Saturday, February 23, 2002


Directors present:
Charles Dutkin, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Robert Oliver, Director

Director's absent:
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary




The agenda was adopted as presented. Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Sapanai, agenda adopted by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve January 19, 20002 minutes made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve January, 2002 disbursements made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Adoption of Resolution WW-2002-03, Granting a Variance at Lot 60 Puenta Rizal, AP# 195-152-06, Jack F. Harper and Charlotte Schmidt-Irvine, owners: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Mr. Troy Pearce summarized the parameters of the proposed system. Director Sapanai directed questions to the applicant's engineer regarding the location of the alternate system location and the square footage of the residence. Norm Hantzsche, engineer for the applicant, stated that this system is already designed as a dual system with a primary and secondary drip field and that the secondary drip field would serve as the alternate location and that there is no other site available on the property for an additional alternate location. Mr. Hantzsche further stated that all setbacks had been met. Director Sapanai suggested that the system be limited to a 450 gallons per day maximum as opposed to the proposed 600 gallons per day maximum. Motion to adopt Resolution WW-2002-03, Granting a Variance at Lot 60 Puenta Rizal, with amendment to allow a 450 gallon per day maximum, made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, adopted by unanimous vote.
  2. Adoption of Resolution WW-2003-04, Granting a Waiver at 15 Calle del Mar, AP# 195-192-07, George Hasler, owner, Jeffrey Trotter, Shakespeare at Stinson, agent: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, outlined historical aspects of the portable toilets at SAS, and stated that compliance with the submitted construction schedule will not be based on available funding as stated on that schedule. Mr. Ron Krempetz, representative for SAS stated that the one temporary toilet (portable) currently on site is pumped weekly and stated that the current construction schedule is in compliance with the County permit. Director Sapanai stated that any Waiver approved by the District must be contingent on the fact that all buildings at SAS are temporary and meet County Code, and contingent on the fact that there is no conflict between County and District permits and applications. Mr. Ken Solin, of 145 Buena Vista, requested that the Waiver include a condition that no pumping of portable toilets will occur prior to 8:00 a.m. Members of the public expressed concerns regarding monitoring responsibilities, parking issues, the status of the existing red-tagged permanent toilet and the validity of the construction schedule when compared to County and Planning applications/records. Mr. Krempetz clarified for the public the construction phases over the next three years. Motion to adopt Resolution WW-2003-04 with amendment to include contingency upon compliance with the submitted construction schedule by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
  3. Adoption of Resolution WW-2002-05, Directing the Abatement of a Nuisance Located at 470 Calle del Mar, AP# 195-122-03, Robert and Juliann Temer, owners: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Motion to adopt Resolution WW-2002-05 made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Dutkin, adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Granting of a Leak Reduction at 104 Seadrift, AP# 195-051-31, Gibbons Investors Limited Partnership, Betty McCurry-Schei, owner, Mr. Chris Harrington, agent: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Mr. Harrington advised that the previous granted leak adjustments were also related to heating system failure. Mr. Lawrence Schei, agent for Betty McCurry-Schei, outlined the circumstances surrounding the leak. The Board discussed various aspects of the leak. Motion to grant a 50% reduction less the previously granted reductions in the amount of $1,895.89 with the amendment to have the valves "keyed" and to hire a maintenance contractor to monitor the water meter made by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Sapanai, reduction granted by unanimous vote.
  2. Granting of a Leak Reduction at 185 Seadrift, AP# 195-031-29, Joane Berry Trust, owner: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Director Sapanai advised that a leak within a secondary line is considered beyond the reasonable control of the owner as outlined in the District Water Use Reduction Code. Ms. Berry answered questions from the Directors. Motion to grant a 50% reduction in the amount of $1,771.00 made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Oliver, reduction granted by unanimous vote.




Mr. Richard Dinges advised the Board that Black Rock Tank designs are currently being reviewed by interested members of the public and that the project is moving forward. Mr. Dinges further advised that the District had been contacted by the SBFD regarding review of the hydrant maintenance agreement and that he was not recommending any changes in the current agreement. Mr. Dinges stated that the District has made application for two grants; one to replace the SBCC failed septic system, and one for the replacement of the Black Rock Water Tank.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Oliver, seconded by Director Sapanai, meeting adjourned at 12:10 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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