President Joseph Veit called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, December 18, 2004, at the District Office located at 3785
Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Joseph Veit, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Charles Dutkin, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Directors absent:
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Director Tye commended President Veit on his leadership over the past year.
Motion to adopt the agenda as presented, made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell, adopted by
unanimous vote.
Motion to approve November 3, 2004 minutes made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, approved by
unanimous vote.
Motion to approve November 13, 2004 minutes with amendments made by Director Zell, seconded by
Director Tye, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve November, 2004 disbursements made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Dutkin,
approved by unanimous vote.
- Denial of a Waiver Request for Property Located at 15 Calle del Mar, AP# 195-192-07, George and Joanne Hasler, Owners, Jeffrey Trotter, Shakespeare at Stinson, Agent: President Veit discussed the original intent of the District permit, issued in 1994, as temporary, and discussed the current status of the County Operating Permit as an interim permit. President Veit suggested that staff deny additional expansion of the use permit as District Code does not allow use of chemical toilets in perpetuity, and that the intent of District Code does not allow intensified use for a temporary permit. Treasurer Boucke stated that the SAS financial statements indicate that attendance is declining, not increasing, and suggested that staff ask the applicant to disclose attendance records. Director Zell stated that District Code should be considered when assessing the viability or non-viability of the situation on this particular site. Mr. Dinges stated that Johanna Patri, at Marin County Planning, had responded to the District, stating that Mr. Trotter has not filed for building permits, which placed SAS in violation of the District Permit. Director Dutkin stated that SAS had contributed to the character of the town and that there may be a possible alternative to allow SAS to continue. The Board discussed denial of the waiver fee application reduction. Motion to follow the recommendation of the General Manager denying the Waiver request and fee reduction made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Dutkin, denied by majority vote, Veit, Zell, Tye, in favor, Dutkin, against (Sapanai, absent).
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2004-21 Accepting a Contract Proposal for Kleinfelder Inc. for Geotechnical Engineering Services at the Laurel Treatment Plant: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Motion to adopt the Contract Resolution made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Dutkin, approved by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2004-20 Commending Director Dutkin for Community Service: President Veit read the Resolution and presented it to Director Dutkin. Motion to adopt Commendation Resolution GB- 2004-20 made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Denial of Fee Reduction Request for a Telemetry Panel Located at 30 Belvedere, Stinson Beach Community Center , Owners, Ginny Otis, agent: The Board discussed District budget parameters. Mr. Dinges outlined the estimated costs for the telemetry program and responsibility of the owner for the operation and maintenance of the panels. Ms. Ginny Otis stated that the SBCC is close to the end of phase one of the wastewater system installation and that originally the expectation was that the telemetry panels and the Fast(r) system would be donated by the manufacturers and/or installers. Director Tye stated that this Fiscal year was particularly difficult for the District due to the reduction of apportionment tax revenue by the State and stated that the District has already extended considerable financial aid. Motion to issue an interest free loan for two years with a balloon payment made by Director Dutkin. Ms. Otis stated that the SBCC would not accept a loan situation. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion to offer an installment sale over three years due in December of 2007 made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Director Tye, approved by unanimous vote.
- Review of the January-June 2004 Semiannual Wastewater Report: Mr. Dinges stated that GGNRA Park had indicated that they would be replacing the failed wastewater system and would join the District's onsite wastewater monitoring program. The Board reviewed the report results. Director Tye stated that it was important to inform applicants that during the initial implementation of the telemetry program there are various problems and glitches that need to be worked out.
- Administration of Oath of Office: Mr. Dinges administered the Oath of Office to Director Tye and Director Gilbert.
- Election of District Board President and Vice President: President Veit outlined the historical procedure of rotation for the positions. Nomination of Jim Zell for President made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Director Veit, elected by unanimous vote. Nomination of Scott Tye for Vice President made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Director Veit, elected by unanimous vote.
- Establishment of District Committees: The Board added Government Relations to the Grant Committee, assigned Scott Tye to the Wastewater Committee, assigned John Gilbert to the Water Engineering Committee and the Garbage & Recycling Committee, and assigned Joe Veit and Barbara Boucke (as an advisor) to the Personnel Committee.
President Veit, stated that the Finance Committee had met to discuss the PERS retirement plan and that
there would be further financial review of the plan.
President Veit also reported that he had met with District counsel and that Title IV required some cross
reference additions and that the Code would define that certain types of experimental systems would not
require a variance if there is no increase of square footage. Director Tye stated that it was important to
ensure that counsel finalized the legal review of Title IV so that the Board could continue with the process.
Director Zell, Garbage and Recycling Committee, stated that Resource Recovery is reducing the number of
committee members, is currently seeking permits, and that the County supports the use of a tub grinder.
Mr. Dinges stated that Alder Grove Well should be operational in January of 2005 and that the design of the
new treatment plant had been submitted to the engineer. Mr. Dinges stated that all of the continued variance
applications originally heard in October and November would be heard in January and February.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Dutkin, meeting adjourned at 11:20 a.m. by
unanimous vote.