JUNE 8, 2000


President Jim Zell called a workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 4:05 p.m. on Thursday, June 8, 2000, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Robert Oliver, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director

Directors absent:
Charles Dutkin, Director

Treasurer absent:
Richard Gamble

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary




Item E, Committee Reports, was moved ahead of General Business.


  1. Consideration of Leak Adjustment at 151 Buena Vista, Diana Cohen, owner: Motion to grant a leak adjustment in the amount of 50% of the water usage minus the previous reduction contingent on the five year period beginning on June 8, 2000 made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, granted by unanimous vote.
  2. Consideration of Contract for Security System Installation with McQuinn Security Systems, Inc: Richard Dinges advised the Board of the need for an alarm system in the District office. The Board discussed the advantages and disadvantages of a security system. Motion to approve contract from Doug McQuinn for installation of a security system made by Joe Veit, seconded by Robert Oliver, approved by majority vote, Zell, Veit, and Oliver in favor, Sapanai opposed.
  3. Consideration of Surplus Property Donation of a 1977 Chevy Dump Truck to the Bolinas- Stinson Resource Recovery Committee: Motion to donate the Dump Truck to the Bolinas- Stinson Resource Recovery Committee via the BPUD in its current "as is" condition made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by majority vote, Sapanai, Veit, Zell in favor, Oliver abstained.
  4. Consideration of Contract for Telemetry System Design and Engineering with Kreiger and Stewart Engineering Consultants: Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. The Board discussed general terms and financial aspects of the contract. Motion to approve contract for telemetry engineering services performed by Kreiger and Stewart Engineering made by Robert Oliver, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.
  5. Consideration/Adoption of Memo of Understanding Regarding 2000-2001 Employee Benefits: The Board discussed various parameters of the benefits plan including the health plan co- pay, the reserve pool, and pension plan amendments. Motion to adopt the Memorandum of Understating to be amended to the Fiscal 2000-2001 Budget contingent on further investigation of alternative co-pay plans made by Joe Veit, seconded by Jim Zell, adopted by majority vote, Veit, Zell, Oliver in favor, Sapanai abstained.


Marion Weber, Educational Liaison, submitted cell phone/telecommunication tower video and information for Board review and requested that the Board address the status of the SBCWD pesticide policy. Richard Dinges responded that the pesticide policy would be on a future agenda.

F.    Projects

Richard Dinges reported that the downtown area is scheduled to be paved by Caltrans and that the District will pave portions within the right-of-way prior to Caltrans overlay of Highway One. The District has met the Lead and Copper testing requirements alleviating the need to use additives at this time and has met all other Health Department Compliance Orders. The Annual Water Report was mailed, revisions required by State Health with new form will be re-mailed.


Motion to adjourn made by Robert Oliver, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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