President Scott Tye called a Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 9:32 a.m. on Saturday, February 26, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline
Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Mr. Dinges stated that the District had applied for FEMA reimbursement for storm damage and that the
District had begun coordinating an "Occupancy Hold" program with the County Building and Planning
Mr. Dinges clarified that there was a fee charged for each time a plan sign-off was required at the County, and
that the costs for the construction and final inspections is included in the Design Review Fee. Mr. Dinges
stated that Cingular Wireless had approached the District regarding testing of a cellular site, that the District
attorney was reviewing the contract, and that the Legal Committee's comments from a previous similar
contract had been included. Mr. Dinges stated that the Seadrift paving was complete, although the quality of
the project was not satisfactory. Mr. Dinges further stated that a request had been submitted to Senator
Migden and Assemblyman Nation for support of Grant Funding. Treasurer Boucke requested that, in future,
the written Manager's Report be e-mailed and handed out to the Board.
Motion to revise the agenda, moving item 3, Water Leak, ahead of item E, Minutes made by Director Tye,
seconded by Director Veit, agenda revised by unanimous vote.
- Continuation of Water Use Reduction Request for Property Located at 195 Dipsea Road, AP# 195-320-43, Jeffrey and Anne Howson, Owners: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending that the request be denied. Mr. Howson stated that the cause of the water loss has still not been determined. Director Sapanai suggested that the problem could have been caused by the irrigation system or use of an outdoor hose-bib by an unauthorized person. Director Zell advised that District Policy does not allow for a monetary reduction if the cause of water loss had not been determined, and further advised that the water supply must be turned off when the owner is absent from the property. Director Veit stated that the Board must consider the affect of water loss to impair fire fighting capabilities. Director Sapanai suggested that the owner conduct further investigations and install an auxiliary meter reading device. Mr. and Mrs. Howson stated that they would withdraw the reduction request, conduct further investigations, consider installation of an auxiliary meter reading device, and re-apply at a future date. The Board directed the Howsons to re-apply within 60 days and requested that, if the opportunity arose, the applicant help with the ongoing public relations program to educate members of the Seadrift Association regarding avoiding water loss.
Motion to approve the January 11, 2006 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit,
approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the January 21, 2006 minutes with amendment, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by
Director Gilbert, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the January, 2006 disbursements and Board compensation requests with a review of the
January 11, 2006 IMPAC credit card disbursement made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert,
approved by unanimous vote. The Board discussed expenditures incurred during the General Manager's
attendance at the ACWA conference. Director Zell clarified that, as the Personnel Committee, he had
authorized attendance at the conference. The Board clarified that the expenditure should have been
discussed at a much earlier date in order to avoid the last-minute rates and agreed by consensus that any
travel expenditures in the $2,000. range must be carefully reviewed by the entire Board well before the
expenditure occurs. The Board stated that the spending policy should be defined and completed in order to
clarify these issues. The Board reviewed the Cash Flow report ending January 30, 2006.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2006-01 Revising Title III Water System Regulations as Relates to Backflow Prevention Testing Procedure: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manger's Report recommending adoption of the Resolution. The Board discussed backflow prevention device statistics. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2006- 01, Revising Title III, made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2006-02 Approving a Contract Agreement with Orenco Systems in the Amount of $7,645. for Services to Modify Telemetry Software and Provide Software Training: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manger's Report recommending adoption of the Resolution. The Board discussed Backflow Prevention Device statistics. Mr. Dinges stated that he and Mr. Chris Kelley would be trained on the software. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2006-01, Approving a Contract, made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Review of Status of Failed Wastewater Systems: Mr. Dinges stated that he thought 23 Sierra was currently vacant, and that the District had a hold at the County regarding 187 Dipsea for violation regarding non- permitted addition of conditioned square footage. He further stated that a meeting was scheduled on March 2nd with the owner of 10 Francisco Patio, that 28 Pinos was currently on a weekly monitoring schedule due to spilling sewage, that 90 Buena Vista is moving ahead with installation of a new system, and that 119 Buena Vista easements are being reviewed by District Counsel. The Board discussed possible float/alarm problems with the high-maintenance system at 119 Buena Vista.
- Review of Final Contract with Krieger & Stewart in the Amount of $30,900 for Engineering Services Related to a Membrane System at the Laurel Treatment Plant: The Board reviewed the contract.
Treasurer Boucke, of the Financial Committee, stated that slow progress was being made on the Draft
Spending Policy which would include among other things, a travel expense policy and mileage reimbursement
Director Tye summarized various informational handouts.
The Board directed all Committees to meet in March and directed staff to respond to a letter from the West
Marin Mosquito Committee.
- Evaluation of General Manger's Performance: The Board met in closed session. The Board returned to Open Session at 1:35 p.m. and President Tye stated that the Board had evaluated the General Manager's performance and would generate a written follow-up evaluation report.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Gilbert, meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m. by
unanimous vote.