President Scott Tye called a Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 15, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway
in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Mr. Jeffrey Trotter, of Shakespeare at Stinson, stated that the water service had been turned off yesterday with no
prior notification and that the bill was a couple of weeks behind. Mr. Trotter requested that the appropriate permits
be obtained by Cuisine on the Green. Director Sapanai directed the General Manager to confirm what happened
with the water shut off at SAS.
Mr. Dinges stated that the Water Treatment Plant bid documents would be completed by April 28, 2006 and ready
for review. Mr. Dinges requested that the Board consider approval of a $6,500 contract amendment with Todd
Engineers to complete the grant application. The Board directed the General Manager to review the Todd contract
proposal with the Engineering Committee. Mr. Dinges stated that the District had submitted application to FEMA
for replacement of the Highlands catchment suspension bridge and that replacement of the Highlands catchment
access road will be in cooperation with the State Park. Mr. Dinges stated that he would bring a task contract to the
Board with Stetson Engineers to evaluate the DHS grant program at the next regular meeting. Mr. Dinges stated
that he had received a proposed contract and plans from WFI regarding the Steep Ravine antenna and that this
item would be on the next agenda.
Motion to revise the agenda, moving items 5, 6 and 7, Water Use Reduction Requests before Item 2, made by
Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, agenda revised by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the March 2, 2006 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, approved by
unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the March 18, 2006 minutes with amendments, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by
Director Gilbert, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the March, 2006 disbursements and the submitted Board compensation requests made by
Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert, approved by unanimous vote.
Ms. Raven Schauf reported on the fund revenue and expenses at March 31, 2006, presented a current cash flow
report and presented a projected cash flow report through June 30, 2006. Ms. Boucke Treasurer commented on
the statements.
- Adoption of Resolution WW-2006-03 Granting a Waiver Request for Property Located at 244 Seadrift Road, AP#1 195-331-20, Thomas and Mary Cooper, Owners: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending adoption of the Waiver Resolution. Director Tye stated that the as-built plans must indicate the correct label for the guest house, revised from garage. Motion to adopt Waiver Resolution WW-2006-03, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Denial of a Water Use Reduction Request for Property Located at 85 Laurel Avenue, AP# 195-175-02, Reid Borgwardt, Owner: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending that the request be denied. Mr. Borgwardt stated that he was a long time owner of the residence and requested that the water use charge be reduced to the lower tier rate. Director Tye responded that the cost of producing water is covered by all rate payers and when a large amount of water is lost by an individual, it is his or her responsibility to pay for the costs associated with treatment, storage and production. Director Tye stated that it would be unfair to pass those costs on to other rate payers and that the District takes its water conservation policy very seriously. Director Veit commented that there are seven hundred water users in Stinson Beach and that the total storage capacity has been wiped out by one individual in the past. Mr. Dinges commented that Mr. Borgwardt's water loss equates to 331,240 liter bottles of coke or 5.2 swimming pools. Motion to deny the water use charge reduction request and to provide a payment plan over a reasonable amount of time made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, request denied by unanimous vote.
- Granting of a Water Use Reduction Request for Property Located at 168 Seadrift Road, AP# 195-031-15, Margaret Graham, Owner, Sarah Graham, Agent: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending a 50% reduction. Director Sapanai agreed with the General Manager's recommendation that a remote metering display unit be installed at the residence. Director Zell stated that there had been two prior leaks at this residence in 1996 and 2000 and that he was reluctant to grant a reduction. Director Zell stated that the water should be turned off when there is no one on the premises and that there seemed to be a pattern of disregard for the water loss. Ms. Sarah Graham confirmed that the residence was not permanently occupied, that the water was not shut off when the residence was unoccupied, and that the property had been owned by her family for 36 years. Director Tye suggested that a neighbor conduct a walk-through on a regular basis. Director Gilbert clarified that the only reason that the Board was considering this reduction was because the leak occurred under the concrete slab. Director Zell expressed concerns regarding granting a reduction under these circumstances. Motion to grant a 50% reduction conditioned on installation of an Meter Display Unit and with the condition that no more reductions will be made for this property made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Gilbert, Sapanai, Veit, Tye, Gilbert in favor, Zell against.
- Denial of a Water Use Reduction Request for Property Located at 195 Dipsea Road, AP# 195-320-43, Jeffrey and Anne Howson, Owners: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending that the request be denied. Director Sapanai stated that there seemed to be a discrepancy regarding occupancy of the residence during October and November. Mrs. Howson clarified that it was for only a few days during those two months and that they had requested that the District install a remote meter display unit. Director Veit stated that the District constantly advises the District customers that this District can not tolerate leaks. Motion to deny the water use charge reduction and to offer a payment plan over a reasonable amount of time made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, request denied by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution WW-2006-04 Granting a Variance Request for Property Located at 19 Calle del Occidente, AP# 195-132-22, Stuart and Emily Dvorin, Owners: This item was continued from previous hearing. The Board discussed the application history for this hearing and indicated that the maximum gpd had been reduced from 300 to 150 as previously requested by the Board. Motion to adopt Variance Resolution WW-2006- 04, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2006-03 Authorizing Agents to File OES Applications: The Board discussed the proper titles to be used in the Resolution. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2006-03 made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2006-04 Authorizing Execution of a Contract with Water Resources Association in the Amount of $1,700. for Professional Services to Conduct a Field Inspection and to Evaluate Environmental Studies: Director Veit suggested that all contract tasks should be reviewed by the appropriate committees for approval. Mr. Dinges stated that this contract would be considered a task contract and that each task would come before the Board for approval prior to expenditure. The Board agreed that the Chair of the Committee should review the contract, raise relevant issues, and then bring all contract tasks to the Board. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2006-04 made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Review of the July - December, 2005 Semi-Annual Wastewater Report: The Board complimented Mr. Souza on the revised report format.
Treasurer Boucke, of the Financial Committee, stated that the draft Spending Policy has been further revised.
Director Sapanai stated that Title II currently used State guidelines as opposed to Federal guidelines.
Director Veit, of the Financial Committee, stated that the District had received Financial Statements from Waste
Management, summarized the statement statistics, and concluded that it would be very difficult to use this
information to evaluate a proposed rate increase. Director Veit stated that he was further investigating PERS
funding and finance issues.
Director Gilbert, of the Engineering Committee, stated that the Committee had met and discussed the treatment
plant contract, the FEMA project, and the Prop 50 grant proposal.
Director Sapanai, of the Legal Committee, stated that she had further revised Title II and would submit the draft to
the General Manager and the Financial Committee.
Director Zell, of the Personnel Committee, stated that the Committee had met, that the positions and job
descriptions had been revised, that there would be a reduction of staff in June, and that comparative job
descriptions had been provided. Director Zell stated that current employees would be moved into mid-upper
competitive wage ranges as much as possible, that a long range employee plan was being drafted, and that the
Financial Committee would be drafting a long range revenue projection.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m. by
unanimous vote.