President Scott Tye called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District
to order at 9:37 a.m. on Saturday, November 18, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in
Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Barbara Boucke
Joe Veit, Director
Treasurer/Secretary present:
Larry Baskin
Staff present:
Toby Bisson
Director Tye confirmed that he read a letter from waste management to Mrs. Airey stating that there is no garbage
contract for her residence on Highway One. Toby Bisson said that he reviewed Mrs. Arirey's file and found that a
waiver had not been filed for the past several years. Director Sapanai stated that Mrs. Airey does not qualify for a
waiver because she is a full-time resident of Stinson Beach. Board directed Toby Bisson to further investigate
Mrs. Aireys' payment/waiver records and waiver policy, and to report the findings to waste management. Mrs.
Aireys agreed to notify waste management to commence service.
Motion to move agenda item G. 1. GENERAL BUSINESS above D. APPROVAL OF MINUTES made by Director
Sapanai, seconded by Director Boucke.
- Consideration of a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Property Located at 175 Seadrift Road, AP#195- 031-41, Robert J. Schweitzer C/O Chris Schweitzer-Ruppe, Trustee. Director Sapanai stated that if the leak is a main line leak, which it appears to be, then the Board can grant a maximum fifty-percent reduction. Director Sapanai noted that a fifty-percent reduction of July's bill of 7,200 cubic feet would match the prior July's bill of 3,300 cubic feet. Director Sapanai suggested that the owner install a digital water monitor; Ms. Schweitzer-Ruppe sated her intention of installing a digital water monitor at both 175 and 176 Seadrift Road. Director Sapanai made a motion for a fifty-percent reduction, seconded by Director Veit, approved by unanimous vote. Owner to contact the District on Monday to schedule payment and installation of monitors.
Director Sapanai made a motion to approve minutes for September 26 and October 4, seconded by Director
Boucke, approved by unanimous vote.
Director Veit made a motion to approve minutes for October 21, seconded by Director Boucke. Board decided
that on page 4, lines 43-45 the term "media policy" should be prefaced with the word "computer." Approval of the
October 21 minutes with that change to lines 43-45 approved by unanimous vote.
Joe Veit made a motion to approve disbursements for both October 13th and October 25th, seconded by Director
Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote with the following amendment by Director Veit: to include the board
member compensation request from Director Boucke.
Joe Veit made a motion to approve disbursements for both October 13th and October 25th, seconded by Director
Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote with the following amendment by Director Veit: to include the board
member compensation request from Director Boucke.
Board decided to move item I. above H.
Director Tye stated that he included several informational items in the board packet. The first document is The
Bolinas-Stinson Resource Recovery Project's quarterly and budget breakdown. Next are two documents from the
Bolinas Community Public Utility District: 1) Final Report on Beach issues, and 2) letter supporting certain issues
with the Bolinas Lagoon. In addition, Director Tye attached the Disaster Council handout that was disbursed at
the last meeting, the letter from Sandy of the Telecommunications Facilities Policy Committee, and the Bill Motzer
memorandum regarding the grant.
The Board discussed the letter from Sandy Cross of the Telecommunications Facilities Policy Committee. Director
Sapanai suggested that President Tye send a letter to Cingular asking them to forward their proposed permit
application to the Village Association for comment, then put the item on a Board agenda. President Tye
recommended that the Board sign the contract with Cingular after confirmation that it only allows for the
installation of equipment necessary to perform the feasibility study.
Foreman Bisson stated that a letter came in from NOAA declaring that the District hadn't posted its annual report
for the restoration project. Foreman Bisson called Amy at Wetlands Research Associates and had her generate a
letter to NOAA.
Toby Bisson talked to Alan Richards at Stetson about submitting a proposal for engineering services for the water
treatment plant; Alan requested that the District furnish him with considerable information first. Toby to keep an
inventory of documents sent to Stetson.
Foreman Bisson stated that he has two paving contracts from McGalley Paving Company. Director Sapanai
stated that all contracts should be reviewed by legal counsel prior to signing. The Board decided that Foreman
Bisson will present the Board with a purchase requisition for approval, then forward a copy of the contract to the
legal committee.
Toby Bisson reported that the copy machine lease expires in four months; the existing company has offered a
new machine for less money, prorating the old lease for $550/year over a sixty month period. Board discussed
contract parameters and asked Toby to consider having other companies submit proposals.
Toby Bisson discussed tractor maintenance needs and recommended paying $500 to West Coast Tractor to fix
the tractor. Board discussed the previous unpaid bill and decided to have Foreman Bisson make another attempt
at negotiating it.
Toby Bisson stated that at the finance meeting he was given an inventory of keys; all have been accounted for
except for Janice's keys. Board discussed that Toby Bisson should remove old names from the code list and
provide keys/codes to Board members who no longer have them.
Director Tye stated that he and Director Sapanai set a wastewater meeting for Tuesday, December 5, 2006.
Director Tye stated that he and Toby Bisson have an engineering meeting set for on Monday, November 20th at
Board discussed the holiday party for Monday, December 11th. It was decided that wine would be purchased
locally; party supplies would not be purchased at Costco. Elizabeth Sapanai and Toby Bisson were named to the
Holiday Party Committee.
Director Tye stated that the next meeting has been tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 20 at
- Public Employee Appointment: The Board met in closed session under Government Code Section 54957. The Board returned to open session. Director Tye stated that he, Director Tye and Director Sapanai discussed the interview process for General Manager and scheduled interviews for December 9, 2006.
The Board's next meeting is a special meeting tentatively scheduled for Wednesday, December 20th, 2006.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Boucke, meeting adjourned.