President Jim Zell called a Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:35 a.m. on Saturday, November 19, 2005, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director

Directors absent:
Joe Veit, Director

Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary




Mr. Dinges stated that he had attended a funding fair in Sacramento with Director Tye, that funding may be available under Prop 40 for the Hydrology Study, and that other funding may be available for telemetry and alternative energy. Mr. Dinges stated that Orenco would be working with staff and installing telemetry communications at the SB Community Center and the modifications to the communication protocols would be utilized by other onsite wastewater monitoring panels in the District. Mr. Dinges further stated that the 1996 Ford F250 4x4 would be advertised to the general public through a sealed bid. The base bid has not been established but will be included with the advertisement sometime in January 2006. The Board directed the General Manager to schedule the recognition dinner at the Olema Inn on December 15th, limiting wine with dinner only and limiting attendance to employees and spouses. Mr. Dinges stated that he would attend the JPIA/ACWA meeting in San Diego using District time for the Engineers meeting and JPIA meeting Sunday through Tuesday and his personal time Wednesday through Friday for the ACWA portion of the conference.


Motion to approve the agenda as presented made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, agenda approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the October 29, 2005 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the October, 2005 disbursements and the submitted Board Compensation Requests made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Gilbert, approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Review of the January - June, 2005 Semi-Annual Wastewater Report: The Board approved the new format for the Annual Wastewater Report as presented and gave credit to Ms. Michiko Murgia for a job well done. The Board expressed concerns regarding sample sites with higher levels of ammonia and the possibility that that they may indicate failed wastewater systems. The General Manager informed the Board that District staff will investigate these sample sites and surrounding septic systems for any evidence of failed wastewater systems.
  2. Approval of the Capital Improvement Plan: Mr. Dinges stated that there were no changes to the plan since the last review by the Board. Director Tye suggested that District labor be footnoted to reflect the cost savings to the community on these major projects. The Capital Improvement Plan was approved by the Board by consensus and added to the Fiscal 2005-06 Budget.
  3. Review of Status of Failed Wastewater Systems: Mr. Dinges summarized the current status of the listed failed systems stating that there was a signed agreement between the new owner of 23 Sierra and an engineer, that progress at 35 Laurel was slow, and that the owner of 90 Buena Vista proposed to merge two lots. Mr. Dinges further stated that the system at 275 Calle del Mar was operational and that he would respond to the engineer's correspondence.


  1. Review of Professional Engineering Contract: The Board and the General Manager met in closed session. The Board returned to Open Session and President Zell stated that the Board directed the General Manager to allow the District Engineer until December 17, 2005 to respond.


  1. Consideration of Draft Resolution Approving a Contract Agreement: This item was continued.


Director Sapanai stated that the District had received a very good review from the District's insurance agency and also stated that Mr. Art Moritz should be acknowledged for his contribution of concrete form equipment and suggestions for the texture stucco coat to the Alder Grove Well building. She further reported that she had met with Director Zell to review Title II.
Treasurer Boucke stated that the Financial Committee had begun review of the Purchasing Procedural forms and had begun review of the annual CalPERS actuarial report.
Director Tye stated that a response letter had been sent to the West Marin Mosquito Control Committee clarifying the District's position and that he had attended a meeting concerning the Bolinas Lagoon and had suggested postponing the December Lagoon Public Scoping meeting.
Director Zell stated that the Personnel Committee had met regarding the General Manager evaluation and was recommending written comments on all evaluation forms.
The Board scheduled the December Regular Meeting on Saturday, December 17th and agreed by consensus to cancel the December Workshop meeting.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Gilbert, seconded by Director Tye, meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. by unanimous vote.

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