President Scott Tye called a Special Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 3, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline
Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director (departed 6:00)
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke (arrived 5:15)
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary (arrived 5:35)
Mr. Jeffrey Trotter, of Shakespeare at Stinson, stated that he had received a letter from the District regarding
the water shut off at SAS and asked for an explanation. Mr. Dinges stated that the water had been turned off
because the bill had not been paid, the meter had then been replaced due to damage and during the repair,
the water had been inadvertently turned back on. Mr. Dinges further stated that staff then turned the water
back off to rectify the situation.
Ms. Marion Weber, of 7250 Panoramic Highway, stated that round-up was being sprayed at the Red Rock
Cliffs and asked who should be notified. Mr. Dinges stated that the State Park should be notified. Director Tye
stated that the District had not been notified. Ms. Weber stated that she would contact the State Park and keep
the District Board updated.
Director Tye thanked staff for organizing an ethics training class.
Mr. Dinges stated that the District is moving forward with the second Grant application for a hydrology study.
Mr. Dinges stated that a draft budget would be submitted at the next meeting. Mr. Dinges stated that FEMA
would be reimbursing the District $31,500. for repair of the canyon facilities and that Alder Grove Well #2
would be abandon on May 9, 2006.
Motion to revise the agenda, moving item 5, Antenna, ahead of item 2, Spending Policy, made by Director
Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Presentation by Mr. Jeffrey Trotter Regarding the Septic System Located at 15 Calle del Mar: Mr. Trotter stated that he had contacted Mr. Paul Tanner and that Mr. Tanner had agreed to review possible system upgrade solutions. Mr. Trotter stated that he had met with Mr. Garner Temer to discuss the FAST system. Mr. Trotter stated that the issue of consent by Mr. Hasler was in the hands of the lawyers. Mr. Trotter stated that SAS would go back in front of the Marin County Planning Commission in April of 2008 and 2009. Mr. Trotter requested an extension to the next Board Meeting. Director Veit clarified that for Board discussion or action purposes, any materials or plans to come before the Board shall be from the owner. Director Zell stated that there was an alternative solution to temporary toilets so there was no point in further discussing that option and reiterated that documentation and timelines must be from Mr. Hasler. Director Tye clarified that this item could be put on the next agenda but that further discussion would be ineffective unless substantial material is submitted for review. Director Sapanai further clarified that if there are no substantive materials submitted in time to notice a meeting, the Board can not act.
Review of Wireless Facilities Inc. Proposal to Install a Telecommunications Antenna on District Property:
Director Tye clarified that this was only a review of the proposal and that no action had been taken. Mr.
Dinges summarized the Manager's Report.
Ms. Sandra Cross, SBVA Telecommunication Committee Chair, stated that the SBVA had adopted a telecommunications facilitates policy on March 5, 2006 and that she had been informed that the District had allowed an initial inspection of a District site in February and asked why the community was not notified. Director Tye clarified that it was only an exploratory survey/feasibility study and that community notification was not required when the same tests were performed at the Fire Station and the Post Office Complex. Ms. Cross requested a copy of the current proposal and blue prints. Ms. Cross requested that the District acknowledge the SBVA policy. Director Tye stated that to date, the only action allowed by the District was a preliminary test.
Ms. Marty London, of 2 Resaca, asked if the District was required to notify its constituents if an entity is going on District property. Director Veit replied that the District is not required to notify for just a test. Director Sapanai stated that the community can not ban telecommunications in Stinson Beach and that the test was conducted in the furthest possible location from the community. Director Tye clarified the difference between testing and installation.
Ms. Cross stated that there were four or five requests, including co-location, to be included in the contract. Ms. Cross further defined other possible items to be negotiated such as fees, provisions, environmental review, and visual impact.
Director Sapanai stated that it was important to clarify what restrictions would be negotiated and/or incorporated in a potential contract. Director Sapanai requested that a letter be written to the wireless telecommunication company including a copy of the SBVA policy.
Mr. Chris Harrington, of 37 Buena Vista, stated that the elements of the SBVA policy will reduce the potential for installation.
Director Tye stated that, if the proposal comes before the District as an application, the Community will be amply notified. - Review of Draft Spending Policy: Treasurer Boucke stated that the Financial Committee had taken comments from Board members and District Staff under advisement and had revised the draft policy language for additional comment. Treasurer Boucke stated that the proposed guidelines referred to State directives and stated that the original intent of the District Credit Card was for travel and rental expenses. Director Sapanai stated that Title II should refer to a Spending Policy Memorandum as an appendix, and that the reference section in Title II should be brief, concise and less specific. Director Veit asked for comments from the Board on the content. The Board reviewed the proposed spending policy item by item and suggested revisions.
- Review of Final Draft Emergency Response Plan: Ms. Raven Schauf requested that the Board submit any final revisions and stated that the Final Plan will be submitted for adoption.
- Review of Todd Engineers Contract Amendment for Services Related to Grant Application Submittal: Director Tye stated that this contract in the amount of $6,563 was in addition to the original $10,000 for grant application services and that the District currently had a 70 to 80 percent chance of receiving the grant. Motion to approve the contract amendment made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote (Gilbert absent).
Mr. Dinges stated that the Personnel Committee had met to review the employee's proposal and had drafted
a counter proposal which had been submitted to the employees.
Treasurer Boucke stated that it was agreed by the Personnel Committee that a step system would not be
adopted and that the Committee would begin to investigate options to have the employees share in the
benefit costs. Treasurer Boucke stated that the benefits package would be re-evaluated on an annual basis
and that it was not to the benefit of the District or the employees to negotiate a multi-year package.
Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, stated that the Personnel Committee had met with the employees
on Friday, April 21, 2006, and had presented the Committee's salary proposals which were based on
comparative data and which included elimination of the SDI/Medicare reimbursement benefit. Director Zell
stated that the employees had submitted a second proposal and that a further meeting would be held on
Friday, May 5th.
Director Zell stated that he had asked the General Manager to present a comparison salary/benefit package
for his position to all of the Board members prior to May 20th.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m. by
unanimous vote.