President Jim Zell called a Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 25, 2005, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline
Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke (arrived 9:35 a.m.)
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Matt Lewis of 440 Dogwood Street, Bolinas, CA, updated the Board on the West Nile Virus issue and the
Marin County Vector Control District. Mr. Lewis stated that five individuals had been appointed as
representatives of West Marin to draft protocols acceptable to West Marin residents for mosquito control. Mr.
Lewis stated that the current protocol draft did not represent his viewpoint, and that there were conflicting
views on the use of methoprene. Mr. Lewis requested that the Board review the current protocol and that
continued support be given to Director Tye.
Marion Weber, of 7250 Panoramic Highway, thanked the Board for support on the antenna issue and
announced that a "Solar Stinson" campaign would be launched with hopes that the SBCWD would take a
leadership position by disseminating information and installing solar equipment. The Board asked Ms. Weber
to identify possible funding venues and asked if there was enough sun in Stinson Beach to support solar
energy alternatives. Ms. Weber stated that the project was in its infancy and was investigating these
Stacy Henderson, of 440 Dogwood Street, Bolinas, CA, stated that she and Director Tye has been successful
in addressing mosquito abatement issues for West Marin and that a cohesive representative relationship had
been established which she hopes will continue.
Mr. Dinges stated that the final inspection of Alder Grove Well would be completed soon, that 350 feet of
Seadrift waterline had been installed and disinfected, that the District would go out to bid for installation of the
treatment plant on August 1, 2005, that a request had been sent to Stetson Engineers to update the Urban
Water Management Plan, that removal of pipeline in the lagoon as required by the Coastal Commission will
begin on July 15, 2005 and that a permit would be obtained from the corp. of engineers. Mr. Dinges further
stated that the District may hire an engineer from Stuber/Stroeh and that plan review would be streamlined.
Mr. Dinges stated that Mr. Chris Kelley would be transitioning into wastewater related duties and that a five-
year capital improvement plan would be submitted at a July meeting.
Motion to revise the agenda, moving the General Business section ahead of the Approval of Minutes section,
made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, revised by unanimous vote. Motion to move item 10,
Review of the General Manger's Contract after the General Business section and before the Approval of
Minutes section and to have all other items subject to continuance made by Director Veit, seconded by
Director Gilbert, revised by unanimous vote.
- Granting of Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Property Located at 10 Sacramento Patio, AP# 195- 063-06, Maureen McCarthy, Owner: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. The Board asked if there has been a previous leak on the property, whether or not the leak was visible, and where the leaking hose bib was located. Staff clarified that there had been a previous leak but that no reduction was requested. Mr. John Washington, representative of the owner, stated that the gardener had teed off unsupported risers from the below grade PVC pipe which had since been supported by a post and clarified that the gardener had discovered the leak. Director Tye stated that the large amount of water loss indicated that the leak lasted longer than six days. Director Zell stated that he was disinclined to grant a reduction because this was the second time a leak had occurred on the property due to faulty PVC pipe. Director Sapanai stated that it would be beneficial for the owner to periodically read a satellite meter reading device. Motion to approve a 50% reduction, with the condition that a digital above ground meter reader is placed on the property at the owner's expense made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, granted by unanimous vote.
Granting of Request to Increase the Use at Shakespeare at Stinson for a Summer "Beach Blast" Event: Mr.
Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending approval with conditions that no food preparation
be allowed on the site, that no cloth dying be allowed due to the lack of sanitary facilities, and that the water
facilitates in the permanent bathroom can not be used for clean up. Director Sapanai clarified that there had
been no response from the County due to pending litigation.
Ms. Barbara Scott stated that she was confused about the use permit and the children's show. The Board clarified that the County has jurisdiction over use issues, that the District has jurisdiction over water and wastewater issues, that the children's show issue was not before the Board at this time, and that no correspondence had been received by the District stating that SAS was currently in compliance. Motion made by Elizabeth Sapanai to approve the request with the condition that proper application must be made to Alex Hinds, Marin County Planning Director, by the permit holder as stipulated in the Marin County Board of Supervisors Resolution and the multi-party settlement agreement, that no art projects requiring any water- based clean up be allowed due to the lack of facilitates, that the permanent bathrooms may not be used (portable toilets only may be used), that no food preparation be allowed on site and that the County clarifies and settles ambiguous issue regarding definition of "for day use", seconded by Director Veit, granted by unanimous vote.
- Review of General Manager's Contract: The Board and the General Manager met in closed session. President Zell returned the meeting to open session and stated that the General Manager's contract had been discussed and that an agreement had been reached by the Board for a six month interim contract with the General Manager with no change to the salary, no change to benefits, reduction of car allowance to $350.00 per month, reimbursement of .36 cents per mile for documented District business on a form to be submitted monthly, deletion of any gas allowance, deletion of any auto maintenance allowance.
Motion to continue all remaining items to a Special Meeting to be held on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 and to notify any concerned parties of that continuance made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell.
The Board agreed by consensus to direct the Wastewater Committee, the Financial Committee, the Legal Committee, and the Personnel Committee to meet.
This item was continued.
This item was continued.
- Consideration of the Fiscal 2005-266 Gann Tax Appropriation Limit: This item was continued.
- Consideration of Rates and Fess: This item was continued.
- Consideration of the Fiscal 2005-266 Budget: This item was continued.
- Consideration of a Negative Declaration: This item was continued.
- Consideration of Title IV Ordinance: This item was continued.
- Consideration of a Contract with Macadam Black: This item was continued.
- Consideration of a Contract Assignment with Waste Management: This item was continued. This item was continued.
- Consideration of a General Manager Contract Resolution: This item was continued.
This item was continued.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Veit, meeting adjourned at 12:18 p.m. by
unanimous vote.