President Scott Tye called a Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District
to order at 3:08 p.m. on Wednesday, November 1, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway
in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Barbara Boucke
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer/Secretary present:
Larry Baskin
Staff present:
Toby Bisson
Christine Casper, Recording Secretary
Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell; agenda adopted
by unanimous vote.
All attendees visited Laurel Treatment Plant and reviewed site options for Laurel Treatment plant, presented by
Foreman Bisson.
Workshop Review of Urban Water Management Plan. Director Veit asked if we could sell the plan to
interested parties, and suggested that the District advertise for advance copies once the board decides to accept
the plan. Director Tye suggested we put the plan together with a package and talk about it as a model for similar
Board discussed the voluntary nature of creating a management plan. Director Sapanai stated that at that time the plan was commenced, the District was told by The Parks Service, NOAA and the District Manager that the District needed to come up with some type of management plan. District Forman Bisson clarified that it is not required for districts servicing less than 10,000 meters.
Director Boucke asked if anyone knows where the District is in the grant application.
Director Tye indicated that the District got a copy of the Proposition 50 grant from the state outlining that for the $842,250 grant with Stetson we are currently two slots below the funded line. He added that the letter specifies that the District is fully funded, and that as funds become available the District will move up on the list. Director Tye agreed to give a copy of that grant letter to each board member for the regular board meeting; he also noted that we are still in the running for the other $500,000 grant. Director Tye concluded the discussion by stating that he will look back at what the District did three years ago to determine whether the grant was accepted as a resolution or by affirmation, and that before the plan gets an official stamp, the board will address any resolutions or affirmations that need to be made. -
Personnel Committee Recommendations Regarding Staffing and Compensation. Director Zell, of the
Personnel Committee, started by referencing the board's prior approval of Toby Bisson's interim pay increase and
additional interim responsibilities pending the hiring of a general manager, and added that Chris Kelley has also
volunteered to take on more interim responsibilities. Director Zell reminded the group that every board member
received a copy of Chris Kelley's letter outlining additional responsibilities he would be willing to execute, and
added that Chris Kelley verbally agreed to responsibilities in addition to those specified in the letter. Director Zell
stated that the Personnel Committee recommends Chris Kelley receive an increase in pay from approximately
$32.00/hour to $36.00/hour to compensate for additional interim duties. Motion to allow Personnel Committee to
proceed with the interim raise and increase of responsibilities to Chris Kelley made by Director Veit, seconded by
Director Tye.
Director Tye suggested that the Personnel Committee submit in writing the specific additional tasks that are to be delineated to staff members. The Personnel Committee agreed to ask Chris Kelley to submit as a supplement to his previously distributed letter a bulleted list of duties he agreed to assume in his conversation with Director Zell.
Director Boucke, of the Personnel Committee, recommended approval to hire an interim office assistant; the office assistant's duties would include varied administrative tasks, especially the creation and distribution of board meeting packets. Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, explained that Christine Casper had been asked to attend the meeting following her interview for the administrative assistant position, and added that Christine has agreed to present the board with a copy of the meeting minutes. Director Zell stated that the Personnel Committee recommended authorization of an hourly rate of $35.60 to be paid to Nelson Personnel Services for hiring Christine as interim administrative assistant. Director Sapanai made as a friendly amendment to the initial vote to grant Chris Kelley a raise the authorization of the hourly rate for the interim employment of Christine, approved by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye and adopted by unanimous vote.
Director Tye emphasized the importance of the administrative assistant generating task assignment lists for staff and board members following each board meeting.
Director Veit asked who in the office is generating financials. Director Boucke answered that bookkeeper Janice Payne generates financials and that she will have a draft of the District's quarterly financials completed by November 2 to be copied for Director Veit and Director Boucke as the Finance Committee and for Director Baskin as Treasurer. It was decided that a financial meeting should be set before the next board meeting and after a disbursement of the quarterly financial.
Board decided to begin the interview process for both an interim and permanent general manager. Foreman Bisson confirmed that letters with a copy of the job application were sent to other water districts on Friday, October 27 with November 30 as the deadline for applications. No response for the letters had been received to date, but the board currently has seven applicants for the position. The board decided that Director Sapanai and Director Boucke would be responsible for screening applicants. Following a paper review and telephone interview, they will present the board with a list of applicants recommended for personal interviews and a list of those that they believe are not qualified for the job and why. The board will have an open discussion about the lists then schedule interviews for Saturday, December 9th at hour and a half intervals beginning at 9a.m. Applicants that cannot make that date will be asked to offer a number of alternate dates.
Board discussed draft minutes from past meetings and decided to accept the minutes as is, with the exception of reviewing the tapes to note the proper identities for motions and seconds.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell, meeting adjourned at
5:15 p.m., by unanimous vote.