Vice President Jim Zell called a Workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County
Water District to order at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, August 4, 2004, at the District Office located at 3785
Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, Vice President
Charles Dutkin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
Directors absent:
Joseph Veit, President
Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager/Secretary to the Board
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Dutkin, adopted
by unanimous vote.
Discussion/Review of Conditions Regarding Encroachment Onto the District's Utility Easement Located at
7000 Panoramic Highway: Director Sapanai stated that, upon reading the Manager's Report, a number of
legal red flags were raised which need to be resolved, including the District's ability to enforce an agreement,
and that it would be prudent to get a legal opinion. The Board discussed legal definitions, attorney costs, and
concerns regarding who would be the benefiting parties, what the benefits would be, and the problem with
enforcing a multiple owner easement agreement.
Mr. Dave Horning, agent for Ms. Hunt, stated that there were numerous issues that needed to be resolved including the location of the water main outside of the easement on the property, the roadway which is located outside the easement, dedication of the easement for the water main, and that he would be willing to cover costs related to rewriting an easement agreement.
The Board agreed by consensus to direct the General Manager to obtain a legal opinion from District counsel and to continue the item to a future meeting. - Discussion/Review of Backflow Prevention Device Testing Requirements: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report stating that State Title 22 requires that backflow prevention devices must be tested at least annually. Director Dutkin stated that it was a financial burden to those owners with backflow prevention devices and that it was worthwhile to periodically review the requirement to lessen the burden on the customer wherever possible. The Board discussed the vulnerability of the BPD locations near streets and driveways and the possible inclusion of Code language stating that the device must be protected from mechanical injury, District requirements for installation or postponement of installation, health and safety issues, and the program to phase required installations over a period of years.
- Review of Ongoing Task List: Director Tye requested that the Village Green I & II water budgets be moved to top priority. The Board discussed various items on the list including tree trimming at Steep Ravine Tank, Title IV priority, the disaster plan, emergency response site review and training, the barn/GGNRA issue.
Director Tye stated that Karen Cauldwell of the GGNRA Park had stated that she was currently attempting to
obtain a scope of work to perform a study on their wastewater system. Director Tye further stated that at this
time there are no reported West Nile virus infected mosquitoes in Marin County, although there have been
reported bird deaths throughout most of Northern California, that the virus has affected the equestrian
population in Southern California, and that there are currently 36 reported cases of human infection and two
deaths in California.
Ms. Barbara Boucke, of the Financial Committee, stated that she had met with Raven Schauf and Mr. Terry
Krieg, District auditor, and that the Fiscal 2004 audit will be completed in two days. Ms. Boucke stated that
Mr. Krieg had suggested that the Board review the "wastewater" fund, its title, and its status as an enterprise
or non-enterprise. The Board discussed the issue and directed Mr. Dinges to review the issue with Mr. Krieg.
Mr. Dinges stated that the telemetry panels would be arriving soon, that system repair construction is
complete at 28 Calle del Pinos, that he would be meeting with Ms. Mary Robinson regarding her failed
system, that Alder Grove Well construction was currently stalled as suggested by District counsel until the
County permit situation is resolved, that the DNA testing results had been received by Todd Engineers, that
the District had been verbally contacted by the Coastal Commission regarding the lagoon pipeline, and that a
new water meter had been installed at the GGNRA Park.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Dutkin, meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. by
unanimous vote.