allan proposed updating Krieger and Stewart's schedule and cost estimate to include some additional tasks and to account for in-house construction costs.
Board decided that Director Baskin, of the Finance Committee, will attend the Water Operations Committee meetings related to the new water treatment plant. Mr. Baskin stated that he will begin to research the District's funding capabilities/resources; Toby stated that he will forward Director Baskin information on the existing loan. Director Tye stated that he has committed to attending a multiple state agency funding fair on Wednesday, May 23 in Santa Rosa; Director Baskin said he would also like to attend that meeting.
The board decided that the District needs to have a short-term contract with Stetson for phase one of the project. Director Baskin stated the task list (provided by Allan Richards) should include number 6.5 "Obtain and evaluate real cost estimates."
Director Tye noted that Koch and Pall need to be contacted to determine any variation in modular unit costs (they are now six months old). Toby Bisson reported the difference between the two filtration units; the Koch is ultrafiltration and the Pall is microfiltration. The microfiltration units are more common in California; the Koch system creates cleaner water but more by product. The board discussed visiting the Koch and Pall plants to gather information in deciding between the two systems.
Allan Richards promised to forward a scope of work for phase one of the project by Friday, to be reviewed at Saturday's regular board meeting.
The board discussed a letter to Larry Baskin from the maintenance manager of the Bolinas School requesting remittance of $1,750 for damage to the play structure allegedly caused by the District's flushing of the water supply. Toby Bisson stated that the play structure is twelve years old, and that the rusted posts are not caused by the District's flushing; when the District does its flushing the water does not reach the play structure. The board decided that Elizabeth Sapanai, as board president, would send a letter to the superintendent of Bolinas School stating that the District's flushing is unrelated to the rotting posts.
The next regular meeting was set for Saturday, February 24th. Meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 6:30pm.