President Jim Zell called a Workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 8, 2005, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director

Directors absent:
Joe Veit, Director

Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Mr. Jeffrey Trotter, of Shakespeare at Stinson, summarized that he had asked Mr. Dinges about obtaining an annual temporary toilet permit for "special" events, asked what the associated fee would be, and questioned the draft Title IV review process and how the proposed draft title IV addressed this issue. Mr. Dinges responded that the fee had not been set yet, stated that Title IV had been out for public review for over 30 days, and stated that the "special" permit situation would probably apply to SAS. Director Tye clarified that the only change to section 4.11.250, Use of Chemical Toilets was the inclusion of the words "or upon application to the District for a special event. Upon filing of a temporary toilet permit application and payment of the prescribed fee.


Motion to revise the agenda, moving item F, Manager's Report, ahead of item D, General Business, made by President Zell, seconded by Director Sapanai, agenda revised by unanimous vote.


Mr. Dinges stated that a JPIA sexual harassment informational class would be held on September 28th at the District office. Mr. Dinges informed the Board that he had met with John Reynolds at Krieger and Stewart regarding the treatment plant, and that DHS was requiring a membrane filter/water type comparison study. Mr. Dinges further stated that if a new filter system is not installed, the District would still have to comply with DHS requirements to filter all backwash water to a waste basin after the backwashing process, to build a settling tank and a secondary tank, to increase surface water monitoring above the filter, and to replace the intermediate clarifier with an up-flow unit. Mr. Dinges stated that 2011 DHS requirements would be 4-log removal credits and that the two proposed filtration systems have a log removal of 3.5 (Pall micro-filtration unit) and 4 (Koch alter-filtration unit) and summarized the bidding schedule. Mr. Dinges clarified that the cost of the comparison study would be the responsibility of the filter system manufactures.


  1. Review of Draft Emergency Response Plan: Mr. Dinges stated that the current format of the plan was according to section 402 of the California State Drinking Water Law Act requirements and asked that the Board submit input regarding the overall plan and site instructions. The Board suggested that the plan be further edited to include format changes, reorganization, content revisions, and grammar corrections. Mr. Dinges advised that the plan would be coordinated with the Fire Department Plan.
  2. Review of E & M, Inc. Telemetry Service Contract Proposal for $50, 560.00: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report stating that a decision should be made regarding responsibility for the panel and recommending that the owners retain responsibility. Director Sapanai expressed concerns regarding cost implications, unanswered questions, contract parameters, the lack of established system data, licensing and proprietary issues. Director Sapanai suggested that more time was needed to closely review this issue. Director Tye stated that the District was already paying for E & M to create a functional specification, a service that was included in the proposed contract, and did not want to have effort duplicated. Mr. Dinges stated that only the more complex systems would need monitoring and that a Grant may be available from Regional to finalize the project. The Board directed the General Manager to pursue possible funding from Regional and to continue the item until the August Workshop Meeting.


Director Tye, of the Emergency Operation Committee, asked the Board for approval to attend an OES Disaster meeting. The Board advised all members to utilize common sense to determine whether or not to attend outside meetings, to, whenever possible, retrieve information from published minutes and documents, and to limit outside meeting attendance to only those meetings that directly relate to District business. The Board reviewed the 2005 Board of Directors Committee List and revised the list.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Gilbert, meeting adjourned at 6:00 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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