President Scott Tye called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 19, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer/Secretary present:
Larry Baskin

Recording Secretary present:
Christine Casper

Staff present:
Toby Bisson

Wastewater Engineer present:
Rich Souza


Raven Schauf reported that she will be in town through Friday, December 21, then she will be in Mexico for two weeks; Raven plans to work in the office on Wednesday, December 20 and on Thursday, December 21.

Elizabeth Sapanai asked if the mirror could be installed on the District's driveway on Panoramic Highway.

Scott Tye stated that he has a meeting with Farhad Mansourian the first week of January to discuss the signs for Panoramic Highway that read, "Exiting Driveways".


Director Sapanai made a motion to move items 1 and 2 to above "Approval of Minutes," seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.

Director Zell made a motion to move item J. "Committee Reports/Information Review" to above item I. "Closed Session/Return to Open Session," seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Variance for Property Located at 155 Seadrift Road, AP#195-041-25, Antonia and Peter Breck, Owners. Rich Souza explained that the variance request for 155 Seadrift Road is for a vacant lot and is similar to the variance granted for 221 Seadrift. The applicant is proposing a new sand filter septic system with maximum 300 gallons and 200 gallons average daily flow. A variance is required to meet the setback to the property line at Seadrift Road. The proposed plan shows 1.5 feet from the drain field to the property line; setback requirement is five feet. Mr. Souza confirmed that by granting the variance they will be able to make the 100ft setback from the lagoon. Mr. Souza stated that the applicant has gotten approval from the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, that the agent form has been filled-out, and that the application materials are complete.

    Mr. Souza explained that there will be a ten thousand dollar deposit required in a non- interest bearing account to relocate the District's water main at the time the applicant pulls a construction permit. Other conditions for the variance include: installation of low use toilets and plumbing fixtures throughout the existing and proposed residences, installation of a reduced pressure principle backflow prevention device and annual testing of that device, the installation of a telemetry control panel with system components as specified by the District and dedicated phone line, monitoring and testing of the system by District staff on a quarterly basis for a two-year period (the owner shall pay quarterly inspection fees), and a signed District "Agreement for Relocation of Waterline" by the current property owners.

    Installation of telemetry panel explained to applicant.

    Motion to approve the variance made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Water Use Charge Reduction for Property Located at 133 Seadrift Road, Account #7695, Pauline Walton-Flath, Owner. Director Sapanai stated that it appears the leak falls within the 50 percent reduction guidelines. Director Tye said that when a waiver is granted it is important that it is communicated to the owner that 1) in granting a waiver the District expects the applicant to monitor his/her system, and that 2) applicants granted reductions will not be eligible for another reduction for five years.

    Director Zell stated that since the exact circumstances of the leak are vague and the person who did the repairs and/or the property owner is not present, he would be disinclined to grant the reduction until further information is presented. Director Zell made a motion to continue this item to a January meeting and to communicate to the owner that further explanation is needed, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve November 1st minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.

Motion to approve November 18th minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote with the following amendments: page 2, line 47 add Sandy's last name (Cross); page 1, line 53 change "to enclose" to "to include"; page 3, lines 1 an 2 write full name for Alan Richards at Stetson; page 2, line 3 add "residents" after "Seadrift"; page 2, line 16, add "estimated" in front of "depreciation"; page 2, line 17 delete "their plan".


Board Compensation Request procedure was discussed. Christine Casper was designated the task of ensuring that Board Compensation Requests be included in the board packets for review; all compensation requests have to be Board approved before checks are issued. Board members are to complete Board Member Compensation Request forms for all meetings other than regular board meetings and workshops, then place the completed forms in Christine's in-box.

The twenty-eight voided checks were discussed. Barbara Boucke reported that she confirmed with Janice that for future voided check runs Janice must obtain a set of initials on the checks; Janice is to go to Toby first, or to Jackie or Christine for initials.

Barbara Boucke recommended that Christine Casper do the bank reconciliations from now on; Director Boucke to consult with Raven on this recommendation.

Director Sapanai stated that spelling errors on disbursements should be corrected; Stuber- Stroeh was misspelled twice and Xerox misspelled once.

Barbara Boucke asked the Board to discuss check #155534 to Nelson Personnel. Director Boucke suggested that the Personnel Committee convert Christine Casper from a Nelson employee to a District employee. Director Zell reported that he has asked the Finance Committee to furnish him with figures regarding that conversion. Director Zell stated that in order to hire Christine away from Nelson, Nelson is asking for twenty-five percent of her annual salary for that year; Director Zell said that it is unclear whether the annual salary is based upon the rate the District pays Nelson, or whether it is based upon the annual hours that Nelson pays Christine. The District gets credit for every hour that Christine has worked with the District so far. Director Boucke noted the importance of considering Christine's position with regards to her hiring. Director Zell stated that he intends to talk to Christine regarding her future with the District. Discussion to be continued under "Committee Reports."

