Saturday, June 22, 2002


President Charles Dutkin called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 22, 2002, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Charles Dutkin, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Robert Oliver, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Director's absent:
Joe Veit, Director

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Ms. Barbara Scott, of 43 Arenal, requested that the Board consider use of the toilets at Shakespeare at Stinson before and after the currently approved seasonal use. The Board advised that a formal request/proposal would have to be submitted to the property owner, Shakespeare at Stinson, the County and the District.
Mr. Scott Tye, of 149 Seadrift Road, advised that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report for the Bolinas Ecosystem Restoration Project was available for public review and comment and that a County Meeting had been tentatively set for July 24, 2002.
Ms. Marion Weber, of 7250 Panoramic, asked Staff if there had been any updates on the antenna issue. Mr. Dinges advised that there had not.


Motion to revise the agenda, moving item 6, Pesticide Policy to prior to all other items, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, agenda adopted as presented by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve May 1, 2002 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve May 18, 2002 minutes with amendment to correct year to 2002, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve May, 2002 disbursements made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


The Board received Financial Statements for the third quarter of the Fiscal 2001-2002 year.


  1. Discussion of Pesticide/Herbicide Policy: Director Sapanai summarized the efforts that had been made by committee members to produce a resolution, concluding that the Policy would have to be divided into two separate issues. Director Sapanai stated that the issue of neighbor notification would have to be dealt with at the County level as the District does not have authority to require neighbor notification, and that initiation of a County Ordinance would be up to the public and the County. Director Sapanai stated that the District may consider supporting actions directed towards realization of a County Ordinance. The Board directed the General Manager to continue the item for further discussion, suggested that members of the public distribute literature at the Post Office and at the Seadrift Association Office and other local venues, and agreed to include literature in billings.
  2. Adoption of Resolution GB-2002-04, Fiscal 2002-2003 Annual Operating and Capital Budget: Director Dutkin stated that at the previous workshop meeting the Board had generally concurred that the Draft Budget was acceptable for endorsement. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2002-04, Fiscal 2002-2003 Operating and Capital Budget, made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
  3. Denial of Request by Shakespeare at Stinson, 15 Calle del Mar, to Utilize Two Onsite Permanent Bathrooms: Richard Dinges summarized the Manger's Report, recommending that the request not be granted. Director Sapanai reminded the Board that the previously adopted Resolution WW-2002-04 prohibited use of those bathrooms until they were moved out of the streamside conservation area and required that any changes to the agreement would require notification of the County and all other involved agencies, which in this case was not done. Mr. John O'Conner, of the Bolinas Lagoon Watershed Team and the Tomales Bay Association, stated that the language of Resolution WW-2002-04 established an important precedent, especially regarding protection of the streamside conservation area, and should not be overturned. Motion to deny request made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, denied by unanimous vote.
  4. Adoption of Resolution GB-2002-05, Deposit and Investment Policy: Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, stating that the only revision to the existing Policy was the addition of "Personnel Director" to category C, and recommending adoption of the Resolution. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2002-05, Deposit and Investment Policy, made by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Zell, adopted by unanimous vote.
  5. Adoption of Resolution GB-2002-06, Designating Signatories: Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, stating that the revisions to Resolution GB-1998-04 were regarding definitions of signatories in sections A, B and C, and recommended adoption of the Resolution. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2002-06, Designation of Signatories, made by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Denial of Leak Reduction Request at 358 Seadrift Road, AP#: 195-300-14, Linda and Sanford Gallanter Trust, owners: Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, recommending that a 50% reduction be granted contingent on various requirements. The applicant was not present. Director Zell stated that the circumstances of the leak, failure of irrigation system, was within the customer's control and as such did not fall under reduction criteria according to Resolution GB-2001-02. Director Zell further stated that granting of a reduction in this case would promote a misunderstanding within the Community of the interpretation of the Reduction Policy and that there were discrepancies within the documentation submitted by Ms. Gallanter. Director Dutkin suggested that the request be continued so that the applicant would have further opportunity to submit documentation. Director Sapanai advised that the request had already been continued once before at the request of the applicant. Motion to continue the request again until the next regular meeting, motion died for lack of second. Motion to deny reduction made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Oliver, reduction request denied by unanimous vote.
  2. Review of the Semiannual Reports for 2001: Richard Dinges summarized the reports submitted by Troy Pearce, SBCWD wastewater engineer, to be forwarded to the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, suggesting that a map of the testing sites be included. Director Sapanai questioned whether the conclusion that excessive fecal coliform samples were not human derived was based on the lack of nitrates and ammonia. Mr. Dinges stated that it may be based on findings of animal remains located near the testing sites. Director Dutkin suggested that the report be clarified in the Review/Summary sections so that the numbers add up correctly. No action was taken.


Director Zell requested that the Water Use Reduction Resolution be reviewed at the next Workshop meeting.


Richard Dinges summarized projects which were completed in the Fiscal 2001-2002 year including replacement of Highlands Mainline (with savings of approximately $10,000.00), installation of submersible pump at Ranch Tank and Highlands Well, asphalting of the Downtown and Highlands areas, replacement of 800 lineal feet of mainline at Highway One and Alder Grove, installation of motor saving equipment at Black Rock and Ranch Tanks, installation of auto dialers at Laurel Treatment Plant and Alder Grove Well, installation of chlorine alarm at Alder Grove Well, installation of level indicator at Laurel Tank, relocation of Alder Grove Well sample site, location of Seadrift mystery cross-over main line and installation of isolation valve, painting of office interior, and replacement of Ranch Booster pump. Mr. Dinges stated that two eight-week part time positions will be filled to help while District employees are on vacation.


"Gail Bennet" motion to adjourn made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. by unanimous vote.

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