President Jim Zell called a Workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 3, 2005, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline
Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Directors absent:
John Gilbert, Director
Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Mr. Dinges stated that the Bolinas Pipeline Removal Project had been completed.
Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, agenda adopted
by unanimous vote.
- Review of the BCPUD West Marin Mosquito Control Committee Protocol: Mr. Barry Smith, of the West Marin Mosquito Control Committee, stated that the committee intended to represent all of West Marin, not just Bolinas. Mr. Smith requested that the Board support the current protocol and appoint a representative to the committee. Director Sapanai stated that the only substantial difference between the committees protocol and the Mosquito Abatement District protocol is the ultimate use of pesticides. Director Sapanai stated she was concerned about the voluntary septic inspection program as opposed to a mandatory septic inspection program, and stated that the interpretation of methoprene studies varied. Mr. Helge Hellman, of the West Marin Mosquito Control Committee, stated that the initial program was based on voluntary participation in order to garner support, but that future intentions were to make participation mandatory. Director Veit stated that it was problematic to support a non-mandatory program for neighboring communities while practicing a mandatory program in Stinson Beach. Director Zell stated that the District had to be careful about supporting a protocol with standards less than the District's Code. Director Tye stated the District customer's had already voted to be part of the Mosquito Abatement District, which taxes the property owner, and that the West Marin Mosquito Control Committee was questioning the validity of the Abatement District annexation. The Board directed the General Manager and Director Tye to draft a letter qualifying points which need to be more specific, emphasizing and encouraging positive aspects, supporting the SBCWD position, and endorsing those parts of the protocols which are relevant to the District's position.
- Review of Contract Proposal for a Hydrologic Study by Todd Engineers in the Amount of $347,614.: Dr. Iris Priestaf and Dr. Bill Motzer, of Todd Engineers, presented information regarding a proposal for Phase 2 of the Hydrological Survey. Dr. Priestaf summarized the history of previous projects conducted by Todd Engineers and summarized the conclusions of Phase I of the project conducted in 1997/98. Dr. Bill Motzer summarized work done on the Drinking Water Source Assessment and Protection Project, the Alder Grove Well Replacement Project, and the Easkoot Creek Coliform Study Project. Dr. Motzer presented information regarding the Phase 2 Proposal including the location of the study, the methodology to conduct the study, the local geology, and the well locations. Dr. Motzer stated that the benefits to performing the study included a cohesive report of the entire area, continued monitoring of water quality problems, and assessment of wastewater impacts on the water quality. The proposed budget of $347,614. was presented and possible funding sources were discussed. Director Veit asked what the advantages to the District would be if the study were conducted. Mr. Dinges stated that the study would tie in with the Urban Water Management Plan and may help locate new sources of supply and that the study may help identify possible contaminate source locations. The Board directed staff to make initial application for the Prop. 40 Grant prior to the August 19th deadline.
- Review of Contract Proposal for Telemetry Services by E & M Inc. in the Amount of $50, 560.00: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. The Board discussed the proposal cost parameters, the relevance/non-relevance of a telemetry system for a gravity system; expenses incurred to the customer, responsibility for panel installation and other parameters, and the product training clause. The Board directed the General Manger to negotiate with E & M to reduce the cost of the proposal up to 50%.
Director Sapanai requested that Directors submit comments on the Board Member Compensation Policy.
Director Tye reported on the Bolinas Lagoon Study stating that there had been a technical presentation on the
consultant's' results and that there would be a formal presentation made at the end of September with a 30
days review period.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Gilbert, meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. by
unanimous vote.