President Joseph Veit called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 13, 2004, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Joseph Veit, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Charles Dutkin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer




Motion to revise the agenda, moving item 8, water use adjustment request, ahead of item 1, variance request, made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Sapanai, revised by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve October 23, 2004 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve October, 2004 disbursements made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Denial of a Water Use Charge Reduction for Property Located at 28 Calle del Embarcadero, AP# 195- 132-11, Robert and Patricia Major, Owners: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending denial of the water use charge reduction request. Motion to deny the water use reduction request made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye. Director Dutkin suggested an amendment to the motion to grant a 50% reduction. The motion was not amended due to lack of a second. The Board discussed limited storage capacities, tiered rates, and possible damage to the onsite wastewater system. Mrs. Major summarized the historical water use at the property, the circumstances surrounding the leak, her commitment to conserve water, cash flow constraints due to a fixed income and the subsequent financial burden. Motion to deny the leak reduction request and to offer a repayment plan over a three year period approved by a majority vote, Veit, Zell, Sapanai. Tye, in favor, Dutkin, against.
  2. Continuance of Variance Request for Property Located at 7000 Panoramic Highway, AP # 195-223-10, Wendy Hunt, Owner: This item was continued.
  3. Continuance of Variance Request for Property Located at 18 Avenida Farralone, AP # 195-111-05, Dennis Fitzpatrick, Owner: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending approval of the Variance conditional on limiting the maximum gpd usage to 600. Mr. Pearce summarized the variance application. The Board discussed the current and proposed gallon per day limits, variance codes, proposed remodeling, soil conditions, inadequacies in making the second variance finding, remodeling vs. new construction, site criteria and slope reduction. Mr. Fitzpatrick stated that the reason for the proposed increase in water usage to 900 gpd was so that the proposed system could support a possible future remodel. Mr. Fitzpatrick further stated that he wanted to avoid installing two systems, one now and another one at a future date. Mr. Pearce suggested that either the applicant amend the variance application for a system with a lower gpd use or continue the application until the remodel or new construction will begin. Director Zell clarified the definition of "remodel" and "additional conditioned space" and suggested that the distinction be clarified during processing of future variance/waiver applications. Motion to approve the variance application with an amendment to the system design for a maximum gpd of 600 and an average gpd of 400 made by Director Sapanai. Mr. Fitzpatrick requested that the application be continued.
  4. Adoption of Resolution WW-2004-12 Granting a Waiver Request for Property Located at 43 Arenal Avenue, AP # 195-221-01, John Gilbert, Owner: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending approval of a Waiver to use an alternative system. Motion to adopt Waiver Resolution WW- 2004-12 made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, adopted by unanimous vote.
  5. Continuance of Waiver Request for Property Located at 7500 Panoramic Highway, AP # 195-213-01, John Perry, Owner: Mr. Popisil of Questa Engineering, engineer for the applicant, requested on behalf of Mr. Perry that the waiver application be continued.
  6. Adoption of Resolution GB-2004-17 Amending Waste Management Rates: Director Tye stated that a service survey had been sent out by the County regarding a waste transfer/drop off site. Motion to adopt Rate Amendment Resolution GB-2004-17 made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, adopted by majority vote, Veit, Zell, Sapanai, Dutkin for, Tye against.
  7. Adoption of Resolution GB-2004-18 Approving a Contract with Wetlands Research Assoc. in the Amount of $8,943.00: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report stating that the Wetlands Research draft proposal had been submitted to the Coastal Commission. Motion to adopt Contract Approval Resolution GB-2004-18 made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, adopted by unanimous vote.
  8. Adoption of Resolution GB-2004-19 Accepting the Fiscal 2003-2004 Audited Financial Statements: Ms. Boucke summarized the accounting information and stated that District auditor, Terry Krieg, had done a fine job. The Board discussed possible rate increases, the fact that the District is operating at a loss, the tax base revenue loss, and the need to advise the public of all of this information. Motion to adopt Audit Resolution GB-2004-19 made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Tye, adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Review of Easkoot Creek Report: Dr. Bill Motzer, of Todd Engineers, presented the coliform Source Identification Study, stating that the information had not appreciatively changed since the last presentation in September of 2004. Dr. Motzer presented information regarding sampling sites, coliform ratios, surface and groundwater flow, microbial source tracking methods and DNA testing parameters. Dr. Motzer concluded that the human fecal coliform increases dramatically south of the GGNRA Park and suggested ways to eradicate the human fecal coliform including renovation of the GGNRA restrooms, installation of monitoring wells, and additional testing.
  2. Review of Failed Wastewater Systems: The Board reviewed the list of failed systems and discussed the status of the Robinson system.


Director Sapanai, Wastewater Committee, stated that she had met with Mr. Pearce, Mr. Dinges and Director Tye to discuss procedural review of wastewater issues, variances, hearings, etc.


Mr. Dinges presented information regarding the telemetry system software. Mr. Dinges further stated that Alder Grove Well construction was moving forward.


"Gail Bennett" motion to adjourn made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Tye, meeting adjourned at 12:30 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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