APRIL 5, 2001


President Robert Oliver called a workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 5, 2001, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Robert Oliver, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Directors absent:
Charles Dutkin, Vice President

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Jeffrey Trotter, of Shakespeare at Stinson, stated that District staff instructed Mr. Trotter that another Variance would be required for holding tanks. Mr. Trotter also stated that the Board had requested that all on site structures be temporary with the exception of the two permanent bathrooms. Mr. Trotter then requested that the Board review 1994 documents which he submitted, that the Board assist him in permitting the portable toilets with permanent status if the County issued a seven year permit to operate and that the Board generate a letter to Environmental Health stating that the use of portable toilets would be acceptable to the District. Director Sapanai and Richard Dinges clarified that District staff required an additional Variance for holding tanks because Mr. Trotter re-submitted the same plans for the second Variance Application as were submitted for the original Variance Application and those plans still indicated the use of holding tanks. Director Sapanai advised that despite the inclusion of holding tanks on the plans, the holding tank option could not be revisited.


The agenda was adopted as presented.


  1. Discussion Concerning Adjustments to Operational Fee, Rates and Charges: Mr. Dinges summarized the Manager's Report. The Board discussed various options regarding rate revisions which would be necessary to cover future District costs, including seasonal surcharges for high usage during the critical supply months, 5% increase in the basic water service fee as well as tiers three, four, five, six and seven, no change in the in the first and second tier rates, etc.
  2. Discussion of Title lll: Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report and requested that the Board adopt an Ordinance at the next meeting. Mr. Dinges stated that the Habitat Restoration Report submitted by Mr. Chuck Hanson will be incorporated into the District's Water Conservation Policy.


Director Sapanai commented on the recent correspondence from Mr. Brian O'Neill and the lack of specific information regarding what items need to be complied with in order for the District to renew its lease with GGNRA. The Board directed staff to initiate a series of letters asking for clarification and specifics regarding the items of GGNRA concern.


Richard Dinges stated that plans to attend the ACWA conference in Washington, DC had been cancelled. Mr. Dinges also advised the Board that a portable treatment filter system may be available to the District at a discounted price.


Motion to adjourn made by Joe Veit, seconded by Jim Zell, meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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