President Scott Tye called a Workshop Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 5:03 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Jim Zell, Director

Directors absent:
John Gilbert, Director
Joe Veit, Director

Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board


Ms. Sandra Cross, of the SBVA Telecommunications Committee, requested a copy of a telecommunications antennae cover letter. Director Tye stated that no such letter had been sent by the District. Ms. Cross requested that the District not negotiate with Cingular and stated that once a tower is installed there is no control over co-location of other installations. Director Sapanai stated that despite any restrictions the District may put on installation of a communications tower, there are no restrictions on the Federal or State Park. Ms. Cross stated that she doubted that the Parks would install a tower. Director Sapanai stated that if a tower is not installed on District property then it would be probable that one would be installed on Park property.
Director Sapanai asked if Shakespeare at Stinson had complied with their June 2 deadline. Mr. Dinges stated that he had received a contract from Paul Tanner but had not received a contract from Garner Temer or written authorization form Mr. Hasler. Director Sapanai stated that at a previous meeting, Mr. Winton, attorney for Mr. Trotter, had ensured that the pumper contract would be revised but that it had not been revised to date. Director Sapanai requested that further research be done regarding the notification of committee meetings.
Director Tye stated that tomorrow was World Ocean Day.


Mr. Dinges stated that FEMA funding had been approved in the amount of $56,500. Mr. Dinges stated that he would be attending a meeting in Tomales Bay with Tom Flynn, as requested by Mr. Flynn, to review their plans.


The agenda was adopted as presented by Board consensus.


  1. Presentation by Mr. Allan Richards, of Stetson Engineers of the Draft 2005 Urban Water Management Plan: Mr. Richards stated that the 2005 plan was an update of the 2003 plan and that the intention was to continually update the plan on five year increments in years ending in 0 and 5. Mr. Richards reviewed water production statistics, water deliveries, unaccounted for water, deletion of proposed rebates, well costs, creek flow data, storage capacity deficiencies, source water analysis, grant funding, and continued creek flow monitoring.
    Director Sapanai stated that the District is not required to have an Urban Water Management Plan and therefore did not necessarily have to follow the guidelines.
    Mr. Richards requested that the Board submit any comments.
    Mr. Richards stated that he was currently working on the Water Supply Demand and Options Report, the FEMA funding project, and the grant application. Mr. Richards presented a draft project evaluation report. Mr. Richards stated that the Urban Water Management Plan had run over the original contract price of $9,870 by $1,800 which does not include the time preparing the presentation.
  2. Consideration of a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Property Located at 127 Seadrift Road, AP# 195-051-17, Garrett Seligman, Owner: This item was continued.
  3. Review/Discussion of the Fiscal 2006-2007 Draft Budget: Treasurer Boucke stated that she had reviewed the budget with staff and summarized changes to the draft budget. Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. The Board discussed pumping fees and administrative concerns, apportionment tax revenue, personnel budget items, contractual service breakdown, contract costs, reduction of electrical costs, reduction of internet service costs, and debt service.
  4. Review/Discussion of the Fiscal 2006-2007 Draft Capital Improvement Plan: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, stating that the water treatment plant improvement would begin in 2006-2007. Mr. Dinges stated that the budget included allowances for an office deck improvement and purchase of a small loader. Director Tye stated that a leasing option for the loader should be investigated. Mr. Dinges stated that the three trucks, compressor, and truck rail with screen, would go out to bid tomorrow and that the bids would be opened on June 20th. The Board directed the General Manger to establish minimum bids using trade-in values, to review the liability issue for the compressor, and to advertise in the Point Reyes Light.
  5. Presentation of the Final Emergency Response Plan: Director Tye stated that section 8, Acronyms, should be moved to section 2 or 3 and that Director Gilbert must be listed in the response team listing under Team 5. Director Sapanai stated that Puente Rizal should be correctly spelled on the maps. Motion to accept the Emergency Response plans with corrections made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, accepted by unanimous vote.


Director Sapanai, of the Legal Committee, presented revisions to Title II and requested that this item be put on the next workshop agenda, and that the personnel committee review the pertinent items.
Director Sapanai commended Director Zell regarding his assistance with the Bolinas-Stinson Resource Recovery Project.
Director Tye stated that he would be attending an EOC meeting.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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