FEBRUARY 3, 2001
President Robert Oliver called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, February 3, 2001, at the District office
located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Robert Oliver, President
Charles Dutkin, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
The Agenda was adopted as presented.
Motion to approve December 11, 2000 minutes made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe
Veit, approved by unanimous vote. Motion to approve December 16, 2000 minutes made by Joe
Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve the December, 2000 disbursements made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by
Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.
The Board received the Financial Statements for the first and second quarter of the fiscal year.
- Adoption of Resolution GB-2001-03 Fiscal 1999-2000 Audit: Mr. Terry Krieg, CPA, District Auditor summarized the results of the financial audit for the fiscal year July, 1999 through June, 2000. Mr. Krieg stated that the District ended the year with a $1,000,000.00 increase in assets, a $50,000.00 decrease in liabilities, the meeting of all long term debt obligations and a net change in equity of $109,000.00 in income. Mr. Krieg further stated that changes in figures between fiscal 1999 and fiscal 2000 were due mainly to Capital Project activity and summarized pages 5 through 15 of the audit report. Mr. Krieg summarized the internal control report and recommended improvements including increased efforts to improve the accuracy of the fixed assets schedules and the deprecation schedules and reconciliation of accounts receivables reports. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2001-3 made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.
- Adoption of Resolution WW-2001-01 Directing the Abatement of a Nuisance at 28 Calle del Pinos, AP# 195-164-10, Teresa Patterson, Owner: Motion to adopt Resolution WW-2001-01 made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Viet, adopted by unanimous vote.
Denial of Variance Application for 15 Calle del Mar, AP# 195-192-07, George Hassler, owner,
Jeffrey Trotter of Shakespeare at Stinson, agent: Members of the Board commented on the
Variance application. Ms. Elizabeth Sapanai stated that there are certain "findings" which are
necessary as outlined in District Code including "that the Variance is necessary for the
preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right" and that this "finding" could not be
made regarding this Variance application. Ms. Sapanai further stated that the use of holding
tanks in this situation was in violation of current SBCWD Code and suggested that the
applicant investigate alternative systems or continue to conform with current patronage usage
figures. Charles Dutkin suggested the implementation of a temporary system until the
technology of a system such as the step system would become available. Mr. Troy Pearce
commented that the possibility of the implementation of a step system was currently remote in
time. Mr. Joe Veit summarized the Manager's recommendation that the Variance be denied
and further explained that the Code specifically states that a Variance cannot be granted
under these circumstances.
Mr. Michael Bacigalupi, a member of the public, stated that his understanding of the proposed patronage increase figure is 200.
Mr. Jeffrey Trotter, of Shakespeare at Stinson, stated that the 200 proposed figure was correct for Saturdays and Sundays and that the intention was to add six Thursday night performances at 100 patrons, that he currently has approval for 155 on Fridays and is asking for an increase on Saturdays and Sundays from 155 to 200.
Mr. Joe Tobin, President of Shakespeare at Stinson of 268 Seadrift Road, stated that he had researched alternative systems, which cost $100,000.00, and that SAS could not financially support that cost. Mr. Tobin suggested that the application be tabled.
Mr. Joe Veit stated that the Variance application in front of the Board was for an increase to 255 patrons and that is the figure being considered. Mr. Veit further advised the applicant that the responsibility for exhausting all possible solutions rests with the applicant and the owner and in this case it was apparent that had not been done in light of the fact that alternatives to a holding tank solution exist.
Mr. Jim Zell stated that the applicant is attempting to add usage without adequate consideration of the wastewater system and the possible negative effects that usage implies. Additionally, Mr. Zell expressed concern regarding the ability to make the findings and stated that it would be difficult to vote on this application considering the amount of conflicting information.
Ms. Sapanai stated that the Board does have enough information in front of them to vote on this application today and advised that the applicant has the opportunity to reapply with a new Variance application.
Mr. Richard Dinges advised the Board that the conditional use permit had not been issued by the County.
Mr. Trotter stated that he had applied at the county for a seven year continued use permit. Richard Gamble of 93 Dipsea, inquired if the use of an alternative system would be acceptable for 200 patron usage.
Ms. Sapanai clarified that if an alternative system was implemented it would have to operate at the current patron usage of 155 for a period of time before increased usage could be considered.
Mr. George Hassler, of 15 Calle del Mar, suggested that the application be withdrawn.
Mr. Troy Pearce advised the Board that the currently allowed usage of 155 is for port-a-potty use and is presently separate from the existing septic system. Mr. Pearce further explained that if the septic system was retrofitted the additional usage of the 155 could be considered a "new use" of approximately 500 gallons in addition to the existing use.
Mr. Richard Dinges reminded the Board that this Variance application had been withdrawn at the November 18, 2000 meeting and again at the December 16, 2000 meeting and that consequently all fees paid by the applicant had been utilized. Mr. Dinges suggested that the applicant be charged on an hourly basis for any further plan changes or that he reapply for a Variance.
Motion to deny the Variance made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, denied by majority vote, Sapanai, Veit, Zell and Oliver in favor, Dutkin, abstained.
Richard Dinges informed the Board that he and Ms. Sapanai would attend the AWWA conference
in Washington, DC in order to seek funding, that Mr. Oliver will attend the Special District
Governance Conference in Monterey to review Brown Act rulings and conflict of interest codes
and that the grant application for the SBCC had been submitted.
Motion to adjourn made by Joe Veit, seconded by Jim Zell, meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at
11:20 a.m.