President Scott Tye called a Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District
to order at 5:01 p.m. on Wednesday, August 30, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in
Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
John Gilbert
Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Counsel present:
Ray McDevitt
Mr. Richard Dinges stated that he had submitted a settlement agreement to the Board President, Director Tye, to
be distributed to the Board members. Mr. Dinges stated that he thought a great job had been done in the past and
that he thought the District would continue to move forward in a good light. Mr. Dinges stated that the settlement
agreement makes things clear for everyone and contains a six month severance as opposed to the original three
months. Mr. Dinges stated that he had spoke with Director Tye and would be taking out the six month severance
and leaving it at three months. Mr. Dinges stated that he thought he would be loosing six months of retirement
benefit and asked the Board to consider paying the retirement for the next four months in the amount of
approximately $4,400.. Mr. Dinges stated that he did not want to have any ill feelings. Mr. Dinges stated that the
Kaiser medical continues another 30 days after the contract termination. Mr. Dinges stated that he would be
reimbursed for any remaining leave time. Mr. Dinges requested that he be able to retain the Dell laptop as he can
not transfer some of the programs and that it be considered compensation and be used for possible future
consultation work. Mr. Dinges requested that he be able to reimburse the District the $65.00 cost for the cell
phone and that he be allowed to take his cell phone number with him. Mr. Dinges stated that the parties involved
could not come to an agreement on his contract but that he had really enjoyed working for the Board.
Mr. Ray McDevitt, District Counsel, asked if item 4e had been quantified.
Mr. Dinges stated that he had a list and that he assumed that Ms. Barbara Boucke, District Treasurer, had
reviewed the amounts for severance pay, vacation pay, and sick leave pay.
Director Tye asked if there were any other outstanding reimbursable expenses.
Mr. Dinges stated that he had submitted co-pay expense receipts for approximately $60.00 and that his auto
allowance was payed to him through August.
Mr. McDevitt asked what the amounts were for vacation and sick leave.
Mr. Dinges stated that the dollar amounts were not included.
Director Veit stated that the car allowance had been added into the three month income/severance pay. Director
Veit stated that the vacation payout was calculated using the current salary times the number of vacation hour
accrued and that there was no sick leave payout as it did not accrue over 100 hours.
Director Sapanai stated that it was apparent that all of the Board's skills will be called upon over the next few
months and given the fact that Mr. Gilbert had expressed his desire to resign from the Board, it was time to post
the vacancy.
Motion to move Committee Review ahead of the Closed Session made by Director Sapanai, seconded by
Director Veit, agenda revised by unanimous vote.
Director Tye, stated that Treasurer Boucke had requested that a review of the audited financial information be
added to the next regular agenda. The Board directed that the item be added to the agenda. Director Tye stated
that Ms. Raven Schauf had requested that she be allowed to work another two and a half days on standard
payroll to tie up loose ends. The Board agreed by consensus to revise Ms. Schauf's resignation date. Director Tye
stated that Ms. Schauf's severance pay request would be addressed at a future meeting. Director Tye stated that
the Board should set some time frames to advertise the General Manager's position. The Board set a Special
meeting on Monday, September 4, 2006 to discuss filling the General Manager's position in closed session.
Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, stated that Ms. Janice Payne had been hired to fill the bookkeeper
position and that he had spoken to Mr. Toby Bisson regarding squelching all circulating rumors.
- Review of the General Manager's Performance: The Board met in closed session under Government Code Section 54957. The Board returned to open session.
Director Tye stated that the Board discussed the matters before them and directed District counsel to pursue
those matters.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Zell, meeting adjourned at 5:53 p.m. by
unanimous vote.