July 28, 2001
President Robert Oliver called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, June 23, 2001, at the District office
located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Robert Oliver, President
Charles Dutkin, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Director's absent:
Joe Veit, Director
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
Lance Becker, of 101 Calle del Mar, questioned the Board regarding pumping options for
Becker's by the Beach property. Director Sapanai advised that pumping was not an option.
The agenda was revised to move item 6 (Felch Leak Reduction) between item 2 and 3. Item 7
was deleted.
Motion to approve June 7, 2001 minutes with amendments made by Director Sapanai, seconded
by Director Zell, approved by unanimous vote. Motion to approve June 23, 2001 minutes made
by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the June, 2001 disbursements made by Director Sapanai, seconded by
Director Zell, approved by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution WW-2001-06 Granting a Variance to Ordinance 2000-01 for Property Located at 179 Seadrift Road, AP# 195-030-32, William and Patricia Belardi, owners: Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. Mrs. Belardi stated that she was agreeable to District requests regarding the variance including the modification of the sandfilter system to include drip irrigation and UV. Motion to adopt Resolution WW-2001-06 made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Jim Zell, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Consideration of a Request to Waive the Variance Procedure for Property Located at 101 Calle del Mar, AP# 195-191-16, Hal Airey, owner, Lance Becker, tenant: Richard Dinges summarized the manager's report. Director Sapanai stated that this situation would require a formal procedure, specifically application for a Waiver.
- Granting of a Leak Reduction at 7373 Panoramic Highway, AP# 195-231-12, William and Virginia Felch, owners: Mr. Felch summarized the circumstances surrounding the leak and stated that he had installed a shut-off valve. The Board discussed the nature of this particular leak, its location in a main lateral and the current concerns of outside agencies such as NMFS regarding District leak reductions. Director Zell expressed concerns regarding the percentage of reduction. Motion to grant a 75% reduction made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Director Sapanai, reduction granted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2001-09 Fiscal 2001-2002 Annual Operating and Capital Budget: Director Oliver complimented Richard Dinges on the presentation of the Budget. Richard Dinges summarized the Budget. The Board discussed aspects of the Budget including plant operations, staff reductions, the budget comparison schedule, wage and salary increases, solutions to cover revenue shortages, Budget reserve amounts, grant applications, and upcoming fiscal year expenses related to additional increased lab testing, increased electrical costs and increased regulation. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2001-09 Fiscal 2001-2002 Budget and Rate and Fee Schedule made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2001-10 Establishing the Employee Benefits Program for Fiscal 2001-2002: Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2001-10 made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2001-11 District Rate and Fee Amendments: Director Dutkin expressed concerns regarding specific rate and fee adjustments as related to the exclusion of tiers one and two in the charge increase considering increasing District operational costs. Director Dutkin further expressed concerns regarding the "inequitable" distribution of cost to part-time residents and agreed to meet with Mr. Dinges regarding future interim adjustments. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2001-11 Rate and Fee Schedule made by Director Zell, seconded by Director Sapanai, adopted by unanimous vote.
- Agenda Item Deleted.
Review of NMFS Correspondence and the Establishment of a Water Conservation Committee:
Director Sapanai stated that the correspondence from Brian O'Neil was disappointing as it failed
to address the positive action the District has taken and failed to suggest real remedial action.
Director Dutkin suggested that future correspondence be more assertive.
Director Zell stated that it was important for the District to refrain from jeopardizing the support it now has from community groups and local coalitions and that the District should seek to integrate District and NMFS efforts to realize mutual objectives.
Director Zell and Director Sapanai volunteered to serve on the Water Conservation Committee.
Director Oliver, of the Bolinas-Stinson Resource Recovery, reported that the project was currently
operating with minimal cash flow.
Richard Dinges reported that Budget figures for District wages were comparative to North Marin Water
District and other local water Districts. Mr. Dinges further reported that participation in the Marin County
Mapping project would cost the District $10,000.00.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Dutkin, seconded by Director Zell, meeting adjourned by
unanimous vote at 11:35 a.m.