JULY 22, 2000


President Jim Zell called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, July 22, 2000, at the District office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Robert Oliver, Vice President
Joe Veit, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Charles Dutkin, Director

Director's absent:

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Marti London, of 2 Calle del Resaca, addressed the Board regarding the current leak adjustment policy and how it affects residents with special circumstances, specifically those on a fixed income and requested that this item be on the next meeting agenda. Elizabeth Sapanai responded that all residents have the opportunity to come before the Board in order to seek resolution.
Marion Weber, Educational Liaison, asked that the next agenda include discussion of cell phone contract hearings and consideration of a possible resolution addressing that topic.


The Agenda was adopted as presented.


Motion to approve June 8, 2000 minutes with amendment to clarify paving definition made by Robert Oliver, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote. Motion to approve June 17, 2000 minutes made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote. Motion to approve June 19, 2000 minutes made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Robert Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the June, 2000 disbursements made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.


April, 2000 Financial Statements were received by the Board.


  1. Adoption of Resolution GB-2000-12 Amending Resolution No. 1994-00 Director's Residency: Elizabeth Sapanai suggested that the Government Elections Code language be incorporated into the SBCWD Code. Motion to amend Resolution 1994-00 regarding Director residency to include Government Code § 244 and State Water Code §30500 by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, amended by unanimous vote.
  2. Adoption of Resolution GB-2000-08 Amending Resolution NO. 1996-14 Establishing Compensation for Directors: Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. The Board discussed issues regarding Board responsibilities and compensation. Motion to increase Director fees to $100.00 per meeting. Motion died for lack of a second. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2000-08 increasing Directors compensation to $75.00 per meeting made by Joe Veit, seconded by Robert Oliver, adopted by unanimous vote.
  3. Adoption of Resolution GB-2000-09 Annual Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year 2000- 2001: The Board commended Richard Dinges regarding the presentation of the annual budget. Motion to adopt Resolution GB-2000-09 made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, adopted by unanimous vote.
  4. Adoption of Resolution GB-2000-10 and GB-2000-11 Electing to be Subject to PERS Medical and Hospital Care: Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. The Board discussed the pros and cons of a co-pay system. Motion to Adopt Resolution GB-2000-10 as regards employees and to adopt Resolution GB-2000-11 as regards Board Directors made by Joe Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by majority vote, Zell, Sapanai, Veit in favor, Dutkin opposed.


Jim Zell, Personal Committee Chair, suggested that the Board perform a formal review of the General Manager. The Board discussed possible procedures to perform that task.

I.    Projects

Mr. Dinges reported that the District was in receipt of the Grand Jury Report regarding the failure of management of the environmental health services division of Marin County Community Development Agency. Application has been made to DHS for the construction of Alder Grove Well and the Laurel Water Treatment Plant. DHS has completed the annual inspection of the District . The standby generator has been delivered. The Calles and Patios pipeline replacement project has begun on Calle del Resaca.


Motion to adjourn made by Joe Veit, seconded by Charles Dutkin, meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 10:50 a.m.

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