Motion to approve all three November disbursements made by Director Sapanai, seconded by director Zell, and approved by unanimous vote.


Barbara Boucke, of the Finance Committee, reported that the statements for July, August and September look sensible.

Director Boucke referenced a memo from Janice Payne dated December 19th that explains the Consolidated Fund Income Statement variance of $232,510.16. The memo reports that the variance is from the Current Mo. Last Year Comparative Single Fund Income Statement, Fund 600. Larry Baskin stated that the variance is from the Construction Disbursement Fund; the computer program is not picking up the prior accumulation. Mr. Baskin noted that the problem identified in Janice's memo should not affect the various department reports since it is isolated to the Construction Fund. Furthermore, Mr. Baskin stated that the variance amount indicated in the memo is not the amount that was off in the October run reviewed by the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee will request that Janice put copies of October statements with corrections in Director Boucke and Mr. Baskin's mailboxes.

Larry Baskin and Barbara Boucke, of the Finance Committee, stressed the importance of having financial reports submitted without errors; reports with errors should only be submitted if they are accompanied with explanation.

Director Boucke suggested that some of the 50 hours contracted with Raven be spent on Raven doing an audit of the financials. Director Boucke gave the first quarter financial statements to Christine to deliver to Raven for review and stated that she will call Janice after the meeting to ask her to spend some time with Raven tomorrow.


  1. Oath of Office. Jim Zell recited the oath of office and was, thus, sworn into office for a four-year term commencing January 1, 2007. Director Zell signed all three original copies of the oath; one original is to be kept by Director Zell and the other two are to be sent to the Registrar of Voters at the County of Marin.
  2. Election of Board President and Vice President. Director Boucke made a motion to appoint Elizabeth Sapanai to president of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.

    Director Boucke made a motion to nominate Jim Zell as Vice President of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.

    Larry Baskin requested that Christine resubmit his application for Board of Directors for the vacancy created by Joe Veit's resignation.
  3. Consideration/Adoption of Resolution to Designate Applicant's Agent for Office of Emergency Services. Director Sapanai moved the resolution to appoint Toby Bisson, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.
  4. Consideration/Adoption of Resolution to Amend District Conflict of Interest Code. Director Sapanai made a motion to approve the Resolution, seconded by Director Boucke and approved by unanimous vote. Casey Cotter, Stinson Beach Resident, asked to review the document; the board members fielded questions by Ms. Cotter.
  5. Consideration/Adoption of Resolution to Reduce Permit Fees for Applicants under the County Second Units Amnesty Program for Calendar Year 2007. Board carried this agenda item over to a February workshop. The Board decided to ask Chris Harrington to attend the next board meeting to give a report on this topic.


Director Tye, of the Wastewater Committee, reported on his valuable meeting with Don Wright from Blaine County, Idaho and referenced a fax from Mr. Wright that was distributed to the board members.

Director Tye presented a document on the Marin County tsunami disaster plan and distributed it to all board members to be filed in their disaster books.

Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, stated his desire to compose a letter to all applicants for the General Manager position thanking them for their application and interest in the District. Board decided to discuss specifics of the letter in the closed session.

Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, asked the Board to consider honoring Joe Veit for his years of service to the District. The Board decided to draft a resolution honoring Mr. Veit.

Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, reiterated his request of the Finance Committee to furnish him with the cost of hiring Christine Casper. Christine related her strong desire to become a full-time employee of the District. Christine also reminded the Board of her accepting the temporary job at a reduced rate with assurance from the Personnel Committee that it is a two-month temp-to hire assignment. Christine stressed the importance of her obtaining permanent employment as soon as possible. Director Boucke asked Christine what salary she is seeking; Christine reminded Director Boucke of the $55,000- $60,000 annual salary discussed during her initial interview. Christine stated that of the $35.60 per hour paid to Nelson she is paid $22.00. The Board related the District benefits package. Director Sapanai mentioned that she received a Christmas correspondence from Nelson containing a $500 rebate card for any temporary employee that is hired through Nelson and then made permanent. Director Zell agreed to negotiate a buy-out rate with Nelson for the hiring of Christine.


  1. Review of the General Manager Position: The Board met in closed session pursuant to Government Code section 54957 to discuss the vacancy of the General Manager position.


The next regular board meeting was set for Saturday, January 20th at 9:30 a.m. Motion to adjourn made by Director Boucke, seconded by Director Sapanai, and approved by unanimous vote. Meeting adjourned at 7:12 p.m.

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