President Jim Zell called a Special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, April 6, 2005, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
John Gilbert, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director

Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board


Director Sapanai, of the Legal Committee, stated that the committee had met to review the recently submitted antenna lease proposal and had contacted Sandy Cross, chair of the SBVA telemetry committee, to obtain public input on this issue. Ms. Sandra Cross, of 37 Buena Vista Ave., stated that currently there was a Nextel application to install an antenna at the Post Office Complex. Ms. Cross further stated that a State Appeals Court decision had reviewed what issues could be considered when installing antennas such as migratory bird patterns, and what issues could not be considered, including health issues. Ms. Cross informed the Board that Marin County requires an EIR and that the Federal Telecommunications Act has a National Policy of blanket coverage over the entire Country. Ms. Cross discussed other County policies, health study results, Stinson Beach Community input regarding location, the possibility of locating the antenna in Bolinas and slowing down the application process. Director Sapanai responded that the Legal Committee would review the issue further. Ms. Barbara Scott, of 43 Arenal, submitted documents related to establishment of a Bay Watershed Council. Director Tye stated that the County had previously reviewed a Bolinas Lagoon Countywide Watershed Proposal and had determined not to establish a Bay Watershed Council at that time because the future of Bolinas Lagoon was uncertain.


Motion to adopt the agenda, as presented made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Continuation of Consideration of an Ordinance Amendment Concerning Title IV Revisions: The Board agreed by consensus to continue this item.
  2. Continuation of Consideration of a Resolution Approving A Negative Declaration Pertaining to Title IV Revisions: The Board agreed by consensus to continue this item.
  3. Adoption of Resolution GB-2005-03 Authorizing Two Contract Change Orders from Fort Bragg Electric: Director Veit asked if the portable generator for emergency use could be used at the Alder Grove Well site. Mr. Dinges responded that during a power outage it would be preferable to have two generators. Director Tye reminded the Board that addition of the generator and other Alder Grove Well expenses had been reviewed at the February 9, 2005 Workshop meeting. The Board discussed the importance of the committee's roles in acting as information liaison between the General Manager and the Board. Motion to adopt Resolution GB- 2005-03 made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye, adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Initial Review of Draft Fiscal 2005-2006 Budget: Director Veit stated that the Financial Committee had met to review the draft budget and that Mr. Dinges had summarized important budget issues in the Manager's Report. Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report stating that the Water and Wastewater fee revenue included a proposed 15% increase, that estimated expenses had an overall decrease of 5% and that estimated contractual services increased 29%. The Board directed staff to include a budget summary briefly describing the change highlights. Mr. Dinges discussed the importance of trying to get the water system back on 'mapping' and how the District needed updated maps of the water system itself and suggested that taking on responsibility for the wastewater panels and monitoring and maintaining them in-house may reduce costs. Mr. Dinges stated that "outside services" seemed to have the largest impact on this year's budget as there was a 30% increase over last year and that lab testing costs were increasing and suggested getting proposals for such testing. Director Tye asked if creek monitoring would continue to be performed by outside sources. Mr. Dinges explained that Morgan Sanders would be conducting monitoring in-house. Mr. Dinges stated that there would be cost increases related to update of the server to Windows XP and to gas prices. Director Tye asked what percentage of money was extracted by the state and Mr. Dinges stated it to be 10%. Treasurer Boucke said she would review legislation. Director Veit discussed the reduction of the L.A.I.F. fund from $4000,000. to $140,000. The Board agreed that cash flow reports should be done on a monthly basis to provide better clarification. Mr. Dinges concluded that the final Budget would be presented in May or June 2005. Director Tye added that last years report was given on May 7th so the District was ahead of schedule this year.


  1. Annual Performance Review of the General Manager and Review of Employee Matters: The Board met in closed session to review the General Manager's performance and to review employee matters discussed at the Meet and Confer conferences. The Board came out of closed session and President Zell stated that no action was taken.




Mr. Dinges stated that a presentation could be made by Mr. Allan Lilly and requested input from the Board. The Board requested that the presentation cost be kept to a minimum.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye, meeting adjourned at 6:50 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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